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张建法(南理工教授)的个人简介 张建法。南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院教授、博士、博士生导师。毕业于南京大学生物工程专业,获得博士学位。张建法,男,1965年生,教授,博士生导师。 人












在光信号传导并调节哺乳动物外周器官的基因表达和能量代谢的分子生物学研究方面,做出了一些开创性的工作。这项工作的重要性不仅有重要的基础科学意义,而且有潜在的应用价值。这种信号的分子传导过程联系着能量的代谢过程,与许多重要的疾病如II型糖尿病,肥胖症以及癌症的发生机理有密切联系,其中的体温控制技术在外科手术治疗上有很大的应用前景。这些研究成果部分已发表在2006年1月《Nature》上,其他的工作也将发表在一些高影响因子的杂志上。国际同行迅速对这项工作做出了积极的评述。Cell出版社的《Current Biology》在2006年4月专门对此工作发表评述文章。

Selected Publications

1. Jianfa Zhang, Krista Kaasik, Michael R. Blackbum & Cheng Chi Le. Constant darkness is a circadian metabolic signal in mammals. Nature. 2006, 439(7074):340-3。

2.Jianfa Zhang, Xia Ding, Liuyan Yang & Zhiming Kong. A serum-free medium for colony growth and hyaluronic acid production by Streptococcus zooepidemicus NJUST01. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2006 72:168-172。

3.Xi Ding, Jianfa Zhang*, Xianghong Xu, Zhili Liu. Structural Features and Hypoglycemic Activity of an Exopolysaccharide Produced by Sorangium cellulosum. Letters In Applied Microbiology, 2004; 38(3):223-8。

4.Jianfa Zhang, Ruiyong Wang, Pengjiu Jiang, Zhili Liu. Production of an exopolysaccharide bioflocculant by Sorangium cellulosum. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2002,34(3):178-181。

5.Jianfa Zhang, Zhili Liu. Characterization of a biolocculant produced by the Marine Myxobacterium Nannocystic NU-2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2002, 59:517-522。

6.Jianfa Zhang, Xianghong Xu, Houming Wu and zhili Liu. Structural Characterization of an exopolysaccharide from the Myxobacterium Sorangium Cellulosum NUST06. Chinese chemical letters,2003, 14(1):51-53。


1. 教育部科技创新重大项目培育基金项目“脂肪代谢基因mClps表达的调控机制及其诱导物的筛选”,80万。









(1) Pang W, Zhang Y, Wang S, Jia A, Dong W, Cai C, Hua Z,Zhang J*. (2011) The mPlrp2 and mClps genes are involved in the hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the mouse liver.J Lipid Res. 52(5):934-41.

(2) Daniels IS,Zhang J, O’Brien WG 3rd, Tao Z, Miki T, Zhao Z, Blackburn MR, Lee CC. (2010) A role of erythrocytes in adenosine monophosphate initiation of hypometabolism in

mammals.J Biol Chem. 285(27):20716-23.

(3) Pang W, Li C, Zhao Y, Wang S, Dong W, Jiang P,Zhang J*. (2008)The environmental light influences the circulatory levels of retinoic acid and associates with hepatic lipid metabolism.Endocrinology.149(12):6336-42.

(4) Chen P, Li C, Pang W, Zhao Y, Dong W, Wang S,Zhang J*. (2009) The protective role of Per2 against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity.Am J Pathol.174(1):63-70.

(5)Zhang J, Kaasik K, Blackburn MR, Lee CC. (2006) Constant darkness is a circadian metabolic signal in mammals.Nature.439(7074):340-3.

(6) Xiu A, Zhou M, Zhu B, Wang S,Zhang J*. Rheological properties of Salecan as a new source of thickening agent.Food Hydrocolloids.2011, 25(7), 1719-1725.

(7) Xiu A, Zhan Y, Zhou M, Zhu B, Wang S, Jia A, Dong W, Cai C,Zhang J*. Results of a 90-day safety assessment study in mice fed a glucan produced by Agrobacterium sp. ZX09.Food Chem. Toxicol.2011, In Press.

(8) Chen P, Wang Z, Zeng L, Wang S, Dong W, Jia A, Cai C,Zhang J*.Protective effects of Salecan against carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury in mice.J Appl Toxicol.2011, In Press.

(9) Pang W, Zhang Y, Wang S, Jia A, Dong W, Cai C, Hua Z,Zhang J*. The mPlrp2 and mClps genes are involved in the hydrolysis of retinyl esters in the mouse liver.J Lipid Res. 2011;52(5):934-41.

(10) Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wang S, Hua Z,Zhang J*. The clock gene Per2 is required for normal platelet formation and function.Thromb Res. 2011;127(2):122-30.

(11) Chen P, Han Z, Yang P, Zhu L, Hua Z,Zhang J*. Loss of clock gene mPer2 promotes liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride.Hepatol Res. 2010;40(11):1117-27.

(12) Xiu A, Kong Y, Zhou M, Zhu B, Wang S,Zhang J*.The chemical and digestive properties of a soluble glucan from Agrobacterium sp. ZX09.Carbohydrate Polymers.2010;82 (3):623-628.

(13) Chen P, Kakan X,Zhang J*. Altered circadian rhythm of the clock genes in fibrotic livers induced by carbon tetrachloride.FEBS Lett.2010;584(8):1597-601.

(14) Yang P, Han Z, Chen P, Zhu L, Wang S, Hua Z,Zhang J*. A contradictory role of A1 adenosine receptor in carbon tetrachloride- and bile duct ligation-induced liver fibrosis in mice.J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2010;332(3):747-54.

(15)Zhang J*,Ding X , Yang L, Kong Z. A serum-free medium for colony growth and hyaluronic acid production by Streptococcus zooepidemicus NJUST01.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.2006 72:168-172

(16) Ding X,Zhang J*, Xu X, Liu Z. Structural Features and Hypoglycemic Activity of an Exopolysaccharide Produced by Sorangium cellulosum.Letters Appl Microbiol.2004; 38(3):223-8.

(17)Zhang J, Xu X, Wu H, Liu Z. Structural Characterization of an exopolysaccharide from the Myxobacterium Sorangium Cellulosum NUST06.Chinese chemical letters,2003,14(1): 51-53

(18)Zhang J., Liu Z., Wang S., Jiang P. Characterization of a bioflocculant produced by the Marine Myxobacterium Nannocystic sp.NU-2.Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2002, 59: 517-522

(19)Zhang J,Wang R, Jiang P, Liu Z. Production of an exopolysaccharide bioflocculant by Sorangium cellulosum.Letters Appl Microbiol,2002,34 (3): 178 u2013181



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