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helping others作文

帮助他人的作文 在我们平凡的日常里,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外


















  在学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,下面是我为大家收集的关于帮助别人作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 关于帮助别人作文1   一句问候,给人春天般的温暖,一个动作,给人无尽的关怀。而有一天在超市,我就帮助了一位老婆婆。   星期天这一天,我和爸爸像往常一样去三江超市购物,挑好商品后,爸爸去收银台付款,我去取放在存包箱里的东西,我按照密码纸上的密码,输入了密码,成功地取出了东西,正当我拿着东西等我爸爸付完钱的时候,从门口来了一位老婆婆,看样子她也要存包,看他一脸迷茫,可能是第一次存包,还不知道怎么存,她按了一次“寄包”,密码纸吐了出来,掉在了地上,箱子开了,老婆婆没有把东西放在箱子里,我看她好像准备把东西拿到超市里的时候,这时候,我上去指导老婆婆,说:“你拿好这张纸,把东西放在里面,关上箱子,这张纸别掉,不然东西就取不到了。”   老婆婆对我所说的话有点半信半疑,于是另外一个阿姨来指导那位婆婆,说:“要取包的时候,就按照上面的密码,在输进去,就行了。”听了这位阿姨的话,才使老婆婆安心地把东西放在了箱子里,正当老婆婆放好包,准备购物的时候,她给我说了一声谢谢,我笑了一笑说:“不用谢,应该的。”,虽然天气很热,但是听了她的话之后,我还是感觉到很凉快。   从此以后,我变得更爱帮助人了,因为,我之中相信着这样一句话:帮助别人,快乐自己 关于帮助别人作文2   在漫漫的人生道路中,有很多困难在我门身边。而帮助我的人,我却骗他门。我出卖了自己的良知和行动。把自己埋进了痛苦的深渊里。   也许是我太傻,太天真。作为马上进入社会的我,18岁的我。居然被社会的上腐败的东西所迷惑,所折磨。我居然会迷上赌博这个害人害己的东西,而且是一发不可收失。我把生活费输了,那还不算什么。我居然还骗家里和同学,甚至老师。虽然我向他门借到了钱,可是我还是不知道悔改,又跑去赌。整天课也没上,人也搞的精神萎靡。甚至输的一两天没的饭吃,只能饿着自己。   当我向他门求助的时候,他门真诚的帮助我,可是,到我还给他门人情的时候,我却逃避了。因为,我还不起。我饭都没的吃,把我的所有都输在了赌博上面。哪还有什么呢?每次碰见他门的时候,我只能撒谎说,马上会还了。可是,这样的话说了已经好多次,好多次,连我自己也数不清楚了。   到现在,帮助我的人,我只能默默的避开他,生怕他会发现我,晚上做梦的时候,都梦着他门向我伸出双手,要我还,无数次晚上从睡梦中惊醒,我现在好害怕。在这个学校读了3年书,输了3年,骗了3年,饿了3年,也把自己的青春也浪费了3年,我不知道我现在还剩下什么。   也许,现在逃避,是对我的解脱,而对他门是深深的痛苦着。他门当初那么真诚的帮助我,而我现在却这样对他们,所以,在这里,我默默的对他门说声对不起,原谅我这个已经没有心的人。。那怕你门怎么样对我也好,我也心甘接受。   赌博,害了我的一生,希望大家能好好的读书,用自己的眼睛看亮前方的一切~~!不要向我这样,痛苦一生! 关于帮助别人作文3   帮助别人自己也会快乐,就算是一件微不足道的小事也会令自己感到快乐。 那天我乘着公共汽车,走着回家的路上。车上满是人海,连个座位都没有。又到了一个站,忽然,我看见了一个空位,急忙座了上去。不一会儿,有一位老奶奶手里提着一个沉甸甸的大包袱慢吞吞的上了车,她白发苍苍,额头上已有三四道皱纹,一边走一边喘气。看上去八十多岁,站到一个年轻人的身边。这时,座位上的人有的向窗外看,有的则视而不见。我看着老奶奶失望的样子,心里很不是个滋味。突然来了个急刹车,老奶奶的身子被迫的向前走了几步,她的包裹也随着她左右摇晃,不巧那包裹突然重重砸在了那个年轻人身上。年轻人大骂说:“干嘛呢,这么大岁数了,这么不小心。”说完扭头面看着窗户。老奶奶不说话。只是叹了一口气,站到了我的身旁,“要不要让座呢?”我想了想,“我是少先队队友如果我不让座我怎么对的起我胸前的红领巾呢?”我连忙站起来,说:“老奶奶,您快坐,快坐。”老奶奶高兴得直夸我是个好孩子。这时那个年轻人,脸上红彤彤的,车上的人都向我投来了赞许的目光。我呢,不好意思的低下了头,其实心里别提有多甜蜜了。 通过这件事我知道了:只要你帮助别人,别人一定会感谢你,也会在你有困难的时候帮助你。所以我真正明白“帮助别人,快乐自己”这句话的真正含义了。 关于帮助别人作文4   我以前对帮助别人并不感兴趣,认为那样只不过是浪费财力、浪费精力,对自己是不公平的,人生很短暂那自己的时间去为别人服务,那样好无聊哦。可是又一次让我明白了,帮别人不会损失什么反而会获得快乐。   对于我这个不学无术的小捣蛋鬼学生来说,在学习聊天早已成为家常便饭。一天活动课上,{这个课是自由课,随便干什么都行!}以前每次到这个课上,我总会到宿舍洗洗衣服、泡泡面吃、要不就是出去和他们疯玩一场、如果你看到我在写作业那是老师在里面或者是作业马上就要交,今天有点累了跑都跑不动了爬在桌子上睡觉。眼睛里的余光看到同桌再用圆规刻什么,我对这个很感兴趣,便问她:“你在可是什么呢?”她用可爱的娃娃音说“|我在刻一颗心。”我对她说:“那个不好玩,我以前刻过,很无聊的!他对我说:“那是因为你是在为自己刻,而我是在为别人刻。”我很纳闷不都是刻吗?怎么可能会不一样?我是再为自己刻应该会更开心,而她是在为别人刻会很无聊啊!!瞌睡死了,没想太多便睡去了。   到了晚上上自习的时候同桌对我说:“用下你的橡皮好吗?”我很纳闷,她为什么要管我借橡皮,我正准备拒绝她,忽然有一个喃喃的声音传进我的耳朵:“不用对我说谢谢,帮助了你的同时也帮助了我,因为帮助你让我得到了快乐!”我把橡皮借给了她,她说:“谢谢你!”我对着她甜甜的笑了,我真的变快乐了!   是啊!帮助别人也是在帮助自己,我帮助了别人我也很快乐!你们体验一下吧,真的哦,帮助别人自己真的会很快乐哦!帮助别人不会损失什么,反而会得到快乐! 关于帮助别人作文5   我的姐姐今年三年级了,我在一年级。我和姐姐每天一起上学,一起放学,我们在同一所学校上学。每天一放学回到家,我就和姐姐一起在桌子上写作业。每次写完作业后,姐姐就主动承担起家长的责任,来帮我检查作业。有的时候,查着查着就发现了错误,姐姐就会很有耐心的叫我过来,一道道的给我讲,直到我弄懂为止。当然也有粗心大意的时候,姐姐就会很认真的告诉我一定要克服这个不好的毛病。有的时候,检查后都能做对,姐姐还会表扬我,夸我进步了。就这样,在姐姐的帮助和鼓励下,我的学习成绩越来越好,上个星期我们又小测验了,我又拿了一个一百分,姐姐非常高兴,我们一起告诉了爷爷奶奶,爷爷奶奶鼓励我们以后要继续互相鼓励,互相帮助,争取下次还能拿个一百分。我很喜欢姐姐,也很感谢她,我会一直向姐姐学习,做一个爱帮助大家的好孩子。 关于帮助别人作文6   星期六早上,妈妈要加班,我起来吃过早饭后一看,妈妈今天没来得及打扫卫生,我灵机一动,心想:今天的卫生就由我来打扫吧?   我先拿着扫把里里外外地打扫了一遍,再拿起拖把拖起地来,可拖把很重,又湿淋淋地,怎么拿也拿不动。后来我在卫生间里看见了一个洗拖把的转桶,只要把拖把放在转桶里转几下,拖把就拧干了。我一边拖地一边想:这个转桶真神奇啊!拖把拖脏了又能洗又能拧干。我来回拖个不停,费了九牛二虎之力才把家里拖得很干净,最后再把家里所有的东西整理好。看着自己把家里打扫得干干净净,虽然觉得有点累,但是帮妈妈做了一件家务活,心里别提有多高兴啦!   等到晚上妈妈下班回来了,看到家里又整齐又干净,说:“孩子,你长大了!” 关于帮助别人作文7   他是一位助人为乐的叔叔,个儿不高,额头上那深深的“川”字纹透露出他生活的艰难,双手布满老茧,见证了他工作的劳累,衣着十分简朴,一条黑裤子,一件油腻腻的“花”外套,脚穿一双磨破的球鞋,看样子大概是个从农村来城里的打工仔。   