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for all time

all time与all the time有什么区别 区别是:all time指的是全部时间的。all the time指的是(在该段时间内)一直;向来, 一向;时时刻刻;每时每刻。例句:1、One of my all time favorites is e

all time与all the time有什么区别

区别是:all time指的是全部时间的。all the time指的是(在该段时间内)一直;向来, 一向;时时刻刻;每时每刻。例句:1、One of my all time favorites is eggs. 鸡蛋是我一直以来都很喜欢的早餐之一。2、This World Cup has crowned one of the best teams of all time. 西班牙!本届世界杯的冠军是有史以来最棒的球队之一。3、That piece of metal in her back hurts almost all the time. 后背里的那条金属棒一直让她隐隐作痛。4、Your brain doesn’t work in perfect order all the time, and neither should you. 你的大脑并不一直都是以一种完美的顺序运行,而你也不应该这样做。扩展资料相关短语:Shining all the time 一直闪亮着 ; 永远发着光 ; 一直为我而闪亮 ; 一直为我照亮Joseph All the Time 约瑟一直如此 ; 约瑟不断如此 ; 一如既往的约瑟夫all-time high 打破新记录 ; 历史最高记录 ; 爱到最高点 ; [科技] 最高记录Grinning all the time 笑口常开all-time 创记录的 ; 全时工作 ; [科技] 专职的 ; 一向的And all the time 一直以来 ; 在同时

for all time的中文翻译

For All Time 永远 (2008年版)
(谱写:Michael Jackson 译:Tara,校对:Keen)
Sun comes up on this new morning 太阳在新晨升起
Shifting shadows, a songbird sings 替去阴影,鸣禽歌唱
And if these words could have kept you happy 如果这些言语曾可使你快乐
I'd do anything 我愿意做任何事情
And if you feel alone, 若你感觉孤独,
I'll be your shoulder 我会是你依靠的肩膀
With a tender touch, 一个温柔的抚摸
you know me so well 最懂我的人是你
Somebody once said, 有人曾说过,
it's the soul that matters 只有心灵才最重要
Baby, who can really tell, 宝贝,谁能真去分辨
When two hearts belong so well 当两颗心如此紧密相连
Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光
When I say, I love you 当我对你说:“我爱你”
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道宝贝
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Moon shines down on this good evening 月光在这个美好的夜晚洒尽人间
One warm kiss in this cold night air 在夜晚的冷风中献上一个温暖的亲吻
For this good love undeceiving 以让这个美好的爱情觉醒
I'll go anywhere 我会去到任何地方
Just as long as you are there 只要那个地方有你的存在
Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光
When I say, I love you 当我对你说:“我爱你”
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Oh, and on these quiet days 哦,在这些平静的日子里
where souls embrace, so silently, 灵魂在如此静谧地拥抱
oh, the rain may wash away 哦,雨水也许将冲走
All these words that young lovers say... 一切情侣的甜言蜜语
Maybe the walls will crumble 也许墙会粉碎
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光
When I say, I need you 当我对你说:“我需要你”
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Say that you'll never go 说你永远不会走
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远
You put up your light 你点亮你的光
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby, make me your man 让我成为你的男人
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Say that you'll never go 说你永不会离开
That's for all time 那将成为永远
Baby, you never know 宝贝你永远不知道
That's for all time 那将成为永远

For all time 的歌词(MJ的)

Sun comes up on this new morning 太阳在新晨升起   
Shifting shadows, a songbird sings 替去阴影,鸣禽歌唱   
And if these words could have kept you happy 如果这些话语能使你快乐   
I'd do anything 我愿意做任何事情   
And if you feel alone, 若你感觉孤独   
I'll be your shoulder 我会是你依靠的肩膀   
With a tender touch, 一个温柔的抚摸   
you know me so well 最懂我的人是你   
Somebody once said, 有人曾说过   
it's the soul that matters 只有心灵才最重要   
Baby, who can really tell, 宝贝,谁能真正分辨   
When two hearts belong so well 当两颗心如此紧密相连   
Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌   
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   
When I say, I love you 在那时我对你说:“我爱你”   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Moon shines down on this good evening 月光在这个美好的夜晚洒尽人间   
One warm kiss in this cold night air 在夜晚的冷风中献上一个温暖的亲吻   
For this good love undeceiving 以让这个美好的爱情觉醒   
I'll go anywhere 我会去到任何地方   
Just as long as you are there 只要那个地方有你的存在   
Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌   
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   
When I say, I love you 当我对你说:“我爱你”   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Oh, and on these quiet days 哦,在这些平静的日子里   
where souls embrace, so silently, 灵魂在如此静谧地拥抱   
oh, the rain may wash away 哦,雨水也许将冲走   
All these words that young lovers say... 一切情侣的甜言蜜语   
Maybe the walls will crumble 也许墙会粉碎   
And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   
When I say, I need you 当我对你说:“我需要你”   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Say that you'll never go 说你永远不会走   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
You put up your light 你点亮你的光   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby, make me your man 让我成为你的男人   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Say that you'll never go 说你永不会离开   
That's for all time 那将成为永远   
Baby, you never know 宝贝你永远不知道   
That's for all time 那将成为永远

