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ode to my family

小红莓的ode to my family是为什么写的 小红莓的ode to my family是为自己的家庭而写的,更确切地说,是给父母的。歌词一直在洋溢着歌手对于父母的爱,反复在副歌重复着My Mother,My Father...

小红莓的ode to my family是为什么写的

小红莓的ode to my family是为自己的家庭而写的,更确切地说,是给父母的。歌词一直在洋溢着歌手对于父母的爱,反复在副歌重复着My Mother,My Father...这歌的MV中也一直在试图用黑白的色调去营造一种‘过去时’的情景,有一个画面,是一位母亲抱着自己的孩子深深的亲吻了他的脸蛋,还有很多孩子嬉戏的场景,一些被放飞的白鸽在空中飞翔。《Ode To My Family》是The Cranberries演唱的一首摇滚风格的歌曲,由Dolores O`Riordan & Noel Hogan作曲,Hogan, ORiordan作词,收录在1994年02月14日发行的专辑《No Need to Argue》中。扩展资料:小红莓乐队与U2、希妮德·奥康娜、恩雅等一样,被誉为是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量。卡百利乐队一共有5张录音室专辑,2003年,随着乐队成员们纷纷宣布“单飞”,卡百利一度沉寂了六年。这期间,乐队主唱桃乐丝曾经发行过两张个人专辑。2009年,桃乐丝公开宣布乐队将重组并举办世界巡演,卷土重来,“小红莓乐队”这个名字终于重新回归大众视野。2018年1月15日,小红莓乐队主唱桃乐丝·玛丽·艾琳·奥里奥丹在伦敦去世。参考资料来源:百度百科-Ode To My Family


  1.经典歌曲有:《Never grow old》、《Dying in the sun》、《 Zombie 》、《 Ode to my family 》、《 Dreams》、 《 Animal Instinct 》、《 Salvation》、《 Joe》、《Linger》、
  2.Just My Imagination卡百利乐队(The Cranberries) ,又译为小红莓乐队、红草莓乐队、小红莓合唱团,1990年代成立于爱尔兰利默里克(Limerick)。与U2、Sinead O’Connor、Enya等一样,被誉为是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量。卡百利乐队一共有5张录音室专辑,2003年,随着乐队成员们纷纷宣布“单飞”,卡百利一度沉寂了六年。这期间,乐队主唱Dolores曾经发行过两张个人专辑。2009年,Dolores公开宣布乐队将重组并举办世界巡演,卷土重来,“卡百利”这个名字终于重新回归大众视野。
  3.成就:其专辑《别人都这样,为什么我们不行(Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?)》(1993年4月)英国销量排名第一位,美国排名18位。全球共销售760万张。专辑《无需再争论(No Need to Argue)》(1994年9月)英国销量排名第二位,美国排名第6位。全球共销售1670万张。现任成员 Dolores O'Riordan (1990-) Noel Anthony Hogan (1989-) Michael Gerard Hogan (1989-) Fergal Patrick Lawler (1989-)

小红莓ode to my family的歌词是什么?

  Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo...

  Understand the things I say, don't turn away from me,
  'Cause I've spent half my life out there, you wouldn't disagree.
  Do you see me? Do you see? Do you like me?
  Do you like me standing there? Do you notice?
  Do you know? Do you see me? Do you see me?
  Does anyone care?

  Unhappiness where's when I was young,
  And we didn't give a damn,
  'Cause we were raised,
  To see life as fun and take it if we can.
  My mother, my mother,
  She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there.
  My father, my father,
  He liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care?

  Understand what I've become, it wasn't my desing.
  And people ev'rywhere think, something better than I am.
  But I miss you, I miss, 'cause I liked it,
  'Cause I liked it, when I was out there. Do you know this?
  Do you know you did not find me. You did not find.
  Does anyone care?

  Unhappiness where's when I was young,
  And we didn't give a damn,
  'Cause we were raised,
  To see life as fun and take it if we can.
  My mother, my mother,
  She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there.
  My father, my father,
  He liked me, oh, he liked me.

  Does anyone care?... X9
  Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo...




