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翻译成英文???? One day a young man came to Wongs shop to buy a gift This gift cost is 18 yuan, price is 21 yuan. The result is the young man took out 100 yuan to buy the gifts. Wa


One day a young man came to Wong's shop to buy a gift This gift cost is 18 yuan, price is 21 yuan. The result is the young man took out 100 yuan to buy the gifts. Wang boss was no small change, using it for 100 yuan to 100 yuan neighborhood small change, looking to young people 79 per. But the neighborhood was later found that it was counterfeit 100 yuan, Wang is also the owner of helpless residents 100. The question now is: Wang owner in this transaction in the end has lost so much money? "I am so count right?那个买东西的给了店主100假钞`店主和邻居换了100真钞` 给了那个买东西的人79元真钞`然后自己留下21元`净赚3元` 还邻居100真钞`然后赔100`可是把那净赚的3元刨去`赔97元对么? " 补充: To buy things that gave the owner of 100 counterfeit `shopkeepers and neighbors for a 100 banknote` to the people who buy things that 79 per real one and then left himself a 21 yuan `` `a net profit of 3 yuan banknote also a neighbor 100` and then lose 100 `, but put the nets of 3 yuan planing to` lose 97 yuan for it? "


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