谁能帮忙翻译下迈克尔杰克逊的For All Time

Sun comes up on this new morning 太阳在新晨升起   Shifting shadows, a songbird sings 替去阴影,鸣禽歌唱   And if these words could have kept you happy 如果这些话语能使你快乐   I'd do anything 我愿意做任何事情   And if you feel alone, 若你感觉孤独   I'll be your shoulder 我会是你依靠的肩膀   With a tender touch, 一个温柔的抚摸   you know me so well 最懂我的人是你   Somebody once said, 有人曾说过   it's the soul that matters 只有心灵才最重要   Baby, who can really tell, 宝贝,谁能真正分辨   When two hearts belong so well 当两颗心如此紧密相连   Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌   And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   When I say, I love you 在那时我对你说:“我爱你”   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Moon shines down on this good evening 月光在这个美好的夜晚洒尽人间   One warm kiss in this cold night air 在夜晚的冷风中献上一个温暖的亲吻   For this good love undeceiving 以让这个美好的爱情觉醒   I'll go anywhere 我会去到任何地方   Just as long as you are there 只要那个地方有你的存在   Maybe the walls will tumble 也许墙会倒塌   And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   When I say, I love you 当我对你说:“我爱你”   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Oh, and on these quiet days 哦,在这些平静的日子里   where souls embrace, so silently, 灵魂在如此静谧地拥抱   oh, the rain may wash away 哦,雨水也许将冲走   All these words that young lovers say... 一切情侣的甜言蜜语   Maybe the walls will crumble 也许墙会粉碎   And sun may refuse to shine 也许太阳也会拒绝发光   When I say, I need you 当我对你说:“我需要你”   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Say that you'll never go 说你永远不会走   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby you gotta know 宝贝,你必须知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远   You put up your light 你点亮你的光   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby, make me your man 让我成为你的男人   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Say that you'll never go 说你永不会离开   That's for all time 那将成为永远   Baby, you never know 宝贝你永远不知道   That's for all time 那将成为永远

For all time 中文歌词

《For All Time》
歌手: Michael Jackson
所属专辑:《Thriller 25》
sun comes up on this new morning
shifting shadows, a songbird sings
驱赶阴影 鸟儿在轻唱
and if these words could have kept you happy
i'd do anything
and if you feel alone, i'll be your shoulder
当你孤单 有我在你身边陪伴
with a tender touch, you know me so well
轻柔地抚摸 你会明白我有多爱你
somebody once said, it's the soul that matters
有人说 真爱来自于内心的结合
baby, who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well
宝贝当两颗心紧紧连在一起 你能不能告诉我是否真的如此
maybe the walls will tumble
也许有一天 墙垣也会倒塌
and sun may refuse to shine
when i say, i love you
baby, you've gotta know
that's for all time
baby you gotta know
that's for all time
moon shines down on this good evening
one warm kiss in the cold night air
for this good love undeceiving
i'll go anywhere
just as long as you were there
and maybe the walls will tumble
sun may refuse to shine
阳光 也渐渐黯淡
when i say, i love you
baby, you've gotta know
that's for all time
baby, you gotta know
that's for all time
Oh, and on these quiet days
噢 在这些平静的日子里
where souls embrace, so silently,
oh, the rain may wash away
噢 雨水将会冲走一切
all these words that young lovers say...
and maybe the walls will crumble
and sun may refuse to shine
阳光 也渐渐黯淡
when i say, i need you
baby, you've gotta know
that's for all time
baby you gotta know
that's for all time
see you can never go
宝贝 你永远不会离开
that's for all time
baby, you gotta know
that's for all time
baby, you gotta know
that's for all time
baby, you gotta know
that's for all time
see that you never go
宝贝 你不会明白
that's for all time...

