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周可(华中大教授)的个人简介 周可,男,工学博士,华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院存储所教授。主要研究方向为信息存储,大数据处理等。 教育背景 1992.9---1996.7,华中科技大学计算机外











2007.11 至今,华中科技大学、武汉光电国家实验室,教授

2008.11 至今,华中科技大学、武汉光电国家实验室,教授,博士生导师


1、YuhongZhao, HongJiang, KeZhou*. Meeting Service LevelAgreement Cost-Effectively for Video-on-Demand Applications in the Cloud.The 33rdAnnual IEEE International Conference onComputer Communications(INFOCOMu201914), April 27thu2013 May 2nd,2014, Toronto, Canada(通讯作者)

2、Jiansheng Wei, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou*, Dan Feng. EfficientlyRepresenting Membership for Variable Large Data Sets. IEEE Transactions onParallel and Distributed Systems, VOL. 25, NO. 4, APRIL 2014. PP 960 u2013 970(通讯作者)

3、Hua Wang, Ping Huang, Shuang He, Ke Zhou*, Chunhua Li, andXubin He. A Novel I/O Scheduler for SSD with Improved Performance and Lifetime.In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems andTechnologies (MSST2013), USA, May 6-10, 2013.(通讯作者)

4、Ke Zhou, Jin Liu, Hui Tian and Cunhua Li. State-basedSteganography in Low Bit Rate Speech, In the Proceedings of the 20th ACMMultimedia Conference (ACM-MM2012), Nara, Japan, Oct. 29 u2013 Nov. 2, 2012. Pp.1109-1112.

5、Ke Zhou, Ping Huang, ChunHua Li and Hua Wang. An EmpiricalStudy on the Interplay Between Filesystems and SSD. In the 7th IEEEInternational Conference onNetworking, Architecture, andStorage(NASu20192012). June 28-30, Xiamen, China.

6、Ping Huang, Ke Zhou, ChunHua Li and Hua Wang. BVSSD: BuildBuilt-in Versioning Flash-based Solid State Drives. In the 5th Annual InternationalSystems and Storage Conference(SYSTORu20192012).June 4-6, Haifa, Isarel.

7、Jin Liu, Ke Zhou, Hui Tian. Least-significant-digitSteganography in Low Bitrate Speech. In the 48th IEEE International Conferenceon Communications (ICCu20192012), June 10-15, Ottawa, Canada.

8、Jin Liu, Ke Zhou, Hui Tian. Efficient Least-significant-bitsSteganography for VoIP. International Journal of Advancements in ComputingTechnology-Theories and Applications in Computing Science & Technology,2012.

9、Ping Huang, Ke Zhou, Chunling Wu. ShiftFlash: Makeflash-based storage more resilient and robust. Performance Evaluation, Vol.68/11(2011). pp 1193-1206.(通讯作者)

10、JianSheng Wei, Hong Jiang,Ke Zhou, Dan Feng. DBA: A Dynamic Bloom Filter Array for Scalable MembershipRepresentation of Variable Large Data Sets. Proceedings of the 19th IEEEInternational Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer andTelecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), July 25 -27, 2011.(通讯作者)

11、Hui Tian, Ke Zhou, Dan Feng. Dynamicmatrix encoding strategy for voice-over-IP steganography. J. Cent. South Univ.Technol. (2010) 17: 1285?1292.(通讯作者)

12、Zhongying Niu, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou,Dan Feng, Shuping Zhang, Tianming Yang, Dongliang Lei, Anli Chen. DSFS:Decentralized Security for Large Parallel File Systems. The 11th ACM/IEEEInternational Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2010), Brussells, October 2010.(通讯作者)

13、JianSheng Wei, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou,Dan Feng. MAD2: A Scalable High-Throughput Exact Deduplication Approach forNetwork Backup Services. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on MassStorage Systems and Technologies (MSST2010), USA, May 3-7 , 2010.(通讯作者)

14、Ke zhou, Wang hua, Li chunhua. Cloudstorage technology and its applications. ZTE Communications, Dec. 2010. Vol.8No.4. pp.27 -30.