这是一个热日当头的下午,我顶着火辣辣太阳,一头冲进一辆2路公交车,哪知我这一冲,竟然撞到了一位叔叔,我摸了摸被撞得发酸的鼻子,忙不迭声地说:“对不起”,那位叔叔一回头,我心想完了,肯定要被骂一顿了,可他不仅没骂我,还对我说:“小妹妹,下次上车可得小心了!”我如释重负地吁了一口气。   碰上好人啊,我庆幸地嘀咕着。忽然,汽车一个急刹车,一位老奶奶不小心摔倒了,我望着身旁的大人,希望有人去扶起这位老人,可看到的是:要么自顾自地在听mp3,要么是忧闲自在地在看窗外风景,我刚想走过去扶老奶奶时,看到有一双大手伸向老奶奶,顺着手臂往上看,是刚才那位叔叔,他的脸上写满了担心。老奶奶并没大碍,只是擦破了点皮,叔叔紧张的脸上轻松了不少,他扶起老奶奶安顿好座位后,悄然地离开了。   这是一件多么微不足道的事啊!虽然已经过去一年了,那个叔叔的'形象时常还会出现在我脑海中,我要向他学习,在平时的生活中,从小事做起,从身边做起,像叔叔那样去关心他人,助人为乐。 关于帮助别人作文8   被人帮助是种幸福!帮助别人是种快乐!前几天我就体会到了这种快乐。   那是上个星期发生的事了,那天放学值完日后我就和齐元坤一起回家,我们一路走一路说笑。走到牛肉面门口,感觉脚下踩到了一个什么东西,我捡起来一看,原来是一本驾照。   回到家我赶紧拿给妈妈看,妈妈看了看,说这是真的驾照。我一听着急了,那我们得赶紧找到这个人,丢的人没有驾照就开不了车,一定会着急的。我告诉妈妈这本驾照是在牛肉馆门口捡到的,有可能这个人也住在泰山区,妈妈一听连连点头,妈妈拨打了泰山区居委会的电话,居委会的阿姨一听这个情况,很热情的帮我们查找,可是泰山区并没有这个人。我们又打到了黄山居委会,可是也没有这个人。我和妈妈一下泄了气,不知道该怎么找这个人,我们没了头绪。   这时我拿起了那本驾照,发现里面夹着一张粉色的发票,是张手机发票,上面有一个手机号,我哈哈大笑起来:“真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫!妈妈,你快看,上面有手机号!”我们按照这个手机号拨了过去,一说原来就是泰山去外面的小辣椒川菜馆老板的驾照。我和妈妈都松了一口气,和老板约好明天还驾照。   第二天上学的时候我和妈妈把驾照还给了叔叔,叔叔摸着我的头说:“谢谢你,你真是个好孩子!”我心里美滋滋的,我想起妈妈原来给我说过的一句话:赠人玫瑰,手留余香。这也是帮助别人得到的快乐!   帮助别人,快乐自己。 关于帮助别人作文9   “扑通” 一声,一位白发苍苍的老人摔倒在大街上,而路过这儿的人们却一脸嫌弃的躲开这位年迈的老人,尽管老人的声声呻吟着,而他们似乎把这声音当作耳边呼呼吹过的风声。也许他们害怕被人坑吧?反正没有一个人愿意上前扶起这位可怜的老人。   记得我曾经在汽车广播电台里听到这样一个故事:一个小女孩被一辆汽车撞倒了,人们都假装没有看见,最后还是一位老奶奶把小女孩送到了医院,挽救了这个小女孩的生命。我非常震惊:难道他们就这么漠视生命吗?于是我对这类事儿上了心。后来没过多久,我就在电视上看到了一个新闻节目中看到这样一幕:同样也是一位老人摔倒在大街上,而却有一位年轻的小伙子上前扶起了这位老人。当记者问他“你难道不怕被人坑”时,这位年轻的小伙子却淡淡一笑,回答了记者的问题:“他最多只会坑我的钱,但他又坑不了我的命!”   是呀,他说得多好呀!老人再怎么样,也要不了他的命呀。但生命却是再多的钱也买不到的无价之宝!如果他不扶起那位摔倒在大街上而又无人理睬的老人,那么,也许老人将失去一生中最最宝贵的东西--那就是——生命!   我,在这儿向大家发出呼吁:请伸出你的援助之手,爱护每一个生命,不要漠视他们!助人乃快乐之本,记住,善良是再多的钱也买不到的无价宝! 关于帮助别人作文10   现今社会,到处都可以看到热心助人的事,到处都可以听到热心助人的人。热心助人是一种品质,更是一种美德,帮助别人的人最快乐的是自己,帮助别人就等于帮助自己的未来。   在我们班上有许多热心助人的同学,当同学们头困难的时候,那些热心主人的同学总会积极的去帮助他们。当有的同学叫不上去的时候,那些热心主人的同学就回去辅导他们,所以,我们就把他们叫做“小老师”。当人,我也是致谢小老师中的其中一员。   上学期,班主任老师把一位学习较差的同学调在我旁边让我帮助他,他经常作业叫不上去,又是也不写家庭作业。他叫——吕雪龙,每次他叫交不上作业我都会经历的去帮助他,以前,上课的时候他总是不认真听讲,可当我说了他几次后,他上课渐渐地认真起来,还能积极的回答问题,作业也能独自完成,期中考试他的成绩提高了不少,看到他成绩提高,心里有一种说不出的喜悦,脸上洋溢着一种自豪感,当他看到自己成绩的时候,我看到他笑了,笑的是那么开心。   从那以后,他的作业基本上都是独立完成的,除了有几道题不会以外,其是他的作业都是自己做的,我为她主动学习而高兴,我也知道,只要他主动学习,就能成为一名好学生。   吕雪龙的成绩上去后,老师把他调在了前面,给我又换了   一个差生让我辅导,现在虽然我和吕雪龙没做同桌,可他的成绩也没下降,我因此感到高兴,因为他又了好好学习的习惯。   热心助人是一种美德,让我们行动起来,从生变的小事做起,一起来帮助有困难的人吧!这样,世界上便处处可见热心助人的情景,世界将会变得更美好。 关于帮助别人作文11   人人都有快乐的事情,我也一样,帮助别人,快乐自己!作文500字。我今天也跟大家分享一下我快乐的事情。   那是一个十分炎热的夏天,太阳就像是一个大火炉似的。人们被晒得纷纷打上太阳伞,抹上防晒霜出门。而我只能用乞求爸爸、妈妈的办法,换来那梦寐以求的一元钱,买一根冰棍,解一解夏天的炎热。有一天,我在家里玩电脑游戏。那天出奇地热,我热得汗流浃背,汗都浸湿了衣服。我想:哎,一会儿去买根冰棍吧。   吃完中午饭,我与我的哥哥去买冰棍。正当我买完冰棍,从超市里心满意足地走出来时,看见一位老奶奶站在街角,她衣衫褴褛,皮肤黝黑,她有一双十分枯瘦的手与有着无数皱纹的脸,尽管她用一双渴望的眼睛看着过往行人,可是没有一个人理睬她,还有几个人用蔑视的眼神看她,我的哥哥更是视而不见。我心里有些愤怒,但又发不出火。   我翻翻衣兜,找到买冰棍剩下的五角钱,送到她手里,她眼里顿时充满了感激,还用那眼神望着我,她的眼神仿佛要对我说:“谢谢你,好心人!”也许我的行为不被一些人理解,或被他们嘲笑,但我认为,这位老奶奶需要我们关心与帮助。虽然我失去了一次再买一根冰棍的机会,但是,那位老奶奶因为我的帮助而感到了快乐,使我也有了快乐。这件事我做得很值得。   快乐,可能就在你一念之间,也可能在你眼前,让我们记住这句话:帮助别人,快乐自己!去寻找快乐吧! 关于帮助别人作文12   一天,在学校,我感到头晕,发现校医不在那里。   我的头开始发晕了。我真的希望一些同学能帮我摆脱头晕。我眼中有一个人说,“你为什么不去上体育课?”因为我的头太晕了,我分不清上半部分和下半部分,同时我感到头晕。那人看着我说,“去上体育课。”然后他离开了。这时,我眼睛里的亮光也变得很暗,我继续忍受着头晕,独自做作业,心想如果有人能带我去学校医务室就好了。今天绝对不是躲避这个班的日子。这时走廊里传来一阵脚步声,我想:哦,天哪,可能是体育老师来了。他非常擅长打人。上次他打了我们的一个同学,头上满是包。我的生活如此痛苦。我感到头晕,会被打。我真的希望有人能帮助我。所以我迅速躲到桌子下面,侥幸躲过了子弹。我心想:体育课的代表,请快来。   当我再次听到沉重的脚步声时,我感到绝望。这绝对是体育课的代表。班主任看到我难过,跑过去问。“你怎么了?”我说,“我觉得头晕。”班级代表说,“我知道校医在哪里。我来抱你。”所以他把我带到学校医生那里,医生很快治好了我的头晕。   之后,我问体育课的代表,“你怎么知道我在这里?”班级代表说:“我听到教室里有一点噪音,就来了。”“谢谢你!”我说。 关于帮助别人作文13   星期六的那天早上,天空真是万里无云,我与妈妈乘着汽车去二姨家,车上的人可真多呀!几乎都没有座位了,这可怎么办啊!忽然,我看见了一个空位,急忙叫妈妈来坐,妈妈让我坐在那里。   不一会儿,有一位老奶奶手里提着一个沉甸甸的大包袱慢吞吞的上了车,她白发苍苍,额头上有三道皱纹,一边走一边喘气。看上去八十多岁,站到一个年轻人的身边。   这时,车上的人有的用报纸挡住脸,有的向窗外看,有的则视而不见。我看着老奶奶失望的样子,心里很不好受,这时老奶奶的包碰了他一下,他大声说:“干嘛呢,这么大岁数了,这么不小心。”