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个人简介 2002年博士毕业于第一军医大学,2005-2007年在美国匹兹堡大学医学院做博士后。国家杰出青年基金获得者,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,“珠江学者”特聘教授 ? 和教育部“新世纪优秀

2002年博士毕业于第一军医大学,2005-2007年在美国匹兹堡大学医学院做博士后。国家杰出青年基金获得者,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,“珠江学者”特聘教授 ? 和教育部“新世纪优秀人才”,近5年承担课题12项,其中国家自然科学基金重点类项目4项,获国家科技进步二奖、广东省科技进步二等奖和广州市科技进步一等奖各1项,以第一或通讯作者在

Science、Nat Commun、J Cell Biol、Blood、Ann Rheum Dis、Cell Death Diff、PLOS Genet、J Bone Miner Res、J Biol Chem





CRHA-骨科创新与转化分会 常务委员

中国细胞生物学会 永久资深会员

国际矫形与创伤外科学会(SCIOT)中国部骨科基础学会 常务委员

中华医学会骨质疏松分会基础与转化医学组 常务委员



1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,营养感应信号mTORC1促进软骨衰老及其调控机制(81530070),326.8万元,2016.01-2020.12

2. 国家自然科学基金-广东省联合基金重点项目,mTORC1/mTORC2信号通路在增龄性骨丢失中的作用及其机制调节(U1301222),260万元,2014.01-2017.12,

3. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作项目(连续资助),基于柠檬酸的生物材料用于骨修复及其作用机制研究(31529002),260万元,2016.01-2019.12


(*通讯作者 )


Bai XC

, Ma DZ, Liu AL, Shen XY, Wang QM, Liu YJ, Jiang Y*. Rheb activates mTOR by antagonizing its endogenous inhibitor, FKBP38.


2007, 318(5852): 977-980.

2. Xiao M, Wang Y, Tao C, Wang Z, Yang J, Chen Z, Zou Z, Li M, Liu A, Jia C,Huang B, Yan B, Lai P, Ding C, Cai D, Xiao G, Jiang Y, Bai X*. Osteoblasts support megakaryopoiesis through production of interleukin 9. Blood. 2017 Apr 27. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-11-749838. [Epub ahead of print]

3. Zou Z, Chen J, Liu A, Zhou X, Song Q, Jia C, Chen Z, Lin J, Yang C, Li M, Jiang Y,

Bai X

*. mTORC2 promotes cell survival through c-Myc-dependent up-regulation of E2F1.

J Cell Biol.

2015 Oct 12;211(1):105-22.

4. Huang B, Wang W, Li Q, Wang Z, Yan B, Zhang Z, Wang L, Huang M, Jia C, Lu J, Liu S, Chen H, Li M, Cai D, Jiang Y, Jin D*,

Bai X*

. Osteoblasts secrete Cxcl9 to regulate angiogenesis in bone.

Nat Commun

. 2016 Dec 14;7:13885.

5. Yan B, Zhang Z, Jin D, Cai C, Jia C, Liu W, Wang T, Li S, Zhang H, Huang B, Lai P, Wang H, Liu A, Zeng C, Cai D, Jiang Y,

Bai XC

*. mTORC1 regulates PTHrP to coordinate chondrocyte growth, proliferation and differentiation.

Nat Commun

. 2016 Apr 4;7:11151.

6. Yang J, Zhou X, Fan X, Xiao M, Yang D, Liang B, Dai M, Shan L, Lu J, Lin Z, Liu R, Liu J, Wang L, Zhong M, Jiang Y,

Bai XC

*. mTORC1 promotes aging-related venous thrombosis in mice via elevation of platelet volume and activation.


. 2016 Aug 4;128(5):615-24.

7. Huang MJ, Wang L, Jin DD, Zhang ZM, Chen TY, Jia CH, Wang Y, Zhen XC, Huang B, Yan B, Chen YH, Li SF, Yang JC, Dai YF,

Bai XC

*. Enhancement of the synthesis of n-3 PUFAs in fat-1 transgenic mice inhibits mTORC1 signalling and delays surgically induced osteoarthritis in comparison with wild-type mice.

Ann Rheum Dis

. 2014 Sep;73(9):1719-27.

8. Song Q, Xu Y, Yang C, Chen Z, Jia C, Chen J, Zhang Y, Lai P, Fan X, Zhou X, Lin J, Li M, Ma W, Luo S,

Bai X

*. miR-483-5p promotes invasion and metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma by targeting RhoGDI1 and ALCAM.

