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张学珍(研究员)的个人简介 张学珍,男,1981年生,山东省济宁人,博士,硕士生导师,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员,入选中科院青年创新促进会,荣获地理资源所“可桢杰出青年”


张学珍,男,1981年生,山东省济宁人,博士,硕士生导师,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员,入选中科院青年创新促进会,荣获地理资源所“可桢杰出青年” 基金。现任综合自然地理研究室副主任。已发表论文80余篇(其中SCI论文30余篇)。






2009年7月-2013年12月 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,助理研究员。

2007年10月-2009年4月, (美国)纽约州立大学Albany分校,气象学

2003年9月-2009年7月, 北京师范大学地理与遥感科学学院,自然地理博士

1999年9月-2003年7月, 山东师范大学人口资源与环境学院,地理科学学士




[1] Zhang, X., Z. Xiong, X. Zhang, Y. Shi, J. Liu, Q. Shao, X. Yan. (2016). Using multi-model ensembles to improve the simulated effects of land use/cover change on temperature: a case study over north-east China. Climate Dynamics

[2] Zhang, X., Q. Tang, J. Zheng, Q. Ge R. Mao. (2015) Suppression of spring rain by surface greening over the North China Plain. International Journal of Climatology

[3] Zhang, L, L. Jiang, X. Zhang*. (2015). Spatially precise reconstruction of cropland areas in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China during 1900u20131910. Journal of Geographical Sciences

[4] Hu, Y, X. Zhang, R. Mao, et al. (2015) Modeled responses of summer climate to realistic land use/cover changes from the 1980s to the 2000s over eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research u2013 Atmospheres

[5] He, F., S. Li, X. Zhang. (2015) A spatially explicit reconstruction of forest cover in China over 1700-2000. Global and Planetary Change

[6] Hao, Z, J Zheng, X. Zhang, et al. (2015). Spatial patterns of precipitation anomalies in eastern China during centennial cold and warm periods of the past 2000 years. International Journal of Climatology

[7] Li, S., F. He, X. Zhang. (2015) A spatially explicit reconstruction of cropland cover in China from 1661 to 1996. Regional Environmental Change

[8] Ge, Q., X. Zhang*, and J. Zheng. (2014) Simulated effects of vegetation increase/decrease on temperature changes from 1982 to 2000 across the Eastern China. International Journal of Climatology

[9] Liu, H., Q. Ge, J. Zheng, Z. Hao, X. Zhang* (2014) Crop yield and temperature changes in the North China during 601-900AD.

[10] Zhang, X., Q. Tang, X. Zhang, and D. P. Lettenmaier (2014) Runoff Sensitivity to Global Mean Temperature Change in the CMIP5 Models. Geophysical Research Letters

[11] Ge, Q., Zheng, J., Zhang, X.*, and He, N. 2013. Simulated effects of cropland expansion on summer climate in eastern China in the last three centuries. Advances in Meteorology

[12] Zhang, X., and Tang, Q., 2013. Response of simulated surface air temperature to the inter-annual variability of leaf area index in eastern China. Advances in Meteorology

[13] Zhang, X., Tang, Q., Zheng, J., and Ge, Q., 2013. Warming/cooling effects of cropland greenness changes during 1982-2006 in the North China Plain. Environmental Research Letters

[14] Ge, Q., X. Zhang*, and J. Zheng, , 2013. Simulated effects of vegetation increase/decrease on temperature changes from 1982 to 2000 across the Eastern China. International Journal of Climatology

[15] Zhang, X., He, F., and Li, S., 2013. Reconstructed cropland in the mid-11th century in the traditionalagricultural area of China: implications of comparisons among datasets. Regional Environmental Change

[16] Zhang, X., Dai, J., and *Ge, Q., 2013. Variation in vegetation greenness in spring across eastern China during 1982-2006. Journal of Geographical Sciences

[17] Wang, M., Zhang, X., and Yan, X., 2013. Modeling the climatic effects of urbanization in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area. Theor Appl Climatol

[18] Zhang, X., Wang, W., Fang, X., Ye, Y., and Zheng, J., 2012. Agriculture development-induced surface albedo changes and climatic implications across northeastern China. Chinese Geographical Science

[19] Zhang, X.-Z., Ge, Q.-S., Fang, X.-Q., Zheng, J.-Y. and Fei, J. 2012, Precipitation variations in Beijing during 1860u20131897 AD revealed by daily weather records from the Weng Tong-He Diary. Int. J. Climatol

[20] He, F., Li, S., Zhang, X., 2012. Reconstruction of cropland area and spatial distribution in the mid-Northern Song Dynast (AD1004-1085). Journal of Geographical Sciences

[21] Zhang, X., Wang, W., Fang, X., Ye, Yu., and Zheng, J., 2011. Vegetation of Northeast China during the late seventeenth to early twentieth century as revealed by historical documents. Regional Environmental Change

[22] Ge, Q., Zhang, X., Hao, Z.,and Zheng, J., 2011. Rates of temperature change in China during the past 2000 years. Science China (Earth Sceince)

[23] 张学珍, 于志博, 郑景云, 郝志新. (2015) BVOC的气候与环境效应研究进展. 地球科学进展

[24] 张学珍, 刘纪远, 熊, 张宏文. (2015) 20世纪末中国中东部耕地扩张对表面气温影响的模拟研究. 地理学报

[25] 张宏文, 张学珍, 张丽娟. WRF模拟的1980-2000年中国东北农业开发对气候的影响. 地理研究

[26] 崔耀平, 刘纪远, 张学珍, 秦耀辰, 董金玮. (2015) 京津唐城市群土地利用变化的区域增温效应模拟. 生态学报

[27] 张学珍. (2014) 1982-2011年北半球中纬度秋季植被绿度变化的主要模态. 地理科学

[28] 张学珍, 朱金峰. 1982~2006 年中国东部植被覆盖度的变化.气候与环境研究

[29] 张学珍, 郑景云, 何凡能, 戴君虎. 1982-2006年中国东部秋季植被覆盖变化过程的区域差异. 自然资源学报

[30] 崔耀平, 刘纪远, 张学珍, 胡云锋, 王军邦. 城市不同下垫面的能量平衡及温度差异模拟. 地理研究,2012, 07期

[31] 张学珍. 锡林郭勒草原地表反照率对气候变化的响应. 地理研究

[32] 张学珍, 戴君虎, 葛全胜. 1982-2006 年中国东部春季植被变化的区域差异. 地理学报

[33] 张学珍, 郑景云, 何凡能. MODIS BRDF/Albedo数据在中国温度模拟中的应用. 地理学报

[34] 张学珍, 王维强, 方修琦, 叶瑜, 李蓓蓓. 中国东北地区17 世纪后期的自然植被格局. 地理科学



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