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张丽霞(加州大学教授)的个人简介 张丽霞,女,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)博士。加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)计算机系教授。美国计算机协会、美国电器和电子工程师学会(ACM、IEEE) 院士(Fello


张丽霞,女,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)博士。加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)计算机系教授。美国计算机协会、美国电器和电子工程师学会(ACM、IEEE) 院士(Fellow), NDN项目领导者。主管洛杉矶大学(UCLA)的互联网研究实验室(Internet Research Lab)。主要研究方向有大型开放式系统、互联网路由基础设施、网络结构设计、网络协议设计等。担任亚洲未来Internet论坛(AsiaFI,Asia Future Internet Forum)论坛委员、国际互联网路由研究小组(IRTF)的共同主席、Internet 架构董事会IAB(Internet Architecture Board) 委员、美国计算机协会数据通信专业组(ACM SIGCOMM) 副主席、美国电器和电子工程师学会通信社团和Internet技术委员会(IEEE CSITC,Communication Society and Internet Technical Committee)共同主席、Internet工程任务组资源保留协议工作组(IETF RSVP ,Resource Reservation Protocol Working Group)共同主席、IETF IPv6 领域和传输领域主任委员、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 编委、ACM Computer Communication 副主编等。2009年获得IEEE Internet Award, 她对互联网协议和互联网体系的研究工作被IEEE Communication 杂志50周年刊庆评为最有具有里程碑意义的十大贡献之一。


Biologically Inspired Network Designs (网络设计中的生物学灵感)  (read our paper on "A Taxonomy of Biologically Inspired Research in Computer Networking")WIT: A Watchdog System for Internet Routing(WIT:一个互联网的监视系统)eFIT: enabling Future Internet innovations through Transit wire(eFIT:未来互联网的创新通过传输线也能成为可能)Building the Next-Generation Global Routing Monitoring System(建立下一代全球路由的监控系统)Optimization and Games in Inter-domain Routing (2006 -- 2007)(域间路由的优化和策略)DNS Security Revisited: Enabling Cryptographic Defenses in Large-Scale Distributed Systems(DNS安全的重新审视:在大规模分布式系统中能使用加密防御)Monitoring Tools for DNS Security Deployment (MOTDS)(DNS安全调用的监控工具)Monitoring and Analysis of Routing Dynamics and Path Redundancy in the Global Internet (NETPATH)(监控和分析全球互联网路由的动态变化和路径冗余)Explorative Study: Design for Resiliency(试探性研究:一个弹性设计方案)Beyond BGP: Flexible & Scalable Interdomain Routing(突破边界网关协议:灵活可括展的域间路由)iMASH: Adaptive Middleware and Networking Support for the Nomadic Healer(iMASH:支持游离恢复的自适应中间件和网络)FNIISC: Fault-Tolerant Networking through Intrusion Identification & Secure Compartments(FNIISC:通过入侵认证和安全隔离方法建立容错网络)Practical Address Validation for the Internet(可行的Internet地址确认)Reliable and Robust Sensor Data Collection by Gradient Broadcast (GRAB)(稳定可靠的递度广播传感器数据收集系统)An Architecture for A Global Internet Host Distance Estimation Service(一个全球主机距离估算服务系统)Semantic Multicast(语义多播)Adaptive Web Caching(自适应的Web缓冲方案)Scalable Reliable Multicast(可靠听可扩展多播)以上参见