  爱尔兰超人气乐团—The Cranberries小红莓合唱团带着最新鲜的音乐回来了!出道十年来凭借着丰富的编曲、前卫的曲风以及对旋律的精确掌握,The Cranberries吸引了全球各地广大的乐迷关注,专辑全球销售超过三千三百万张,主唱Dolores O’iordan美妙的嗓音令乐迷痴迷不已,更引起其它女歌手争相模仿。

  92年The Cranberries的处女作《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?有什么不可以》获白金唱片佳绩,1993年单曲“Linger”打进美国单曲榜Top 10,专辑在北美狂销百万张,连带促使英国地区重新发行专辑,奇迹似地在英国金榜中逆势上扬、一举夺冠。1994年拜热门单曲 “Zombie”所赐,第二张专辑《No Need To Argue》发行一年即热卖一千两百万张。1996年由Aerosmith、Bon Jovi、AC/DC制作人Bruce Fairbairn制作的《To The Faithful Departed献给你》为The Cranberries 再创白金唱片佳绩,深获专业乐评对他们不缀饰的风格的喜爱。1999年由The Cranberries亲自担纲制作的《Bury The Hatche/破镜重圆》在全球十七个国家夺得冠军,并在全球完成一百一十场次的巡回演唱,吸引了超过百万的歌迷同欢。去年小红莓的《Wake Up And Smell The Coffee醒来闻到咖啡香》再次袭卷唱片市场,漂亮的销售成绩再次证明小红莓合唱团的惊人实力! 跨入乐坛十年,The Cranberries认为自己以及他们的音乐才真正要开始达到颠峰。成军以来首次的精选辑将帮助你重温小红莓每一首成功动人的音乐, 专辑中加收的两首全新单曲也依然动听, 这张精选辑保证绝对精彩、不容错过.

  4.献给我的家人Ode To My Family
  5.不能在一起I Can't Be With You
  6.天马行空Ridiculous Thoughts
  8.由我决定Free To Decide
  9.当你离去When You're Gone
  12.动物本能Animal Instinct
  13.只是幻觉Just My Imagination
  14.你和我You & Me
  16.时光飞逝Time Is Ticking Out
  17.就在今天This Is The Day
  18.水仙挽歌Daffodil Lament
  19.崭新纽约New New York

求卡百利乐队(小红莓)ode to my family的歌词翻译

  Ode To My Family

Understand the things I say  请理解我所说的
 Don turn away from me 不要对我视而不见
Cause I spent half my life out there 因为我漂泊在外余生过半
You wouldn disagree 那是你无法否认
Dou see me’ dou see 你理解我了吗?理解了吗
Do you like me’ do you like me standing there
Dou notice’ dou know Do you see me’ do you see me
Does anyone care  有人在乎吗? 
Unhappiness’ where when i was young And we didn give a damn
Cause we were raised  To see life as a fun and take it if we can
My mother’ my mother she hold me
我的母亲  她紧紧拥抱我
 Did she hold me when I was out there  
当我漂泊在外时 她可曾紧紧拥抱我
My father’ my father’ he liked me  Oh he liked me
我的父亲 他过去是多么的爱我 哦 他过去是多么的爱我
does anyone care  
 Understand what Ie become   It wasn my design  
请体谅我的改变  那不是我的本意
And people everywhere think Something better than I am
But I miss you’ I miss  Cause I liked it’ I liked it
但我十分想念你们 十分想念 因为我喜欢那样 一直那样
When I was out there   Dou know this’ dou know  
当我漂泊在外的时候 你们知道这些吗 你们知道吗?
You did not find me’ you did not find   
你们没有寻找过我 你们没有
Does anyone care   

ode to my family的中文歌词是什么?

Unhappiness where's when I was young,
And we didn't give a damn,
'Cause we were raised,
To see life as fun and take it if we can.
My mother, my mother,
She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there.
My father, my father,
He liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care?

Understand what I've become, it wasn't my design.
And people everywhere think, something better than I am.
But I miss you, I miss, 'cause I liked it,
'Cause I liked it, when I was out there. Do you know this?
Do you know you did not find me. You did not find.
Does anyone care?