Drive (For All Time) 歌词

歌曲名:Drive (For All Time)歌手:Westlife专辑:World Of Our OwnWestlife--Drive(for all time)It's easy to fool around it's harder to keep the faithBut I wanna settle down no matter what it takesIf I ever break your heart if I ever do you wrongI hope I never give you cause to doubt where you belongIf a million miles were between usI'd want you to knowIf I had to drive all day take that flightAcross this ocean I'm coming home tonightDon't let it play on your mindCause my devotion is for all timeSome people want it all some only want the funBut I'm here to let you know that I'm all about the loveSome people let it show some people wait too longWell I'm gonna tell you now that you're always number oneIf a million miles were between usI'd want you to knowIf I had to drive all day take that flightAcross this ocean I'm coming home tonightDon't let it play on your mindCause my devotion is for all timeIf I had to drive all day take that flightAcross this ocean I'm coming home tonightDon't let it play on your mindCause my devotion is for all timehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8248396

D-FOR的《Drive Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive Time歌手:D-FOR专辑:The GiftAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!http://music.baidu.com/song/16206520

李东海唱的my everything原唱是谁 要名字

原唱是98degrees,原歌名也是My everything 唱这首歌是因为纪念东海过世的父亲原唱下载地址: 东海唱的: http://001.7t7t.com/pycs/S/2008524227831/23667813.wma

李东海My Everything的歌词?拜托了各位 谢谢

My Everything 歌手:98 Degrees 专辑:The Collection 98 Degrees - My Everything The lonliness of nights alone The search for strength to carry on My ever hope has seemed to die My eyes had no more tears to cry Then like the sun shined from up above You surrounded me with your endless love You are my everything Nothing your heart won't bring My life is yours alone The only love I've ever known Your spirit pulls me through When nothing else will do Every night I pray On bended knee That you will always be My everything Now all my hopes and all my dreams are suddenly reality You've opened up my love to feel A kind of love that's truly real A guiding light that'll never fade There's not a thing inlife that I would ever trade For the love you give it won't let go I hope you'll always know Your my everything Nothing your love won't bring My life is yours alone the only love I've ever known Your spirit pulls me through When nothing else will do Every night I pray, On bended knee That you will always be, My everything You're the breath of life in me The only one that sets me free, And you have made my soul complete For all time (for all time) Your my everything (Your my everything) Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring) My life is yours alone (alone) The only love I've ever known Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through) When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do) Every night I pray (I pray) On bended knee (on my knee) That you will always be, My everything Your my everything (Your my everything) Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring) My life is yours alone (alone) The only love I've ever known Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through) When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do) Every night I pray (I pray) On bended knee (on my knee) That you will always be, My everything Every night I pray, down on bended knee That you will always be My everything, oh my everything


《手拉手》歌曲原唱:Koreana组合,高丽亚那填词:美 汤姆·怀特洛克谱曲:意乔吉奥·莫罗德尔编曲:意乔吉奥·莫罗德尔天空中闪耀火光,我们千千万万颗心在跳荡。时刻来到,快快奋起,全人类世世代代友好,同生活,同成长。我们手拉手,友谊传四方。让那生活一天天更美好,更欢畅。我们手拉手,友谊传四方。推倒一切障碍,让那理解的歌声永飞扬.我们勇敢拼搏,熊熊的火焰燃烧在我们的胸膛。我们高举双手,共同迎接清晨带来的和平曙光。我们手拉手,友谊传四方。让那生活一天天更美好,更欢畅。我们手拉手,友谊传四方。推倒一切障碍,让那理解的歌声永飞扬。扩展资料创作背景:歌曲由韩国、美国、意大利3国音乐人“手拉手”共同完成。在汉城取得1988年奥运会主办权后,为了拉近韩国人民与世界人民的距离,时任汉城奥组委委员长的朴世直将攻关目标锁定在奥运会主题歌的创作上。他在回忆录中说:“因为主题歌是唱给世界上每一个人听的,如果站在国际化时代的角度上看,不难明白,我们需要创作一首具有普世感的歌曲。”正是基于这样的考虑,组委会最终把词曲创作交给了美国词作家汤姆·惠特洛克(Tom Whitlock)以及意大利作曲家吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder),由本国“高丽亚那”组合演唱,销售与制作交给世界知名的宝丽金公司。参考资料来源:百度百科-手拉手


组合中的四名成员来自同一个家庭,其中三人是亲兄妹。组合中年纪最大的李胜奎是组合里的老大,小弟李永奎和小妹李爱淑是他的亲弟弟和亲妹妹。全家六个儿子和两个女儿中,最有唱歌天赋的三个人全部在这个音乐组合中。 组合中唯一的外姓人洪花子从5岁就跟李家兄弟姐妹玩在一起,唱在一起。后来她嫁给了李家的大兄长,从而成为这个家庭的一员,也正式成为“高丽亚那”组合的一分子。

求汉城奥运会会歌hand in hand 歌词(英文版)!

