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man and nature

harmony between man and nature是什么意思 harmony between man and nature 人与自然的和谐 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 天人合一 2. 人与自然和谐 例句: 1. It also began to foster ha

harmony between man and nature是什么意思

harmony between man and nature

1. 天人合一
2. 人与自然和谐

It also began to foster harmony between man and nature.


“man and nature”的英语作文怎么写

Ever since the start of time,primeval mane have struggled against nature for survival.This is most evident in the theory of Evolution,which suggests that organisms evolve to adapt to new environments and obstacles.Even so,man still struggle against nature in our modern society.With all the advance technology in our world,it is easy to see that man have come a long way since using the fire in ancient ages.However,natural disasters such as drought,tsunamis,and earthquakes still plague the world,but these issues are being solved by all nations across the world.Whether it is new technologies or strategies to counter or prevent these natural disasters,or the immediate response to rescue victims,one can discern that man does have the upper hand.Dams have been build to solve drought,and a deluge of donations and rescue efforts in the recent Haiti earthquake is but one of the many paradigms of man's triumph over nature


Relationship between man and nature is that, with the development of human capacity change, the relationship between the two expressed as a historic process of development. In primitive society, human understanding of nature and very limited natural ability, in the relationship between man and nature more subject to the performance of human nature.
Along with the production level, the relationship between man and nature began to change, mankind gradually from "natural fear" attitude to "conquer nature", nature has become the subject of human transformation. Agricultural society, the large-scale transformation of human nature, that while the expansion of the arable land to meet the growing demand for food, but the destruction of forest, grassland, lake, not only led to soil erosion, declining soil quality, desertification, salinization , and further loss of ecological balance. The emergence of industrial civilization makes the relationship between human beings and the natural fundamental changes have taken place: the natural world is no longer completely mysterious past and the power of the Middle Ages, like human beings no longer need the help of God as the authority to maintain their domination of nature.
However, since the 20th century, along with environmental pollution, energy crisis and the threat of nuclear weapons, it is increasingly recognized that the development of technology to society does not bring real progress, but human society can not be caught out of deep ecology crisis. As Engels warned, "Do not over-intoxicated with the victory of our nature, for each such victory nature are our revenge," the relationship between man and nature, the issue of formal research into the people's vision.
To achieve harmony between man and nature development in the contemporary ideal is no longer a slogan, it is our global ecological crisis on the proposed relationship to the whole of human existence and development of practical problems. Since Ms. Brundtland made "sustainable development" concept, the emphasis on the global concept of sustainable development has been universally accepted by all countries in the world to build a new harmonious development between man and nature's "circle the Earth's ecosystem" has become the new century the common aspiration of people.


人与自然的关系的写作思路:1.人与自然的关系现状 2.为什么要保护自然 3.从我做起,怎么保护自然,处理好人与自然的关系。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击领取免费欧美一对一外教课,还可以帮助各位免费测试英语水平。学英语需要一个纯正的“母语”环境,如果要报班的话,价格肯定要合适。我建议大家可以了解一下阿卡索外教网这家机构,外教一对一授课,性价比也是非常高的,课均不到20元,每天都能和外教一对一学地道的英语表达!人与自然的关系英语作文优秀范文如下:Since winter last year, there has been a lot of smog. It has done great harm to our daily lives. Many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog. Quite a few flights had to be rescheduled, and many people had to go to the doctor because of serious diseases caused by the smog.People have realized that smog causes great harm, and people all over the country know that protecting the environment is the most important thing to do. The government suggests that people go to work or school on public transportation, such as the bus and the underground. Also we should plant more trees.As to me, I always go to school by bike or on foot, and I never throw garbage anywhere. In addition, I will tell everyone I meet to protect the environment as much as they can.若对选择英语机构有其他疑惑,可以百度咨询我们的“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想免费下载英语资源,欢迎各位百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。





