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珍·贝克·米勒的个人简介 珍·贝克·米勒,出生于一个贫穷的家庭在布朗士。她出现小儿麻痹症,从11个月的年龄。她穿,直到7岁大括号并收到了12岁了两次手术。生长在大萧条时期成立了妇女对她




Jean Baker Miller was born to a poor family in the Bronx. She suffered from polio from the age of eleven months. She had to wear braces until the age of seven and had two operations before twelve years old. Growing up during the Great Depression had a great impact on her view of women. Most of the families in the neighborhood had working women in them; these families were looked down upon. It was during her twice weekly visits to the area hospital brought her in contact with two working women who gave her a positive view of women, a view that would stay with her for the rest of her life. The women were two twin sisters who worked as nurses. They were able to convince Miller’s mother to allow her to attend a special women’s school, the Hunter College High School. The school was an hour away by subway, but because of the two nurses’ insisting, she was allowed to attend the school , thus starting her on her career. Were it not for these two women, women’s psychology may be quite different today.





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