"Verifying Keys through Publicity and Communities of Trust: Quantifying Off-Axis Corroboration"(利用公众和团体的信任校验密钥:进一步确定偏轴量)   Eric Osterweil, Dan Massey, Danny McPherson, and Lixia Zhang  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2013."Security Evaluation of a Control System Using Named Data Networking"(对一个命名数据网络的控制系统时行安全评估)  Victor Perez, Mevlut Turker Garip, Silas Lam, and Lixia Zhang  Eighth Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec), October 2013."NLSR: Named-data Link State Routing Protocol"(NLSR:命名数据链路状态路由协议)  A K M Mahmudul Hoque, Syed Obaid Amin, Adam Alyyan, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang  The 3rd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Information-Centric Networking, August 2013."Video Streaming Over Named Data Networking"(在命名数据网络上的视频系统)  Derek Kulinski, Jeff Burke, and Lixia Zhang  IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, July 2013."DoS & DDoS in Named Data Networking"(在命名数据网络中的拒绝和分布式拒绝服务)  Paolo Gasti, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun, and Lixia Zhang  International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), July 2013."Interest Flooding Attack and Countermeasures in Named Data Networking"(在命名网络中的)  Alexander Afanasyev, Priya Mahadevan, Ilya Moiseenko, Ersin Uzun, and Lixia Zhang  IFIP Networking 2013, May 2013."A Case for Stateful Forwarding Plane"(一个状态转发策略的例子)  C. Yi, A. Afanasyev, I. Moiseenko, L. Wang, B. Zhang, and L. Zhang  Computer Communications: Information-Centric Networking Special Issue, 2013."Check-Repeat: A New Method of Measuring DNSSEC Validating Resolvers"(检查重复:一个度量DNS安全正确解析的新方法)  Yingdi Yu, Duane Wessels, Matt Larson, Lixia Zhang  The 5th IEEE International Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA 2013)"NDN.JS: A JavaScript Client Library for Named Data Networking"(NDN.JS:一个命名数据网络的JavaScript客户端库)  Wentao Shang, Jeff Thompson, Meki Cherkaoui, Jeff Burke, Lixia Zhang  The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Design Choices in Name-Oriented Networking (NOMEN 2013)"Vehicular Inter-Networking via Named Data"(通过命名数实现车联网)  Giulio Grassi, Davide Pesavento, Lucas Wang, Giovanni Pau, Rama Vuyyuru, Ryuji Wakikawa, Lixia Zhang  ACM HotMobile 2013 Poster.


"Simple Virtual Aggregation (S-VA)"(简单的虚拟聚合(S-VA))  Robert Raszuk, J. Heitz, A. Lo, Lixia Zhang, Xiaohu Xu  RFC 6769, October 2011."Mobile Data Charging: New Attacks and Countermeasures",(移动数据装载:新的攻击和应对方法)  Chunyi Peng, Chi-yu Li, Guan-hua Tu, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang.  ACM CCS 2012."Supporting Military Communications with Named Data Networking: An Emulation Analysis"(在命名数据网络下支持军事通信:一个模拟分析)  Basil Etefia, Lixia Zhang, Mario Gerla.  IEEE MILCOM 2012."Adaptive Forwarding in Named Data Networking"(命名数据网络中的自适应转发)  Cheng Yi, Alex Afanasyev, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang.  ACM Computer Communication Reviews, July 2012."BGP Route Reflection Revisited"(边界网关协议路由的重新审视和思考)  Jong Han Park, Ricardo Oliveira, Shane Amante, Danny McPherson, Lixia Zhang.  IEEE Communications Magazine, July 2012."Rapid Traffic Information Dissemination Using Named Data"(用命名数据快速进行流量信息分发)  Lucas Wang, Alexander Afanasyev, Romain Kuntz, Rama Vuyyuru, Ryuji Wakikawa, Lixia Zhang  MobiHoc Workshop on Emerging Name-Oriented Mobile Networking Design, June 2012"Explaining BGP Slow Table Transfers"(解释边界网关协议慢表传送)  Pei-chun Cheng, Jong Han Park, Keyur Patel, Shane Amante, Lixia Zhang  32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June 2012"Authority Server Selection of DNS Caching Resovler"(DNS缓存解析的授权服务器选择)  Yingdi Yu, Duane Wessels, Matt Larson, Lixia Zhang  ACM Computer Communication Reviews, April 2012."Data Naming in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications"(在车辆通讯中的数据命名)  Lucas Wang, Ryuji Wakikawa, Romain Kuntz, Rama Vuyyuru, Lixia Zhang  INFOCOM 2012 Workshop on Emerging Design Choices in Name-Oriented Networking"A Comparative Study of Architectural Impact on BGP Next-hop Diversity"(一个架构对BGP下一跳影响的比较研究)  Jong Han Park, Pei-chun Cheng, Shane Amante, Dorian Kim, Danny McPherson, Lixia Zhang  15th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, March 2012."Named Data Networking for Military Communication Systems"(一个军事通信系统的命名数据网络)  Basil Etefia, Lixia Zhang  2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2012未完以上参见


Internet Research Lab


2019年10月19日,获得CCF-IEEE CS青年科学家奖。



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