15、Niu zhongying, ke zhou, Dan feng,Yang tainming. Access control lists for object-based storage systems.Chinesejournal of electronics, July 2010, Vol.19, No.3. pp431 u2013 436.

16、Junping Liu,Ke Zhou,Liping Pang. ANovel cost-effective disk scrubbing scheme. 2009 Fifth International JointConference on INC,IMS and IDC. Pp. 686-691

17、Zhongying Niu, Ke Zhou, Hong Jian. Identificationand Authentication in Large-scale Storage Systems. Proc. of the 2009 IEEEInternational Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2009). Pp.421-427

18、Wang hua, ke zhou, Ling Yuan. Fault-tolerantOnline Backup Service: Formal Modeling and Reasoning. 2009 IEEE InternationalConference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage. Pp. 452-460

19、Hui Tian, Ke Zhou. Digital LogicBased Encoding Strategies for Voice-over-IP Steganography. Proceedings of the17th ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM-MM2009). October 19-23,2009.Pp.777-780.(通讯作者)

20、Hui Tian, Ke Zhou. An M-SequenceBased Steganography Model for Voice over IP. Proceedings of the 44th IEEEInternational Conference on Communications (ICC2009). June 14-18. Pp. 1-5.

21、Hui Tian,Ke Zhou. An AdaptiveSteganography Scheme for Voice over IP. The IEEE International Symposium onCircuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2009. Pp. 2922-2925.

22、Wang Hua, Ke Zhou. Goal-basedDependability Analysis and Improvement Framework for Network Storage Systems. IEEEInternational Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storages (NASu201908). Pp.271-277

23、Hui Tian, Ke Zhou. A CovertCommunication Model Based on Least Significant Bits Steganography in Voice overIP. The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, 2008. Pp.647-652


25、Zhongying Niu, Ke Zhou, Dan Feng. Implementing and Evaluating Security Controlsfor an Object-Based Storage System. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conferenceon Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSSTu201907), San Diego, California,USA, Sep. 24-27, 2007, pp. 87-89.(通讯作者)

26、Zhikun Wang, Ke Zhou. Disk Tree: AFat-tree Based Multi-tier Storage Architecture for Very Large Disk Array. The4th International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os(SNAPI’07). Pp.47-54

27、Ke Zhou, Ze Deng. Put mass storageinto Grid. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on System ofSystems Engineering Los Angeles, CA,USA- April 2006. Pp.189-192

28、Ke Zhou, Frank Wang. PipeliningScheduling and Hierarchical-Volume Management in a Storage Area Network. Proceedingsof the 2006 IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering Los Angeles, CA,USA- April2006. Pp.265-270

29、Ke Zhou, ZhongYing Niu. Decease I/OMean Response Time Using Software Pipelining. IMSCCS ’06. First InternationalMulti-Symposiums on Computer and Computational Sciences, 2006.pp.332-337


31、Ke Zhou, HuangYongFeng. A Case ofParallel Storage Architecture to improve performance in random access pattern.Chinese journal of electronics. 2005.1. pp.39-44

32、Ke Zhou, Dan Feng, Frang Wang. ABlock-level Security based on Hierarchical Logical Volume of Fibre ChannelRAID. Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Embedded Softwareand Systems (ICESS 2005). Xi an, Dec. 2005.

33、Ke Zhou, JiangLing Zhang, Dan Feng.Data self-create in data storage system. Kybernetes: The International Journalof Systems & Cybernetics, 2003 Volume: 32 Number: 5 Pp.917 u2013 921



1、国家自然科学基金重点项目,《网络公用存储服务系统结构与数据组织》,2013.1 - 2017.12

2、973项目课题,《云存储服务和保障机制研究》,2011.1 - 2015.12







3、《HUSt: A Heterogeneous Unified Storage System for GIS Grid》2006年获SuperComputing 2006 storage challenge finalistAward,排名第二。




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