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同位语的例句有哪些 同位语例句20个简单带翻译如下:1、I have no idea why he resigned.我不明白他为何辞职。2、You have no idea how worried I was.你不明白我当时有多担忧。3、I have no i


同位语例句20个简单带翻译如下:1、I have no idea why he resigned.我不明白他为何辞职。2、You have no idea how worried I was.你不明白我当时有多担忧。3、I have no idea when he will be back.我不明白他什么时候会回来。4、We heard the news that our team had won.我们听到消息说我们队赢了。5、I have no idea what has happened to him.我不明白他发生了什么事。6、There was no doubt that he is honest man.毫无疑问他是诚实的人。7、Answer my question whether you are coming.你回答我的问题:你来不来等。8、They were worried over the fact that you were sick.他们为你生病发愁。9、She hasn't made the decision whether she should give up.她还没决定她是否应当放下。10、We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy.我们不是在调查他是否能够信任的问题。11、We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy。我们不是在调查他是否能够信任的问题。12、They expressed the wish that she accept the award。他们表示期望她理解这笔奖金。13、We heard the news that our team had won。我们听到消息说我们队赢了。14、They were worried over the fact that you were sick。他们为你生病发愁。15、I' ve e to the conclusion that it was unwise to do that。我得出结论这样做是不明智的。16、The fact that the money has gone does not mean it was stolen。那笔钱不见了这一事实并不意味着是被偷了。17、He referred to Copernicus’ statement that the earth moves round the sun。他提到了哥白尼关于地球绕太阳转的说法。18、The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true。明天放假的消息不实。19、Have you any idea what time it starts?你明白什么时候开始吗?20、You have no idea how worried l was!你不明白我多着急!


同位语是英语语法中的一种修辞手法,用于在句子中对某个名词或代词进行解释或补充说明。同位语通常由一个名词、代词、数词、形容词或介词短语等构成,放在被解释的名词或代词的后面,用逗号或破折号与被解释的名词或代词隔开。同位语的用法有以下几种:一、用于解释或补充说明名词或代词的含义。例如:My friend, a doctor, is coming to visit me.(我的朋友,一位医生,要来看我。)The book, a bestseller, has sold millions of copies.(这本书,一本畅销书,已经卖出了数百万册。)二、用于对名词或代词进行进一步的描述或限定。例如:The city, a bustling metropolis, is full of life and energy.(这座城市,一个繁华的大都市,充满了生机和活力。)The dog, a golden retriever, is very friendly and loyal.(这只狗,一只金毛寻回犬,非常友好和忠诚。)三、用于对名词或代词进行同义替换或重复。例如:The president, the leader of the country, gave a speech on national television.(总统,也就是这个国家的领袖,在全国电视上发表了讲话。)My sister, she is a doctor, is very busy with her work.(我的姐姐,她是一名医生,工作非常忙碌。)需要注意的是,同位语通常用于正式的文学作品、学术论文、新闻报道等场合,而在口语和非正式的场合中使用较少。此外,同位语的使用也需要注意语境和语法结构的合理性,避免出现歧义或语法错误。




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