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张家俊(研究员)的个人简介 张家俊,中国科学院自动化研究所副研究员。2018年11月10日,张家俊获2018年度汉王青年创新奖。 基本资料 姓名 张家俊 性别 男 职称 副研究员 研究领域:机器翻译、




姓名 张家俊

性别 男

职称 副研究员



2002.9-2006.6 吉林大学 计算机科学与技术学院 获学士学位

2006.9-2011.6 中国科学院自动化研究所 模式识别与智能系统专业 获博士学位

2011.7-2014.9 中国科学院自动化研究所 助理研究员

2013.9-2014.9 微软亚洲研究院 访问研究员

2014.10- 中国科学院自动化研究所 副研究员

2015.10- 中国科学院大学 岗位教授





1. Jiajun Zhang, Yu Zhou and Chengqing Zong. 2016. Abstractive Cross-language Summarization via Translation Model Enhanced Predicate Argument Structure Fusing. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (TASLP)

2. Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2015. Deep Neural Networks in Machine Translation: An Overview. IEEE Intelligent Systems

3. Jiajun Zhang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Chengqing Zong. 2015. Towards Machine Translation in Semantic Vector Space. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP)

4. Jiajun Zhang, Feifei Zhai and Chengqing Zong. 2013. Syntax-Based Translation With Bilingually Lexicalized Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (TASLP)

5. Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2013. A unified approach for effectively integrating source-side syntactic reordering rules into phrase-based translation, Journal of Language Rescourse and Evaluation (JLRE)

6. Jiajun Zhang, Feifei Zhai and Chengqing Zong. 2013. A Substitution-Translation-Restoration Framework for Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Machine Translation, Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST)

7. Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2016. Exploiting Source-side Monolingual Data in Neural Machine Translation

8. Jiajun Zhang, Dakun Zhang and Jie Hao. 2015. Local Translation Prediction with Global Sentence Representation

9. Jiajun Zhang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Chengqing Zong. 2014. Mind the Gap: Machine Translation by Minimizing the Semantic Gap in Embedding Space

10. Jiajun Zhang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Chengqing Zong. 2014. Bilingually-constrained Phrase Embeddings for Machine Translation

11. Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2013. Learning a Phrase-based Translation Model from Monolingual Data with Application to Domain Adaptation

12. Jiajun Zhang, Feifei Zhai and Chengqing Zong. 2012. Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Machine Translation from A New Perspective. In Proc

13. Jiajun Zhang, Feifei Zhai and Chengqing Zong. 2011. Augmenting String-to-Tree Models with Fussy Use of Source-side Syntax

14. Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong. 2009. A Framework for Effectively Integrating Hard and Soft Syntactic Rules into Phrase-based Translation

15. Jiajun Zhang, Chengqing Zong and Shoushan Li. 2008. Sentence Type based Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation


1. 一种基于模糊树到精确树的统计机器翻译方法

2. 一种基于谓词论元结构的统计机器翻译方法


1. 中国科协“青年人才托举工程”

2. 基于单语语料的无监督统计机器翻译模型研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金

3. 基于弱监督的神经网络翻译模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目






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