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payphone中文谐音歌词 Payphone Payphone是一个英文单词,没有特别贴切的中文谐音。 以下是我给出的中文歌词: 我本想成为你的庇护所, 你又说要自由 我们的心结很难解开, 你却苦笑着说随便


# 歌词​**Payphone**​---​**英文歌词**:​Payphone是一个英文单词,​没有特别贴切的中文谐音。​**中文歌词**:​我本想成为你的庇护所,​你又说要自由。​我们的心结很难解开,​你却苦笑着说随便。​我曾答应你无论遇到什么,​我都会陪伴你。​如今你不再需要我,​我转身看到的是纷扰的街头。​我想和你一起唱那首对唱的歌,​我想和你手牵手漫步在海边。​我想和你走过每一个路口,​即使有苦涩和惋惜,​我们也会勇敢地走下去。​但电话却不停响起,​消耗掉我的爱和关怀。​没有了你,我只有寂寞,​孤单的在公用电话亭。​你的电话一次次打进我的生命,​如今连音色都为之沉寂。​你曾经是我生命的定格,​如今却只剩下消逝的声音。【回答】


亲您好,小编已经帮你查询到结果;Payphone是Maroon 5的一首著名歌曲,关于电话亭(Payphone)的故事,歌曲旋律优美,歌词抒情且略显伤感。以下是Payphone的中文谐音歌词:(Verse 1)我听着公共电话响起铃声仿佛高中放学铃声回荡耳边熟悉口气给我期待的暖身你是我一次的约定,没有转身(Pre-Chorus)你说快要到了,得要走了我看见你的光芒,蔓延在夜色里因为我知道,我知道当我们告别时,恻隐难忍(Chorus)打电话给你还牵挂着你还告诉着自己时间会抹去你离去的空虚但我还是在这儿,一个人为你打电话,在公共电话亭前(Verse 2)故事仅到这里就萎靡了你言不由衷,让我的眼泪掉下我用一整夜去证明你错了但你终于翻开浅眠的心扉(Pre-Chorus)你说快要到了,得要走了我看见你的光芒,蔓延在夜色里因为我知道,我知道当我们告别时,恻隐难忍(Chorus)打电话给你还牵挂着你还告诉着自己时间会抹去你离去的空虚但我还是在这儿,一个人为你打电话,在公共电话亭前【摘要】
亲您好,小编已经帮你查询到结果;Payphone是Maroon 5的一首著名歌曲,关于电话亭(Payphone)的故事,歌曲旋律优美,歌词抒情且略显伤感。以下是Payphone的中文谐音歌词:(Verse 1)我听着公共电话响起铃声仿佛高中放学铃声回荡耳边熟悉口气给我期待的暖身你是我一次的约定,没有转身(Pre-Chorus)你说快要到了,得要走了我看见你的光芒,蔓延在夜色里因为我知道,我知道当我们告别时,恻隐难忍(Chorus)打电话给你还牵挂着你还告诉着自己时间会抹去你离去的空虚但我还是在这儿,一个人为你打电话,在公共电话亭前(Verse 2)故事仅到这里就萎靡了你言不由衷,让我的眼泪掉下我用一整夜去证明你错了但你终于翻开浅眠的心扉(Pre-Chorus)你说快要到了,得要走了我看见你的光芒,蔓延在夜色里因为我知道,我知道当我们告别时,恻隐难忍(Chorus)打电话给你还牵挂着你还告诉着自己时间会抹去你离去的空虚但我还是在这儿,一个人为你打电话,在公共电话亭前【回答】