Cancer Res

. 2014 Jun 1;74(11):3031-42.

9. Chen Z, Dong H, Jia C, Song Q, Chen J, Zhang Y, Lai P, Fan X, Zhou X, Liu M, Lin J, Yang C, Li M, Gao T,

Bai X

*. Activation of mTORC1 in collecting ducts causes hyperkalemia.

J Am Soc Nephrol.

2014 Mar;25(3):534-45.

10. Jia CH, Li M, Liu J, Zhao L, Lin J, Lai PL, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Chen ZG, Li HY, Liu AL, Yang CL, Gao TM, Jiang Y,

Bai XC

*. IKK-β mediates hydrogen peroxide induced cell death through p85 S6K1.

Cell Death Differ.

2013 Feb;20(2):248-58.

11. Zhang Y, Xu S, Li K, Tan K, Liang K, Wang J, Shen J, Zou W, Hu L, Cai D, Ding C, Li M, Xiao G, Liu B, Liu A,

Bai X

*. mTORC1 inhibits NF-κB/NFATc1 signaling and prevents osteoclast precursor differentiation, in vitro and in mice.

J Bone Miner Res

. 2017 May 18. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3172

12. Wang H, Zhang H, Sun Q, Wang Y, Yang J, Yang J, Zhang T, Luo S, Wang L, Jiang Y, Zeng C, Cai D*,

Bai X

*. Intra-articular Delivery of Antago-miR-483-5p Inhibits Osteoarthritis by Modulating Matrilin 3 and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 2.

Mol Ther

. 2017 Mar 1;25(3):715-727.

13. Zhang Y, Xu S, Liang KY, Li K, Zou ZP, Yang CL, Tan K, Cao X, Jiang Y, Gao TM,

Bai XC

*. Neuronal mTORC1 is required for maintaining the nonreactive state of astrocytes.

J Biol Chem

. 2017 Jan 6;292(1):100-111

14. Xu S, Zhang Y, Liu B, Li K, Huang B, Yan B, Zhang Z, Liang K, Jia C, Lin J, Zeng C, Cai D, Jin D, Jiang Y,

Bai X

*. Activation of mTORC1 in B Lymphocytes Promotes Osteoclast Formation via Regulation of β-Catenin and RANKL/OPG.

J Bone Miner Res.

2016 Jul;31(7):1320-33.

15. Huang B, Wang Y, Wang W, Chen J, Lai P, Liu Z, Yan B, Xu S, Zhang Z, Zeng C, Rong L, Liu B, Cai D, Jin D,

Bai X

*. mTORC1 Prevents Preosteoblast Differentiation through the Notch Signaling Pathway.

PLoS Genet

. 2015 Aug 4;11(8):e1005426.

16. Chen Z, Kang X, Wang L, Dong H, Wang C, Xiong Z, Zhao W, Jia C, Lin J, Zhang W, Yuan W, Zhong M, Du H*,

Bai X

*. Rictor/mTORC2 pathway in oocytes regulates folliculogenesis, and its inactivation causes premature ovarian failure.

J Biol Chem.

2015 Mar 6;290(10):6387-96.

17. Chen Z, Zhang Y, Jia C, Wang Y, Lai P, Zhou X, Wang Y, Song Q, Lin J, Ren Z, Gao Q, Zhao Z, Zheng H, Wan Z, Gao T, Zhao A, Dai Y*,

Bai X

*. mTORC1/2 targeted by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of mammary tumorigenesis and tumor progression.


, 2014, 33(37):4548-57. (IF: 8.459)

18. Guo J, Xie Z, Tran RT, Xie D, Jin D,

Bai X

, Yang J*. Click chemistry plays a dual role in biodegradable polymer design.

Adv Mater

, 2014, 26(12):1906-11. (IF:17.493)

19. Wen ZH, Su YC, Lai PL, Zhang Y, Xu YF, Zhao A, Yao GY, Jia CH, Lin J, Xu S, Wang L, Wang XK, Liu AL, Jiang Y, Dai YF*,

Bai XC

*. Critical role of arachidonic acid-activated mTOR signaling in breast carcinogenesis and angiogenesis.


, 2013, 32(2):160-70.


Bai XC

*, Lu D, Liu AL, Zhang ZM, Li XM, Zou ZP, Zeng WS, Cheng BL, Luo SQ. Reactive oxygen species stimulates receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand expression in osteoblast.

J Biol Chem.

2005 Apr 29;280(17):17497-506 (IF:4.573)




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