what is the significance of harmony between man and nature,根据题目,求帮助,各路大神谁能帮我写

What is the Significance of Harmony between Man and Nature?Harmony between man and nature has been continuously emphasized in recent decades. People begin to truly stress the importance of maintaining sustainability in the aspects of environment, economy and society as the planet reaches a potential state of reducing the resources of future generations, in providence of the present generation. Some people do wonder: what is the significance in maintaining this harmonic relationship between man and nature?An explanation can best be found leading back to the traditional Chinese philosophy Taoism. This religion teaches mankind to respect and protect nature, in order to achieve mutual understanding, friendship and oneness. We are not to forcefully alter the environment to suit our needs, but to follow the principles of nature; else, troubles can be expected from our recklessness. Over the years, Taoism has highlighted central concept of avoiding deliberate and intentional action, especially in the face of nature. The universe works harmoniously according to its own rules, and we are not supposed to demonstrate any interference. Taoists believe that when mankind interferes with the workings of nature, we disrupt the ecology and destroy nature.Western countries traditionally support dualism in opposition to monism in Chinese culture. Dualism fundamentally denies the interrelationship between man and harmony. Westerners attempt to change nature and the environment, instead of adapting to it, and they do it through advanced technology. One example is the farming methods in California. In contrast to that in China, Westerners are keen on installing sprinklers and constructing greenhouses for growing farm crops and plants, whereas Chinese remain happily united with the weather. Whether nature permits or opposes farming during a particular period of time or at a certain location is completely up to nature itself. Mankind has no say in Mother Nature’s decision making.Harmony is further accentuated in this century more than it has ever been before. Statistics suggest that Earth is walking on the path of no return. The irrevocable climate change and the permanent results of industrialization – the burning of non-renewable energy resources and the creation of various pollutants in disruption of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere – has finally challenged mankind’s ignorance in believing that sustainability could be achieved with hostility towards nature. Humans are beginning to realize the significance of harmony between man and nature as the ecology starts to collapse, and we have learn one important thing – we must depend on nature for survival, and we must continue to maintain harmony between man and nature.(409 words)我在第二段写的是中国思想中天人合一的概念,所以用了oneness这个字。

man and nature为题的英语作文.五句话表达人与自然的关系.

Man and naturePeople often say that man can conquer the nature or human being is the king of the nature The truth shows we can win the nature because we cannot live without the clean water and to breath fresh air.Harmony between man and nature is a harmonious socialist society is important . In order to achieve harmony between man and nature, it is necessary to correctly understand the relationship between man and nature. The mid-19th century, Engels had the relationship between man and nature to carry out a thorough study and a large number of expositions, the basic point of view it seems today is not only correct, but some words have become the classic expression of our people correctly understand and handle with the natural relationship has important practical significance.

