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朱军(教授)的个人简介 朱军,博士,西南交通大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事虚拟地理环境与时空过程模拟分析科研与教学工作。2006年7月到西南交通大学任教至今,2015年7月至2016年7月美国北




(1) 国家自然科学基金项目“基于基元组合和语义约束的虚拟高速铁路环境智能建模方法研究”
(2) 轨道交通实验室高速列车数字化仿真系统子项目“虚拟环境建模系统”
(3) 国家自然科学基金项目“基于元胞自动机和多智能体的溃决时空分析模型研究”
(4) 国家高技术研究计划(863计划)项目“用于堰塞湖溃决风险评估的协同虚拟地理环境系统研究”
(5) 中央高校科技创新项目“溃决元胞尺度效应分析及多细节层次模拟优化”
(6) 教育部博士点新教师基金项目“协同虚拟地理环境数据协同控制服务研究”
(7) 应急测绘保障与地质灾害监测工程技术研究中心开放基金“溃决洪水演进过程的实时模拟与分析”学术论文



[2].王金宏,朱军,尹灵芝,彭子龙,张阿丽.基于线性参照系统的虚拟高速铁路场景建模方法,地球信息科学学报, 2014,16(1): 23-30.

[3].Yi Li, Jianhua Gong , Jun Zhu, Yiquan Song, Ya Hu,Lei Ye.Spatiotemporal simulation and risk analysis of dam-break flooding based on cellular automata. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013,27(10): 2043-2059.(SCI)


[5].Jun Zhu,Aling Zhang,Yin Lingzhi,Qin Chuan,Jinghong Wang,Mingchun Liu. 3D GIS modeling of Virtual High-Speed Railway Scene based on ArcGlobe. The 7th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG 2013),pp.811-815.(EI)

[6].Jun Zhu, Jinhong Wang. Interactive Virtual Globe Service System based on OsgEarth. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013(340): 680-684.(EI)

[7].胡亚,朱军,林珲,徐丙立,胡明远.基于大气污染扩散模型的空气污染多维动态可视化表达研究.高技术通讯,2013,23(7): 728-734.

[8].Hu Ya, Zhu Jun, Wang Jinhong, Zhang Huixin. Real-time visualization of three-dimensional high-speed railways based on model combination. The 21st International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2013). (EI)

[9].Wang Jinhong, Zhu Jun, Liu Zhujun,Yin Lingzhi, Qin Chuan. A virtual high-speed railway scene modeling method based on basic-element model combination. The Seventh International Conference on Image and Graphics.2013,pp.711-715. (EI)



[12].朱军,胡亚,李毅,曹云刚,胡良喜.基于虚拟地理环境的堰塞湖溃决风险评估.高技术通讯. 2012,22(3):276-281.(EI)

[13].Zhu Jun, Hu Ya,Gong Jianhua, Li Yi. Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment System for Risk Assessment of Barrier Lakes. The 20th International Conference on Geoinformatics(Geoinformatics 2012). (EI)

[14].J. Zhu, Y. Hu, C. Qin, L.Z. Yin. Simulation analysis of air pollution dispersion based on interactive virtual geographic environment. 2012 IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2012),pp.2171-2174. (EI)

[15].J. Zhu, H. Qi, Y. Hu, Y.G. Cao. A Mobile Agent Computing Service for Distributed risk assessment system.The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2012).125-128. (EI)

[16].J. Zhu, H. Qi, Y. Hu, Y.G. Cao. A DVGE Service System for Risk Assessment of Dam-break in Barrier Lake. The International Conference on Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2012).46-49. (EI)

[17].Zhu Jun, Hu Ya, Cao Yungang. A Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment System for Risk Assessment of Dam-break. the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKDu201912). 2541-2545. (EI)

[18].Zhu Jun, Li Yi, Hu Ya. A Virtual Geographic Environment for Simulation Analysis of Dam-break Flood Routing. Advanced Materials Research, 2012(463-464):926-931.(E)

[19].LiYi,GongJianhua,ZhuJun,YeLei,SongYiquan,YueYujuan.EfficientdambreakfloodsimulationmethodsfordevelopingapreliminaryevacuationplanaftertheWenchuanEarthquake.NaturalHazardsandEarthSystemSciences.2012, 12(1):97-106. (SCI)


[21].Cao Zhenyu,Zhu Jun,Gan Rongcheng. Application of web 3D GIS for dam-break flood medeling.2012 1st International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Agro-Geoinformatics 2012.pp.592-596. (EI)

[22].朱军,胡亚,曹云刚,郭方桃.基于移动智能体的空间信息共享服务设计与实现,西南交通大学学报.2011,46(3):427-433. (EI)

[23].Bingli Xu, Hui Lin, Longsang Chiu, Ya Hu, Jun Zhu, Mingyuan Hu, Weining Cui. Collaborative virtual geographic environments: a case study of air pollution simulation, Information Scinences,2011,181(11):2231-2246. (SCI).

[24].Hui Lin, *Jun Zhu, Jianhua Gong, Bingli Xu, Hua Qi. AGrid-basedCollaborativeVirtualGeographicEnvironmentforthePlanningofSiltDamSystems. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 2010, 24(4):607-621.(SCI)

[25].T. Zhang; M. Cen; Z. Ren; R. Yang; Y. Feng; J. Zhu. Ability to detect and locate gross errors on DEM matching algorithm. International Journal of Digital Earth. 2010,3(1):72-82.(SCI)


[27].朱军,林珲,徐丙立.基于粒子系统的空气污染扩散模拟研究.高技术通讯, 2009, 19(3): 308-313. (EI)

[28].徐丙立,林珲,朱军,林文实,邓丽华,胡亚,吴剑斌,曾莉萍.面向珠三角空气污染模拟的虚拟地理环境系统研究.武汉大学学报(信息科学版).2009, 34(6): 636-640 .(EI).