说完扭头面向窗户打起了电话。老奶奶不说话。只是叹了一口气,站到了我的身旁,我想给她让座,可是她坐了,我呢!再说车上的人又这么多,我不得挤成“肉饼”呀!算了,还是别让了。   微风吹来,红领巾在我的胸前飘动,它给了我勇气,我连忙站起来,说:“老奶奶,您快坐,快坐。”老奶奶高兴得直夸我是个好孩子。这时那个大哥哥,脸上红彤彤的,车上的人都向我投来了赞许的目光。我呢,不好意思的低下了头,其实心里别提有多美了。到了二姨家,我把在车上的事与大家说了,他们都说我是一个乐于助人的好孩子。   通过这件事我知道了:只要你帮助别人,别人一定会感谢你,也会在你有困难的时候帮助你。所以我真正明白帮助别人,快乐自己这句话的真义了。 关于帮助别人作文14   星期四的上午,美好的一天又开始了,红红的太阳挂在了高高的东边。   和每天一样,洗漱吃饭后又早早地来到了学校上课,规律一点儿也没变。时间呀一分一秒地流逝了,已经到中午了。今天和平常不一样,因为放学以后,我要自己坐公交车去妈妈店里了,心情像高山一样弯弯曲曲的情绪波动。   放学了!我跑步来到站牌旁边,等待公交车的到来,没过多久,咦!不远处来了一位老爷爷,到站牌后就一直盯着公交站牌看,眼睛一睁一闭的好像是在吃力地寻找他要去的站,我想老爷爷肯定是看不清上面的字,于是我轻轻地走上前去,问老爷爷要去哪一站,他说:“小朋友,汽车站在哪里呀?需要做哪一路公交车呀?”“老爷爷,坐29路就可以,我也是坐这路公交车的,你就在我下一站下车就可以了”我答道。这时公交车来了,我扶老爷爷上了车,叫他坐好了,扶好扶手……几分钟过去了,熟悉的下车铃声响了,我该下车了,和老爷爷告别时,又提醒他下一站就到他要去的汽车站了,别忘记下车。老爷爷非常慈祥地谢了我。   下车后我心里美滋滋的,比吃了蜜还要甜,这也让我懂得了:帮助别人,快乐自己。 关于帮助别人作文15   人的一生最美、最纯洁的品质——乐于助人。   一次,我去绍兴去学兴趣班。正要过马路的时候,看见一位老奶奶弯着腰正打算过去,可是,川流不息的车子使老人眼花缭乱。当老奶奶正犹豫时,我连忙迎上去,搀扶着满脸皱纹的老奶奶,过了马路。老奶奶过了马路兴高采烈地说;"谢谢你,小朋友!你真勇敢!要不是你,我无法过马路了,实在是太谢谢你了!”说完,马上掏衣兜,送给我几颗糖,我随手将糖塞进嘴里,哇!真甜!但是我的心里更是甜甜的味道!   还有一次,我和妈妈到超市去买日用品。在排队时,我听见钱掉的声音,回头一看,后面那位阿姨果然掉了钱,我弯下腰将钱拾了起来还给阿姨。阿姨笑着说:"你是个好孩子,阿姨谢谢你!”霎时,周围投来许多赞许的目光。我连忙说:“阿姨,这是我应该做的!这点小忙算不了什么!”我的心就像花儿绽放,无比绚丽,无比灿烂!   在学校里,还有很多乐于助人的事迹,比如:你帮助别人捡起东西并还给别人,你借给别人东西,就像是雪中送炭。。。。。。只要你对别人好,别人也会对你好,“我为人人,人人为我”就是这道理。   我现在终于明白:“助人以快乐为本”只要你帮助别人,心里总会有美滋滋的味儿!


  帮助英语作文一:Helping others   Many students in our class often said: If we have time, we will go out of school to do something for our society. I agreed with them. We hope to have a special day every week to help others. Last month we went to an old people’s home and sang some beautiful songs and performed a play for them. The old people were so happy that they asked us to see them again. I think we should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. We should be allowed to have Friday afternoon to volunteer and help the people who need our help. Because everyone needs help.   帮助英语作文二:How Would You Like to Help Others   Helping those who are in need of help is not only doing others favour, but also a way to improve ourselves. Then, how should we help others?   Firstly, we have to make sure that we are capable of giving the assistance. What we tell others must be right because we can't missguide others by helping them.   Secondly, we should keep in mind that we do the favour not asking anything in return. We should show our patience even if the problem would be very tricky. Anyway, we don't offer our help unless we shall help to the end.   All in all, helping others will win people's respect. And we should give our hands whenever they're needed.   帮助英语作文三:Helping others   Everyone needs helps and everyone can help others.   For example.If one day,your classmate is on dute.maybe you could help him to clean up the classroom.You may ask me why i help him?It doesn't have any good ways for me.You are wrong.   When you are on dute,but you have to go home,then what you are going to do?I think you could ask your classmate for help.They may glad to help you.Because you have helped him,so they will helpyou too.   You help him toclean up the classroom also can make the classroom gets bright and clear.It can makes you and your classmates feel well in the classroom,so you will get good grades.   So you see helping others is helping oursevles!   帮助英语作文四:I'll Help My Grandma   My grandma is over seventy now. These days she doesn't feel well, and her legs hurt. This afternoon my father and I took her to the hospital. The doctor looked her over carefully. He said that she was in good health, but people get all kinds of illness as they got older. He also said that she would get well in the coming spring. I know my grandma has done much for our family. Now she is getting old, and it's time for me to look after her. I'll try my best to make her live happy.   