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张拴宏的个人简介 张拴宏,男,1974年生,博士,中国地质科学院地质力学研究所副研究员。 人物简介 1997年7月毕业于西安地质学院地质矿产勘查专业,获学士学位。2000年6月从中国地质科学院研究






1、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Song Biao, Hu Jian-Min, Liu Shu-Wen, Yang Yue-Heng, Chen Fu-Kun, Liu Xiao-Ming, Liu Jian. 2009. Contrasting Late Carboniferous and Late Permian-Middle Triassic intrusive belts from the northern margin of the North China block: geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 120(1u20132): 181u2013200 (SCI收录).

2、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Liu Xiao-Chun, Liu Dun-Yi, Chen Fukun, Xie Lie-Wen, Chen Hai-Hong. 2009, Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic mafic-ultramafic complexes from the northern North China Block: constraints on the composition and evolution of the lithospheric mantle. Lithos. 110(1u20134): 229u2013246 (SCI收录).

3、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Kr?ner Alfred, Liu Xiao-Ming, Xie Lie-Wen, Chen Fu-Kun. 2009, Early Permian plutons from the northern North China Block: Constraints on continental arc evolution and convergent margin magmatism related to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 98(6): 1441u20131467 (SCI收录).

4、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Song Biao, Yang Zhen-Yu, Hu Jian-Min, Wu Hai. 2007. Carboniferous granitic plutons from the northern margin of the North China block: implications for a late Paleozoic active continental margin. Journal of the Geological Society, London. 164(2): 451u2013463. (SCI收录).

5、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Liu Shu-Wen, Zhao Yue, Yang Jin-Hui, Song Biao, Liu Xiao-Ming. 2007. The 1.75u20131.68 Ga anorthosite-mangerite-alkali granitoid-rapakivi granite suite from the northern North China Craton: magmatism related to a Paleoproterozoic orogen. Precambrian Research. 155(3u20134): 287u2013312. (SCI收录).

6、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Song Biao, Liu Dun-Yi. 2007. Petrogenesis of the Middle Devonian Gushan diorite pluton on the northern margin of the North China block and its tectonic implications. Geological Magazine. 144(3): 553u2013568. (SCI收录).

7、Zhang Shuan-Hong, Zhao Yue, Song Biao, Yang Yue-Heng. 2007. Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb and in-situ Lu-Hf isotope analyses of a tuff from Western Beijing: evidence for missing late Paleozoic arc volcano eruptions at the northern margin of the North China block. Gondwana Research. 12(1u20132): 157u2013165. (SCI收录).

8、Zhang S. H., Zhao Y., Song B., 2006, Hornblende thermobarometry of the Carboniferous granitoids from the Inner Mongolia Paleo-uplift: implications for the geotectonic evolution of the northern margin of North China block. Mineralogy and Petrology. 87(1u20132): 123u2013141. (SCI收录).

9、张拴宏,赵越,刘健,胡健民,陈正乐,李淼,裴军令,陈振宇,周剑雄. 2007. 华北地块北缘晚古生代-中生代花岗岩体侵位深度及其构造意义. 岩石学报, 23(3): 625u2013638 (SCI收录).

10、张拴宏,赵越,宋彪,吴海. 2004, 冀北隆化早前寒武纪高级变质区内的晚古生代片麻状闪长岩―锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其构造意义. 岩石学报, 20(3): 621u2013626 (SCI收录).

11、Robinson A. C., Yin A., Manning C. E., Harrison T. M., Zhang Shuan-hong, Wang Xiao-feng. 2004, Tectonic evolution of the northeastern Pamir: Constraints from the northern portion of the Cenozoic Kongur Shan extensional system, western China. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 116(7u20138): 953u2013973 (SCI收录).

12、Cowgill E, Yin A, Arrowsmith J R, Wang Xiaofeng, Zhang Shuanhong. 2004, The Akato Tagh bend along the Altyn Tagh fault, NW Tibet 1: Cenozoic structure, smoothing by vertical-axis rotation, and the effect of topographic stresses on borderland faulting. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116(11u201312): 1423u20131442 (SCI收录).

13、Robinson, A. C., Yin, A., Manning, C. E., Harrison, M. T., Zhang, S.-H., Wang, X.-F., 2007. Cenozoic evolution of the eastern Pamir: Implications for strain-accommodation mechanisms at the western end of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, Geological Society of America Bulletin. 119(7u20138): 882u2013896. (SCI收录).



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