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hint是什么意思 n. 暗示;v. 暗示,示意。一、读音:英 [hnt];美 [hnt] 。二、例句:I hinted at his imprudence,his folly,but he did not take my hint.我暗示他的轻率,他的愚蠢,但他没有觉


n. 暗示;v. 暗示,示意。一、读音:英 [hɪnt];美 [hɪnt] 。二、例句:I hinted at his imprudence,his folly,but he did not take my hint.我暗示他的轻率,他的愚蠢,但他没有觉察我的暗示。三、词汇用法:1、hint的基本意思是用间接方式表达思想,即“暗示”,可指暗中地或间接地建议,也可指缺少直率、坦白或直截了当地建议。2、用作不及物动词时,其后常接介词at, about或of; 用作及物动词时,可以名词或代词作宾语,也可接that从句。3、hint常可接to,表示向某人暗示某事。扩展资料:近义词:notion.一、意思:n. 观念;概念;想法;主张。二、读音:英 ['nəʊʃn];美 ['noʊʃn] 。三、例句:They want a system based on the notions of personal equality and liberty.他们想要基于人的平等﹑ 自由等概念的制度。四、词汇用法:1、notion作“概念,观念,看法”解时,常接that引导的从句作notion的同位语。2、notion作“突然的念头,奇想,意图,打算”解时常接动词不定式或“of+ v -ing”作定语。3、notion作“理解,明白”解时前面常用no, any, some修饰,其后可接of引导的介词短语,也可接what引导的同位语从句。

Password hint 是什么意思?

中文意思:密码提示Password hint 读音:英 [ˈpɑːswɜːd hɪnt] 美 [ˈpæswɜːrd hɪnt] 密码提示短语:1、type a password hint 键入一个密码提示 ; 键入密码提示2、password hint< 密码提示3、Password Hint Question 口令忘记时的提示问题 ; 密码忘记时的提示问题4、Retrieve Password Hint 取回密码提示 ; 找回密码提示 ; 检索密码提示5、Password Hint Answer 口令忘记时扩展资料近义词:1、password reminder中文:密码提示例句:Reminder: If you use QQ ID to register on Weixin, you can use QQ ID/password to login. 温馨提示:如果您使用QQ号注册微信,您可以直接用QQ号+QQ密码登录。2、Password Prompt中文:密码提示例句:When you run on server, you should get a username/ password prompt. 当您在服务器上运行时,您应该会看到用户名或密码的提示。

hint availabie什么意思啊

hint available
Any hint that the good life is available only to Westerners is unacceptable.

Finally, they showed off the Moto Hint, a futuristic Bluetooth headset, available in an assortment of colors and materials.
最后,摩托罗拉展示了一款名叫Moto Hint,极具未来主义风格的蓝牙耳机,它也可以选择不同的颜色和材质。

hint ,clue,implication,inference有什么区别?谢谢

hint 可以用做名词和动词.
用做名词的时候, 意思是:something you say or do to show what you know or want. 就是说用语言或行动来表示你想要的或者是知道的事情.
eg:He's dropped (= given) several hints to the boss that he'll quit if he doesn't get a promotion.
Did she give you any hints about where she was going?
You can't take (= understand) a hint, can you? Just go away and leave me alone!
做动词用的时候, 意思是:暗示.
eg:Mum's hinted (that) she might pay for my trip to Mexico if I pass all my exams.
He's hinted at the possibility of moving to America.

clue 一般都用做名词.意思是:a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery, 就是说一般都是一种信号或者是信息, 能够使我们找到一个问题, 或者迷团的答案.很多时候我们解释为线索.
eg:1.Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.
2.I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a clue.
例句1如果用hint 来代替的话就不合适, 因为hint就是有人暗示的, 而clue是线索.
clue 加less 是形容词.

clue 用做动词,是向某人介绍情况. 有固定的搭配. 是clue sb in/up向某人介绍最近发生的事情.
He'd been out of the country for weeks, so I clued him in on all that's been happening.
由于他离开这个国家有好几个星期了, 我向他介绍了他离开其间的时事.
Did you gather the implications of her remark?
I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.

He hasn't written to us for ages, and my inference is that his eyesight must have gotten worse.


hint 可以用做名词和动词.
用做名词的时候, 意思是:something you say or do to show what you know or want. 就是说用语言或行动来表示你想要的或者是知道的事情.
eg:He's dropped (= given) several hints to the boss that he'll quit if he doesn't get a promotion.
Did she give you any hints about where she was going?
You can't take (= understand) a hint, can you? Just go away and leave me alone!
做动词用的时候, 意思是:暗示.
eg:Mum's hinted (that) she might pay for my trip to Mexico if I pass all my exams.
He's hinted at the possibility of moving to America.

clue 一般都用做名词.意思是:a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery, 就是说一般都是一种信号或者是信息, 能够使我们找到一个问题, 或者迷团的答案.很多时候我们解释为线索.
eg:1.Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.
2.I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a clue.
例句1如果用hint 来代替的话就不合适, 因为hint就是有人暗示的, 而clue是线索.
clue 加less 是形容词.

clue 用做动词,是向某人介绍情况. 有固定的搭配. 是clue sb in/up向某人介绍最近发生的事情.
He'd been out of the country for weeks, so I clued him in on all that's been happening.
由于他离开这个国家有好几个星期了, 我向他介绍了他离开其间的时事.


hint 是给个“提示”,比如老师留作业的时候顺便给你个hint,或者有话不直说但是拐弯给你个hint让你自己去领悟。


implicate跟imply有点联系,都有推理的性质,但是这个词好象不推出什么好事情,比如被牵连进去就是implicate in...




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