Maroon 5的《Payphone》 歌词

《Payphone》填 词:Adam Levine,Benny Blanco,Ammar Malik,Robopop谱 曲:Shellback,Benny Blanco歌曲原唱:Maroon 5,Wiz KhalifaI'm at a payphone trying to call home我在公共电话前试着打回家...All of my change I spent on you我所有的钱都花在你身上Where have the times gone过去的时光跑哪去了Baby it's all wrong,宝贝一切都走样了Where are the plans we made for two?属于我们的未来呢?Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember我知道这很难想起The people we used to be过去的我们It's even harder to picture甚至更难去想象That you're not here next to me你已不在我身边You said it's too late to make it你说已经为时已晚But is it too late to try?是不是也太难挽回?And in our time that you wasted你浪费了我们的时光All of our bridges burned down我们之间的桥梁被破坏了I've wasted my nights我虚度了我的夜晚You turned out the lights你将我的光明熄灭了Now I'm paralyzed而我还痴痴地Still stuck in that time还停留在那时When we called it love我们相恋的时候But even the sun sets in paradise但就算是天堂.也有日落的时候I'm at a payphone trying to call home我在公共电话前试着打回家...All of my change I spent on you我所有的钱都花在你身上Where have the times gone过去的时光跑哪去了Baby it's all wrong,宝贝一切都走样了Where are the plans we made for two?属于我们的未来呢?If happy ever afters did exist如果永远幸福真的存在I would still be holding you like this我会继续守护着你All those fairy tales are full of shit那些童话都是狗屎One more fucking love song, I'll be sick再来一首情歌,我就快吐了Oh~You turned your back on tomorrow你转身逃避了明天Cause you forgot yesterday因为你把昨天给遗忘I gave you my love to borrow我给了你我的心But just gave it away而你却将它遗弃You can't expect me to be fine你不用期望 我过得好不好I don't expect you to care我也不期望你会关心I know I said it before我知道我曾经说过But all of our bridges burnt down我们之间的桥梁被破坏了I've wasted my nights我虚度了我的夜晚You turned out the lights你将我的光明熄灭了Now I'm paralyzed而我还痴痴地Still stuck in that time还停留在那时When we called it love我们相恋的时候But even the sun sets in paradise但就算是天堂.也有日落的时候I'm at a payphone trying to call home我在公共电话前试着打回家...All of my change I spent on you我所有的钱都花在你身上Where have the times gone过去的时光跑哪去了Baby it's all wrong,宝贝一切都走样了Where are the plans we made for two?属于我们的未来呢?If happy ever afters did exist如果永远幸福真的存在I would still be holding you like this我会继续守护着你All those fairy tales are full of shit那些童话都是狗屎One more fucking love song, I'll be sick再来一首情歌,我就快吐了Now I am at a payphone...现在...我在电话亭内...Man,fuck that shit喂!我去你的I'll be out spending all this money我会花光所有的钱While you're sitting roundwondering而你还坐在那里困惑时Why wasn't you who came out from nothing为什么从一开始你无法成功Made it from the bottom从最底层开始做起Now when you see me I'm struting现在的我是多么出色And all of my cars start with a push of a button我所有的车都有个自动化的按钮Telling me the chances I blew up提醒我我所错过的机遇Or whatever you call it或者是随便你叫的名称Switch the number to my phone我换了电话号码So you never could call it这样你永远无法打给我Don't need my name on my show我不用自我介绍You can tell it i'm ballin'你也可以我说很夸大Shish, what a shame could have got picked唉.真可惜你没有被眷顾Had a really good game but you missed your last shot一个多么好的机会而你错过了So you talk about who you see at the top而你说的那些地位崇高的人Or what you could've sawbut sad to say it's over for.或是那些过去的丰功伟业都不算什么Phantom pulled up valet open doors打开了劳斯莱斯的车门Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for老子我要闪人了,你寻找的东西你找到了吗?Now it's me who they want现在他们需要的是我So you can go take that little piece of shit with you.所以你就跟你的垃圾一起走吧I'm at a payphone trying to call home我在公共电话前试着打回家...All of my change I spent on you我所有的钱都花在你身上Where have the times gone过去的时光跑哪去了Baby it's all wrong,宝贝一切都走样了Where are the plans we made for two?属于我们的未来呢?If happy ever afters did exist如果永远幸福真的存在I would still be holding you like this我会继续守护着你All those fairy tales are full of shit那些童话都是狗屎One more fucking love song, I'll be sick再来一首情歌,我就快吐了Now I am at a payphone...现在...我在电话亭内...扩展资料:《Payphone》是美国流行乐队魔力红演唱的歌曲。歌曲由亚当·莱文、Benny Blanco、Ammar Malik、Robopop、Shellback和维兹·卡利法共同创作,收录在魔力红第四张录音室专辑《Overexposed》中,于2012年4月17日由A&M Octone唱片发行。该首歌在全球逾十个国家的音乐排行榜夺冠,并于2012年5月26日在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上获得第二名,最终在2012年公告牌年终榜排名第四。2013年2月10日,魔力红因该曲而被第55届格莱美奖提名为最佳流行乐队。2013年4月8日,该首歌获得美国唱片业协会(RIAA)的五倍白金唱片认证。创作背景2011年9月,《Payphone》这首歌曲作为给魔力红的一位粉丝Nguyen Quynh Mai的生日礼物而被创作了出来。