了解我说的事 远离我的不是do轮 cause我花费了一半我的生活那里 you不会不同意 do您看见我,您看见 do您喜欢我,做您喜欢站立那里的我您注意的do,您知道 do您看见我,您看见我 does任何人关心 unhappiness,当我是年轻 and我们不在乎 cause我们被扶养了 如果我们能, to看生活作为乐趣并且采取它my母亲,我的母亲她拿着我 当我是那里, did她拿着我my父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我 oh他喜欢我,做任何人关心 understand什么i'm成为 it不是我的设计 到处and人认为 something比我改善 我想念您的but,我丢失 我喜欢的cause,我喜欢 when我是那里 do您知道此,您知道 you没有找到我,您没有发现 does任何人关心 unhappiness是我是年轻的 and我们不在乎 cause我们被扶养了 如果我们能, to看生活作为乐趣并且采取它my母亲,我的母亲她拿着我 当我是那里, did她拿着我my父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我 oh他喜欢我,做任何人关心 does任何人关心希望采纳

Ode To My Family歌词将的是什么,不要翻译


Ode To My Family 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To My Family歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Ode To My FamilyUnderstand the things I sayDon turn away from meCause I spent half my life out thereYou wouldn disagreeDou see me, dou seeDo you like me, do you like me standing thereDou notice, dou knowDo you see me, do you see meDoes anyone careUnhappiness, where when i was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as a fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careUnderstand what Ie becomeIt wasn my designAnd people everywhere thinkSomething better than I amBut I miss you, I missCause I liked it, I liked itWhen I was out thereDou know this, dou knowYou did not find me, you did not findDoes anyone careUnhappiness was when I was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careDoes anyone carehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55363194

小红莓乐队有一首歌,里面有my mother,my sister等词,那是什么歌?

ode to my family-the cranberries

understand the things i say
dont turn away from me
cause i spent half my life out there
you wouldnt disagree
do you see me, do you see
do you like me, do you like me standing there
do you notice, do you know
do you see me, do you see me
does anyone care
unhappiness, where when i was young
and we didnt give a damn
cause we were raised
to see life as a fun and take it if we can
my mother, my mother she hold me
did she hold me, when i was out there
my father, my father, he liked me
oh he liked me, does anyone care
understand what i become
it wasnt my design
and people everywhere think
something better than i am
but i miss you, i miss
cause i liked it, i liked it
when i was out there
do you know this, do you know
you did not find me, you did not find
does anyone care
unhappiness was when i was young
and we didnt give a damn
cause we were raised
to see life as fun and take it if we can
my mother, my mother she hold me
did she hold me, when i was out there
my father, my father, he liked me
oh he liked me, does anyone care
does anyone care

就是把分用光了也要找到这首歌!好像Ode To My Family的DJ版!

叫 du du lu du

Long time ago, I was in my room
And lovely night with a magic moon.
Out of my window smell the fresh air.
Blushing the light lighten everywhere(这句没听清)
And in my mind there's pretty boy.
Singing the song I would feel with joy.
And then he told me look at the moon.
If you need me sing this magic tune.
Do do lu do x8



RAINBOW计划 《初恋旧爱新欢》
Mariah Carey 《Bye Bye》
永远的花蝴蝶,音域及其宽广,演唱技巧高超,虽然近几年没落了,但CD版的音乐没话说,更重要喜欢这首的主要原因是这首充满正能量,主要讲的是故人已逝去,留下的人应该乐观面对生活。还有当年大神的入坑曲《 I Stay In Love 》,经典得不能再经典了。
谭维维 《如果有来生》
很美妙的一首歌,百度上对它歌词内容的理解是憧憬简单的大草原生活,与爱人远离尘世的日子,我个人认为故事的男主人公其实已经不在人世了,所以他才会“穿着透明的衣服”,而“我给你写信,你不用回信”是女主已经意识到了这或许只是美好的幻象,所以“就这样吧”。或许词作者、制作人高晓松也没想这么多,都是我个人的yy ,以上。




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