帮助英语作文五:Everyone Needs Help   In our daily life, we are dealing with different kinds of people, no matter at home, in school, or at some other places. Everyone needs help, I think. And only who are willing to help others will also be helped. One day I saw a little girl in the street carrying a heavy schoolbag on her back. She was walking happily.   Then suddenly an old man fell down while he was crossing a street. She ran towards him at once, but she was too short to help him to stand. I helped her and we together brought the old man to safety. He thanked us over and over. I think the little girl was, though very young, a very warm-hearted person.   帮助英语作文六:Help others is helping ourselves   Everyone needs help and if we help others, we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our life.When we help our classmates, we feel friendship, when we help some old people, we feel happy. I think giving is better than receing. Helping others is helping ourselves. For example, my teacher asked me to help Mike with his math months ago. At first I felt a little nervous, because I was not that good at math. So before helping him, I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises. To my surprise, some difficult problems that I couldn’t understand before were worked out by myself. With my help, Mike made great progress in math, too. After that, I realize that helping others also does good to ourselves.Helping each other makes the world wonderful. If we give our love to each oters, the world will be more wonderful and nicer.   The world will be filled with happiness.   帮助英语作文七:Help Others   Help others you also can be joyful, is a trivial things will also make yourself feel happy.   Remember when my third grade, a language examination it if I know helping others, happy yourself meaning.   This day I hurried from the drawer take out three ball-pens, just got in the classroom. Come to the classroom soon bell rang 000 class, the teacher also follow here, in this moment students stopped discourse, from the bag out books to sit quietly on the desks and chairs, books. Disguise   Start the test the teacher's words sound just fell, we'll put the desk retrieval empty, they left a pen, a cushion the cardboard.   In the exam, everyone was doing at, then my leader patting my shoulder, side whispered, xiao fine you have a few pen? Can you lend me one? Borrowed, I'm not happy about it, but I think of helping others, happy yourself, helpful, my hands and flat, not to hear my words, automatically put pen handed it to my leader.   After the test, when I heard leader said to me, thank you when I feel alacrity.   The day I understand the helping others, happy meaning. As long as you help others, in your most helpless time they will help you.   China, a country with an ancient civilization, self-help is the traditional virtue, as the most beautiful songs rap a star willing to help others heart, the most happy is a help others...   帮助英语作文八:Trying To Help Others   Last Sunday, I went to Haimen to go shopping. I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.   