[29].Zhu Jun, Lin Hui, Xu Bingli, Hu Ya. Real-time visualization of virtual geographic environment using the view-dependent simplification method. Geoinformatics2008,Proceedings of SPIE 7143, 71432F (2008). (EI)


[31].Bingli Xu , Hui Lin, Jun Zhu, Sammy Tang, Wenshi Lin, Jianbin Wu. Grid based model computation of Virtual Geographic Environment ―Application in Pearl River Delta air pollution visualization. GeoInformatics2008. Proc. SPIE Vol. 7143, 714325.(EI)

[32].Jun Zhu, Jianhua Gong, Weiguo Liu Tao Song, Jianqin Zhang. A Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment Based on P2P and Grid Technologies. Information science. 2007, 177(21):4621~4633. (SCI)

[33].Jianqin Zhang, Jianhua Gong, Hui Lin, Gang Wang, JianLing Huang, Jun Zhu, Bingli Xu and Jack Teng. Design and development of Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment system based on web services. Information Sciences, 2007, 177(19):3968-3980.(SCI)

[34].Zhu Jun, Zhang Kaiping, Yang Xiaoxia, Design and Implementation of Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment System based on MAS, ICSIT2007, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6795, 67954I, (2007). (EI)

[35].朱军,龚建华,林珲,张键钦.虚拟地理环境计算框架及其关键技术研究.中北大学学报. 2007, 114(4):326-331.(EI)

[36].朱军,龚建华,林珲,李文航.一种面向DVGE的移动Agent计算模型.武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2007,32(4):336-339.(EI)

[37].Jun Zhu, Chunbo Liu, Jianhua Gong, Daojun Wang, and Tao Song. A Distributed Computing Service for Neural Networks and its Application to Flood Peak Forecasting. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2006( 4233):890-896. (SCI)

[38]. Zhu Jun, Gong Jianhua, Qi Hua, Song Tao. Study on Data Collaboration Service for Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment. ICAT2006, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2006(4282):344-353. (EI)

[39].Zhu Jun, Gong Jianhua, Qi Hua. An Intelligent Data Collaboration Model in Collaborative Virtual Geographic Environment. Geoinformatics2006; Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6421, 642107, (2006); (EI)

[40].朱军,龚建华,林珲,张键钦.虚拟地理环境中Agent支持下的混合式协同模型研究.高技术通讯,2006,16(9): 899-903(EI)

41].朱军,龚建华,张健钦,吴娴. 地形可视化服务框架设计及其关键技术研究. 计算机工程,2006,32(13): 32-34,37(EI)

[42].张健钦, 龚建华, 林珲, 朱军, 徐丙立, 李文航. 基于 Web Service构建分布式虚拟地理环境系统.高技术通讯. 2006,16(3):296-300(EI)

[43].Zhu J, Gong JH, Zhang JQ, et al. System design & implementation of remotely sensed image information services based on grid technology. 25th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2005), VOLS 1-8, PROCEEDINGS: 3490-3493, 2005. (EI)

[44].Zhu Jun, Gong Jianhua, Lin Hui, Wang Daojun, Xu Bingli. Services for Flood Disaster Loss Evaluation based on Remote Sensing and Grid. MIPPR05; Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6045, 604536, (2005); (EI)

[45].Zhu Jun, Gong Jianhu, Lin Hui,Li Wenhang, Zhang Jianqin. Spatial Analysis Services in Virtual Geographic Environment based on Grid technologies. MIPPR05; Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6045, 60450Q, (2005); (EI)

[46].Jianqin Zhang, Jianhua Gong, Jun Zhu, Bingli Xu, Xian Wu. A GI Services Grid for Public Health Management and Disease Control. IGASSS05:627-630;(EI)

[47].Xian Wu, DePeng Zhao, JianHua Gong, Jun Zhu, JianQin Zhang,BingLI XU,Task Multi-Level Decompose in Grid-VGE. IGASSS05:478-481.(2005)(EI)

[48].Jianqin Zhang, Jianhua Gong, Jun Zhu, Xian Wu, Bingli Xu. A Spatial Data 3D- Visualization Web Services for GIS. MIPPR05; Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6045, 60451W, (2005); (EI)

[49].Wu Xian. Gong JianHua, Zhao DePeng, Zhu Jun, Zhang JianQin ,Xu BingLi. Study on Data-Organization of Grid-VGE. MIPPR05; Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6045, 604507, (2005); (EI)

[50].Bingli Xu, Jianhua Gong, Hui Lin, Wenhang Li, Jianqin Zhang, Jun Zhu, Xian Wu. Virtual Geographic Environment Database Design and Collaboration. IGASSS05:839-842;(EI)

[51].Wu Xian, Zhao Depeng, Gong Jianhua, Zhu Jun. An optimized infrastructure of VGE based on grid. International Conference on Space Information Technology, ICSIT 2005. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5985, PART I (EI).




(1) 高速铁路运营安全空间信息技术教育部创新团队
(2) 虚拟地理环境团队课程教学








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(2) 良好的计算机或英语技能;

(3) 对三维地理信息系统、虚拟地理环境、时空过程建模与可视化分析方向有浓厚兴趣。







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