  《Payphone》(中文名:付费电话)是美国流行乐队Maroon 5和美国歌手Wiz Khalifa演唱的歌曲,由Adam Levine、Benjamin Levin、Ammar Malik、Dan Omelio、Shellback、Cameron Thomaz作词、作曲,收录在Maroon5 2012年6月发行的专辑《Overexposed》中。   歌词   I' m at a payphone trying to call home   我站在付费电话前 试着打电话回家   All of my change i spent on you   我所有的零钱都已为你挥霍殆尽   Where have the times gone   我们的最好的时光都去了哪里   Baby,It' s all wrong,   宝贝儿 一切都已经不对   where are the plans we made for two   我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢   Yeah, i, i know it' s hard to remember   是的 我知道很难去记得   The people we used to be   曾经的我们是什么样的我们   It' s even harder to picture   但更难的是去想象   That you' re not here next to me   你会不在我身边   You said it' s too late to make it   你说已经太晚再挽回   But is it too late to try?   但是不是连尝试都已不必要   And in our time that you wasted   在所有你荒废了的我们的时间里   All of our bridges burnt down   我们的一切都已崩塌   I' ve wasted my nights   我浪费了那些夜晚   You turned out the lights   你熄灭了灯火   Now i' m paralyzed   我已全身麻痹 动弹不得   Still stucked in that time when we called it love   仍然困在那一段 我们称之为相爱的时光里   But even the sun sets in paradise   但即便天堂的太阳也落了   I' m at a payphone trying to call home   我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家   All of my change i spent on you   我所有的零钱都已花完   Where are the times gone   我们的最好的时光都去了哪里   Baby,It' s all wrong,   宝贝儿 一切都已经不对   where are the plans we made for two   我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢   If happy ever after did exist   如果“从此快乐的生活到永远”(童话常见结尾)的确存在   I would still be holding you like this   我就会像这样永远与你相拥   All those fairytales are full of shit   所有的童话都已面目全非   One more f*cking love song i' ll be sick   再多一首情歌都会让我作呕   You turned your back on tomorrow   你背弃了明天   Cause you forgot yesterday   因为你已忘记了过去   I gave you my love to borrow   我给你我全部的爱   But you just gave it away   但你弃之若履   You can' t expect me to be fine   你不能期望我能淡然面对   I don' t expect you to care   我也不期望你能在乎   I know i said it before   我知道我曾说过   But all of our bridges burnt down   但属于我们的一切都已经崩裂   I' ve wasted my nights   我荒废了我的夜晚   You turned out the lights   你熄灭了那些灯火   Now i' m paralyzed   我全身麻痹 动弹不得   Still stucked in that time when we called it love   仍然困在那些 我们称之为相爱的时光里   But even the sun sets in paradise   但即便天堂的太阳也落了   I' m at a payphone trying to call home   我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家   All of my change i spent on you   我所有的零钱都已花完   Where are the times gone   我们的最好的时光都去了哪里   Baby,It' s all wrong,   宝贝儿 一切都已经不对   where are the plans we made for two   我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢   If happy ever after did exist   如果“从此快乐的生活到永远”(童话常见结尾)的确存在   I would still be holding you like this   我就会像这样永远与你相拥   All those fairytales are full of shit   所有的童话都已面目全非   One more f*cking love song i' ll be sick   再多一首情歌都会让我作呕   Now I' m at a payphone~   RAP:   Now fuck that shit   好了去他丫的   I' ll be out spending all this money   我挥霍了所有这些钱财   While you sitting round wondering   当你坐在那里困惑着   Why it wasn' t you who came up from nothing   为什么失去一切的那个人不是你   Made it from the botton   从空白里再次奋斗   Now when you see me i' m strutting   你看 现在我混得多特么好   And all of my cars start with a push of a button   我所有的车都是高级货   Telling me the chances i blew up or whatever you call it   提醒我所有被我错过的机遇 或者随便什么   Switched the number to my phone   换掉我的号码   So you never could call it   那样你就无法再拨打它   Don' t need my name on my show   我都不用刻意的表演   You can tell it i' m ballin'   你可以看出我嗨爆了   Swish, what a shame could have got picked   啧 你错过了那些真是可惜   Had a really good game but you missed your last shot   你完美的玩了整个游戏 却玩废了最后一击   So you talk about who you see at the top   所以你不停的说着 你曾经的荣光   Or what you could have saw   或者你本可以得到些什么   But sad to say it' s over for   但必须说的是 那都结束了   Phantom pulled up,valet open doors   劳斯莱斯幻影停下,仆人给我开门   Wiz like go away wiz   都离开吧   Got what you was looking for   终于得到了一直想要的   Now it's me who they want   现在他们需要的是我了   So you can go and take that little piece of shit with you (Rap over)   所以你可以滚了 带着你TM的那一份滚   I' m at a payphone trying to call home   我站在付费电话前 试着打电话回家   All of my change i spent on you   我所有的钱都已为你挥霍殆尽   Where are the times gone   我们的最好的时光都去了哪里   Baby,It' s all wrong,   宝贝儿 一切都已经不对   where are the plans we made for two   我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢   If happy ever after did exist   如果那些快乐都还存在   I would still be holding you like this   我仍然会像这样与你相拥   All these fairy tales are full of shit   所有的童话都已面目全非   One more f*cking love song i' ll be sick   再多一首情歌都会让我作呕   Now i' m at a payphone...   现在我站在这电话前 英文 歌词大全 相关 文章 : 1. 50首经典的英文歌曲 2. 好听的英文歌曲 3. 好听的英文歌曲 4. 翻译优美的英文歌词 5. Never Say Never中英文歌词




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