I wondered what was happening there. I hurried to go there to take a look. I ran quickly. To my surprise, there was a girl sitting in the street. The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old. There was also a piece of paper in front of her. It said, my family don’t have enough money for me to go to school   I was very sad to see that. I couldn’t help giving some money to the girl. The girl was very grateful to me. She said, Thank you! I was glad to do it. Then I went away with a smile.   That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money. I did a lot of wonderful things. I helped the poor and the old.   After the dream, I know that we should be kind to others. If they are in trouble, we will try to help them out of trouble. Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful. Then we will have a nice life. Dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer.


We have been told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. We often do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays we are not dare to help others. Because the society bees more and plicated. There are some people will make traps for the kind people. For example, you see an old lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her. However, you may be charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah, this things often happen. But helping others is the traditional for our Chinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not only help other people but also help yourself. You will feel happy and satisfy when assisting others. So please give a hand to the people in need carefully. 我们在很小的时候就被告知要帮助那些需要帮助的人。我们小的时候经常就像被告知的那样做,但当我们长大了,我们却不敢去帮助别人了。因为社会变得更复杂了。有一些人会对善良的人设陷阱。例如,你看到一个老太太倒在地上,你想帮她。但是,她可能会说是你把她推到的并让你赔偿医药费。是的,这种事情经常发生。 但帮助他人是我们中国的传统,不管在任何情况下我们都要发扬光大。帮助别人不仅可以帮助别人也是帮助自己。在帮助他人时你会感到快乐和满足。所以请小心的帮助需要帮助的人。 提供帮助 英语作文 你可以用二楼的。 三楼的不适合中学生使用。 另外二楼的作文,可修改如下:Offering HelpAn old Chinese saying goes,“To help others means to help yourself.”On one hand,as HUAMAN-BEINGs,sometimes we can not do some work well by ourselves,we need others to give us a hand.On the other hand,others may have difficulty in doing something,they have to turn to us.(注:turn to已经有求助于的意思。 不需要加help了)It means: We offer our help to those who are in need and we also get help from them.So offering help is very important in our daily life. We help each other to make things easier and to make our relationship closer.Friends,please offer your help, which will make tomorrow be better. 求帮助别人的英语作文 Trying To Help Others Last Sunday, I went to Haimen to go shopping. I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street. I wondered what was happening there. I hurried to go there to take a look. I ran quickly. To my surprise, there was a girl sitting in the street. The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old. There was also a piece of paper in front of her. It said, “…my family don't have enough money for me to go to school…” I was very sad to see that. I couldn't help giving some money to the girl. The girl was very grateful to me. She said, “Thank you!” I was glad to do it. Then I went away with a *** ile. That day I had a dream in the evening; I dreamt that I had a lot of money. I did a lot of wonderful things. I helped the poor and the old. After the dream, I know that we should be kind to others. If they are in trouble, we will try to help them out of trouble. Then we will feel very happy and we will think everything is beautiful. Then we will have a nice life. Dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nicer and nicer.