英语作文the relationship between human and nature

范文如下:1、作文题目:the relationship between human and nature2、作文正文:采用三段式。如下:①、Declaration of Dependence declares that all men are created equal. However, the laws can guarantee human rights , by whom can the nature rights be protected? 中文翻译:《人权宣言》宣告所有的人都是平等的。 但是,法律可以保障人权,自然权利可以由谁来保护?The Outlook of Scientific Development requires that we should pursue the harmonious coexistence between human and nature. Actually , that is just the relationship between human and nature.中文翻译:科学发展观要求我们要追求人与自然的和谐共处。 实际上,这仅仅是人与自然之间的关系。②、Human beings live in a natural world, developing nature and harnessing nature.中文翻译:人类生活在自然世界中,正在发展自然并利用自然。At the same time, they are also exerting influences on nature. This influence has become more and more obvious as humans' productivity increases rapidly. 中文翻译:同时,它们也在对自然产生影响。 随着人类生产力的迅速提高,这种影响变得越来越明显。Beyond any doubt, we must now admit that the influence is mostly negative, that is to say that we are achieving development at the expense of destroying the natural environment.中文翻译:毫无疑问,我们现在必须承认这种影响主要是消极的,也就是说,我们以破坏自然环境为代价实现发展。Is this the path we must take? From the point of view of Marx's dialectical materialism, it is clear that this is an extremely erroneous view of the relationship between man and nature. This extensive approach, regardless of the development of future generations, is necessarily unsustainable.中文翻译:这是我们必须走的路吗? 从马克思的辩证唯物主义的观点来看,很明显,这是对人与自然之间关系的极其错误的看法。 无论子孙后代的发展如何,这种广泛的方法必然是不可持续的。③、In short, human beings use their own practical activities to influence and transform the natural world, in which the natural world continues its own existence and development in new forms. 中文翻译:简而言之,人类利用自己的实践活动来影响和改变自然世界,其中自然世界以新形式继续自身的生存和发展。At the same time, nature also affects human survival through environmental changes. Therefore human beingsannot violate the laws of nature and transcend the endurance of nature to transform nature, conquer nature, and destroy nature. 中文翻译:同时,自然也会通过环境变化影响人类的生存。 因此,人类并没有违反自然法则,而是超越自然的承受力来改造自然,征服自然,破坏自然。By adhering to the laws of nature and insisting on the correct methodology to understand nature as well as transform the world, only in this way can human be able to live in harmony with nature and create a more splendid human civilization.中文翻译:坚持自然规律,坚持正确的方法理解自然,改造世界,人类才能与自然和谐相处,创造更加灿烂的人类文明。扩展资料:英语作文写作规范及格式:1、英语句号是实心点,而不是小圆圈,如果英语的句号也和汉语一样,则容易和字母“o”相混淆。2、英语的省略号一般使用“..”是3点,不是像汉语那样用6点“... ...”3、字符号不要写得太长,写长了容易跟破折号混淆。其长度应该与一个字母的宽度相当。破折号的长度约占两个字母的位置。书写破折号时,与前后的单词应有一定的距离。4、英语中没有顿号“、”。要表示句中较短的并列词语之间的停顿汉语习惯用顿号,而英语只能用逗号。汉语中连词“和”、“及”等之前不可用顿号,而英语中连接一系列并列项目的“and”或“or”之前往往可以用逗号。5、使用所有格符号时,要注意放在正确的位置上,以免引起意义上的混淆。如myfather'sbook不能写成myfathers’book。

英语作文 题目为“人与自然的关系”150词左右,大一水平!

写作思路及要点:根据人与自然写出真实的想法,包括两者存在的关系,把控整体的思路。The relationship between man and nature is that with the development and change of human capabilities, the relationship between the two is expressed as a historical development process. In primitive society, human beings have very limited understanding of nature and natural ability, and are more manifested by human nature in the relationship between man and nature.With the improvement of production levels, the relationship between man and nature began to change, and mankind gradually changed from the attitude of "fear of nature" to the direction of "conquering nature". Nature has become the subject of human transformation.The transformation of human nature, that is, while expanding arable land to meet the growing demand for food, the destruction of forests, grasslands, and lakes not only leads to soil erosion, soil quality decline, desertification, salinization and further loss of ecologyThe emergence of industrial civilization has brought about a relationship between mankind and nature's fundamental changes: the natural world is no longer a completely mysterious past, and the power of the Middle Ages no longer needs God's help to maintain its authority over nature, like mankind.翻译:人与自然的关系是随着人类能力的发展和变化,两者之间的关系被表达为历史的开发过程。在原始社会中,人类对自然和自然能力的理解非常有限,在人与自然的关系中人类更能体现出来。随着生产水平的提高,人与自然的关系开始发生变化,人类逐渐从“惧怕自然”的态度向“征服自然”的方向转变。大自然已经成为人类改造的主题。人性的转变,即在扩大耕地以满足不断增长的粮食需求的同时,对森林,草原和湖泊的破坏不仅导致水土流失,土壤质量下降,荒漠化,盐碱化和生态的进一步丧失工业文明的出现使人类与自然发生了根本变化之间的关系:自然世界不再是一个完全神秘的过去,中世纪的力量不再需要上帝的帮助来维持其对人类等自然界的权威。




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