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张念之(中国农大教授)的个人简介 张念之,男,博士,中国农业大学动物医学院副教授、博士生导师。 人物经历 2011年6月获得中国农业大学博士学位并留校任教,2012年12月至2014年1月,在国家留











迄今为止,在Immunity,The Journal of Immunology, Journal of Virology, PLoS One等学术期刊上发表SCI、EI论文7篇,国内期刊上发表论文2篇。其代表论文有:

1.Laidlaw BJ, Zhang NZ, Marshall HD, Staron MM, Guan T, Hu Y, Cauley LS, Craft J, Kaech SM. 2014. CD4 T Cell Help Guides Formation of CD103 Lung-Resident Memory CD8 T Cells during Influenza Viral Infection. Immunity.

2.Zhang, NZ, J. Qi, S. Feng, F. Gao, J. Liu, X. Pan, R. Chen, Q. Li, Z. Chen, X. Li, C. Xia, and G. F. Gao. 2011. Crystal Structure of Swine Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I SLA-1*0401 and Identification of 2009 Pandemic Swine-Origin Influenza A H1N1 Virus Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitope Peptides. J Virol 85:11709-24.

3.Zhang, NZ., J. Qi, X. Pan, Z. Chen, X. Li, F. Gao, and C. Xia. 2011. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of swine CD8alpha. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 67:888-91.

4.Chen, W*., Z. Jia*, T. Zhang*, NZ. Zhang*, C. Lin*, F. Gao, L. Wang, X. Li, Y. Jiang, G. F. Gao, and C. Xia. 2010. MHC class I presentation and regulation by IFN in bony fish determined by molecular analysis of the class I locus in grass carp. J Immunol 185:2209-21.(* contribute equal to the work )

5.Zhang, NZ., L. F. Zhang, Y. N. Jiang, T. Zhang, and C. Xia. 2009. Molecular analysis of spring viraemia of carp virus in China: a fatal aquatic viral disease that might spread in East Asian. PLoS One 4:e6337.

6.Li, X., J. Liu, J. Qi, F. Gao, Q. Li, NZ. Zhang, C. Xia, and G. F. Gao. 2011. Two distinct conformations of a rinderpest virus epitope presented by bovine major histocompatibility complex class I N*01801: a host strategy to present featured peptides. J Virol 85:6038-48.



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