帮助他人(Help others) Your enthusia *** , your both hands, can help others ; Your sincerity, your *** ile, can move others ; Your pliment, your blessing, can reciprocate others ……This, are all what you should do . Because you are accepting others' help all the time , you should reciprocate them. No matter the friend or enemy, no matter the one that is familiar w-ith or strange one, whether he is a rich man or beggar. Help to be not to choose the target , choose time , choose the place. Go , make others warm with heart of you , g-o , help others with hand of you , go , persuade someone else with your action. This is what you should do . You should learn to pay , learns help, learn to present . So long as everybody can do so both, this world will be a cradle that is full of loving , the earth is that one is full of warm collectives!英语作文网收集整理 II63.COM 翻译一下是这样的~ 你的热情,你的,两手都要硬,能帮助别人,你的诚意,你的笑容,可以提出别人,你的恭维,你的祝福,可以回访等… …这都是你应该做的事。 因为你是接受别人的帮助所有的时候,你应该非礼也。 无论是朋友还是敌人,无论是一个熟悉的钨高于对照组,或奇怪的人,无论他是一个富有的人或乞丐。 帮助不选择对象,选择时间,选择地点。 去,让别人温暖的心的你,国澳,帮助别人的手的你,去,说服别人,你的行动。 这就是你应该做的事。 你要学会付出,学会了帮助,相互学习,以目前的。 只要人人都可以这样做既,这个世界将是一个摇篮,这是充满了爱,地球是一个是充满温暖的集体 学习帮助 英语作文 1 Jim felt very unhappy and sad these days.For he couldn't get on well with his clas *** ates.He went to the doctor.The doctor said that he should study hard in order to make more friends in class.Also,he needed to be more confident.In this way,he felt much better than before.2 Waiter:May I help you,Sir? Bob:Yes,what kind of food do you have? W:We have some kind of noodles,some deserts and all sorts of drinks. B:Can I see the menu? W:Yes,please. B:Well,I want a large bowl of beef noodles,a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of lemonade. W:Is that all? B:Yeah,how much are they? W:Twelve dollars. B:OK,I'll take them. 英语作文《帮助别人》 We have been told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. We often do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays we are not dare to help others. Because the society bees more and plicated. There are some people will make traps for the kind people. For example, you see an old lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her. However, you may be charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah, this things often happen. But helping others is the traditional for our Chinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not only help other people but also help yourself. You will feel happy and satisfy when assisting others. So please give a hand to the people in need carefully. 我们在很小的时候就被告知要帮助那些需要帮助的人。 我们小的时候经常就像被告知的那样做,但当我们长大了,我们却不敢去帮助别人了。 因为社会变得更复杂了。 有一些人会对善良的人设陷阱。 例如,你看到一个老太太倒在地上,你想帮她。 但是,她可能会说是你把她推到的并让你赔偿医药费。 是的,这种事情经常发生。 但帮助他人是我们中国的传统,不管在任何情况下我们都要发扬光大。 帮助别人不仅可以帮助别人也是帮助自己。 在帮助他人时你会感到快乐和满足。 所以请小心的帮助需要帮助的人。 求以互相帮助为话题的英语作文 速度 Help Each Other(Kaiser3344手写)This morning I went to the classroom at seven o'clock because I was on duty today. Of course I was the first one. I was cleaning the blackboard when Li Ming came into the classroom. I asked her, "Who do you e here so early?" She answered with a *** ile, "I know you are on duty today. Let me help you." I was very happy and said, "Oh, thankyou. " We began to work together. When the teacher arrived, we had already done a good job, and the classroom was clean and tidy. The teacher praised me.The day after tomorrow Li Ming will be on duty. I am going to help her too. We are good friends. We should help each other.楼主,手写不易,若觉得满意,多多支持哈!!!翻译:今天早晨我7点就到教室了,因为我今天值日。 当然我是第一个到校的。 我正在擦黑板,这时李敏走进了教室。 我问他,“为什么你来这么早?”她笑着回答说,“我知道你今天值日,让我来帮你。 ”我很高兴并且说:“谢谢!”我们一起干了起来。 当老师到来时,我们已经打扫完了,教室又干净又整洁。 老师表扬了我。 后天李敏值日,我也要帮助她。 我们是好朋友,应该互相帮助。 得到他人帮助的英语作文 When we help our clas *** ates. So before helping him, I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises, when we help some old people, my teacher asked me to help Mike with his math months ago. At first I felt a little nervous, because I was not that good at math. After that, I realize that helping others also does good to ourselves.Helping each other makes the world wonderful. To my surpriseHelp others is helping ourselves 题目:帮助别人就是帮助自己Everyone needs help and if we help others, we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our life, some difficult problems that I couldn't understand before were worked out by myself. With my help, Mike made great progress in math, too, we feel friendship. If we give our love to each oters, the world will be more wonderful and nicer. The world will be filled with happiness, we feel happy. I think giving is better than receing. Helping others is helping ourselves. For example 英语作文《帮助他人》带带翻译五句话把 英语作文《帮助他人》带翻译Everyone needs help and I've learned a lot from it.For example, my teacher asked me to help Mike with his mach months ago. At first I fell a little nervous, because I was not that good at math. So before helping him, I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises. To my surprise, some difficult problems that I couldn't understand before were worked out by myself. With my help. Mike made great progress in math, too. After that. I realize that helping others also does good to ourselves.翻译:每个人都需要帮助,我从中学到了很多。 例如,我的老师叫我帮迈克与他的马赫数月前。 起初我有点紧张,因为我不擅长数学。 所以在帮助他之前,我一遍又一遍又一遍,做了大量的练习。 让我感到惊讶的是,在我自己之前,我无法理解一些困难的问题。 在我的帮助下。 迈克在数学杰出的进步,太。 之后。 我意识到帮助别人也对自己好。 英语作文关于帮助他人 In the journey of life, each person's life is inseparable from other people's help, because everything in nature is a universal connection of the whole, no one can out of things around and exist in isolation, but at the same time accepting help from others , we have to learn to help others.Since I am sensible since, I have e across many people who love to help others, they are the kind of selfless dedication to the happiness of others to give up their well-being of the spirit moved me deeply, which I know best is the father Cong Fei, I also funded his 178 students in one of them, I am very lucky and very grateful to God for my father I met Fei Cong. Because I am a lost father, an orphan, brought up to live with his uncle, and uncle's house also has o children, which should not have to live rich uncle brought a heavier burden. During my high school, because of the tuition is very expensive, uncle can no longer afford to pay me to go to school, but dropped out in my face when I walked into my father Cong Fei's life, he understood my situation after I said, you can continue to go after school, not drop out of school because of school fees, you do not give up your studies, your tuition back you solve my problem. After listening to the words of Cong father, my tears flow involuntarily out, I was really excited and very grateful to Cong father, he let me back to school, I have achieved the dream of the chance . But let me to figure out now is like a bundle to fly such a good father, why is that nasty illness cost him his precious life, on hearing the news of Cong Fei father died, my heart If Daojiao general pain, I can not believe, do not want to believe this is true, because in my mind only his nice and loud voice, and that a kind, gentle face ... ... 英语作文,帮帮 I think that some 16 year olds aren't responsible enough to drive. But if you don't allow your kids to drive, will you allow them to ride with other kids. If not, how will you monitor that. If they go out with friends, whos to say that they won't jump in the car with someone and go somewhere. I live in a very rural area. Our town has nothing. We have to drive 10 miles to get anywhere...movie theater, fast food, cruising, anything. I don't think it would be feasible here to not alloow my child to drive or ride with other kids. Unless I kept her locked up in the house, which I'm not going to do. However, I had several friends who drove. One of which, I was never to be in the car with, because my parents didn't think he was safe. Do you think I listened?? NO! My friends and I would just drive to his house out in the country and leave from there. Or we would all meet at one person's house, whos parents didn't care for her to ride with him and leave from there. He was the kids with money, had a great car, unlimited gas money, etc. I don't, however, agree with a 16 year old having a brand new car. I had to borrow my parents car when they let me. Plus, Mom and Dad resticted my driving for a couple of years. I had to "build up" if you will, to driving longer distances and in more traffic, etc. Incidentally, there are a lot more laws for drivers under 18 now than there was when I was a kid. They can't have more than one kid under the age of 18 in the car with them...siblings don't count in that number though. They have a curfew of 11pm on weeknight and midnight on the wekends, unless they have a signed paper from their employer stating that they are driving home from work. At least these are IL laws, so I'm not sure if every state has them. 给我一半分 carrot is a kind of healthy food/vegetable, it's not noly plenty of nutrition but can enhance your ability of memorizing, which would possibly make your grades more excellent. Do you know how to make corrot milk shake?here is followed by some tips:what we need:fresh carrot,milk,ice,sugarfirst,cut up the carrot after fully washingnext,put them into the blender with milk,ice,and some sugar.finally,turn on the blender and make it work around one minute.here we have the home-made carrot milk shake,and enjoy yourself 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 英语作文《帮助别人》

请帮忙写一篇以Helping Others为题的英语作文

Helping others is great.We are living in the world together with the other people and the animals as well.We are not living in the desert by ourselves.Therefore,we should help each other when we are in troubles.Next month,we are going to help the children in the poor area.I think it is so great for us to do so.Perhaps,the people there are not so rich as we are,but they have their own dreams,just like us.I hope that,with our help,they can realize their dreams,for we are equal in the world. They have the rights to live ,to learn and to work.I am sure they can overcome the difficulties with our help.

help others作文及翻译

Helping other is a meaningful action and beneficial to all.Help the other just like lifting a finger.You can help the other in addition to have a good reputation.The Bible said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Its shows that when you are helping the other,you are helping yourself as the same time.Helping others can satisfy the spirit and clean your soul.Although helping people don’t expect returns,the other will help you when you need a help because of your helpful.So,helping others can make you have a better social life.




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