Hand in Hand
1988 汉城奥运会主题曲

we see the fire in the sky
we fell the beating of our hearts together
this is our time, to rise above
we know the chance is here to live forever
for all time
hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place
in which to lice
a li long

hand in hand we can
start to understand
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time
a li long

every time we give it all
we fell the flame etetnally inside us
lift our hand in hand
we stand all across the land
we can make this world a better place
in which to live
hand in hand

hands up tp the sky
the morning comes and starts to live inharmory
hand in hand
we can start to understand
breaking down the walls that come between
us for all time
hand in hand

跪求:24届汉城奥运会 《Hand in hand 》英文版歌谱 歌词和谱子都要 !!谢谢。。。

《手拉手Hand in Hand》中文歌词 see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰 we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动 this our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起 we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里 for all time 永远 hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手 all across the land 穿越五大洲 we can make this world a better place in which to live 我们能让这个世界变得更美好 hand in hand we can 我们心连心 start to undrestand 开始懂得了 breaking down the walls that come between us for all time 打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙 everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予 we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰 lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手 the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽 for all time 永远24届奥运会 时间:1988年 地点:韩国汉城 主题歌:HAND IN HAND(《手拉手》) 歌手简介:[韩]Koreana演唱组 由两男两女四位韩国实力派歌星组合而成。在汉城奥运会开幕式上,“Koreana”演唱组带领18000名演员高唱主题歌——《手拉手》(Hand In Hand),将开幕式的气氛推向顶点。这曲《手拉手》由此成为奥运历史上传唱最广的一首主题歌。当时的奥委会主席萨马兰奇认为它是奥运会会歌里最成功的一首,曾考虑将这首歌定为奥运会的永久会歌。2001年4月Koreana乐队带着一曲《胜利》来到北京,为北京申奥助威。1988年汉城奥运会主题曲《手拉手》由意大利米兰音乐学院教授、著名作曲家莫里科内作曲,美国词作者怀特洛克作词。它应该是流传最广的奥运歌曲吧。一开始,汉城组委会委托当时的“宝丽金”唱片公司来负责主题歌的制作,但要求是,这首歌要由当时韩国最著名的组合“高丽亚纳”来演唱,而且,在汉城奥运会开幕前,这首歌要在全世界广为传唱。随后,由意大利的电子乐大师莫里科作曲,美国人怀特洛克作词的“手拉手”面市。很有意思的是,作者非常巧妙地把一句朝鲜民歌《阿里郎》的歌词加进了《手拉手》当中。这首歌曲在汉城奥运会前后风靡全球,至尽让人印象深刻,难以忘怀。

My everything完整歌词?

My Everything
歌手:98 Degrees 专辑:The Collection
98 Degrees - My Everything

The lonliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My ever hope has seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love

You are my everything
Nothing your heart won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything

Now all my hopes and all my dreams are suddenly reality
You've opened up my love to feel
A kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
There's not a thing inlife that I would ever trade
For the love you give it won't let go
I hope you'll always know

Your my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
the only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray, On bended knee
That you will always be, My everything

You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free,
And you have made my soul complete
For all time (for all time)

Your my everything (Your my everything)
Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring)
My life is yours alone (alone)
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)
When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)
Every night I pray (I pray)
On bended knee (on my knee)
That you will always be, My everything

Your my everything (Your my everything)
Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring)
My life is yours alone (alone)
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)
When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)
Every night I pray (I pray)
On bended knee (on my knee)
That you will always be, My everything

Every night I pray, down on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything, oh my everything

My everything的歌词及翻译

The lonliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My ever hope has seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
And all the things i could't see
Are so clear to me

You are my everything
Nothing your heart won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
Oh~~You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free
And you have made my soul complete
For all time



1988年第24届汉城奥运会主题歌 英文版 手拉手

Hand In Hand   see the fire in the sky 看见空中的火焰   we feel the beating of our hearts together 感觉到我们的心一起在跳动   this is our time to rise above 这是我们的时刻,让这团火焰缓缓升起   we know the chance is here to live forever 我们知道机会永远会在这里   For all time 永远   Hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手   all across the land 穿越五大洲   we can make this world a better place in which to live   我们能让这个世界变得更美好   hand in hand we can 我们心连心   start to understand 开始懂得了   breaking down the walls that come between us for all time   打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙   A li la 阿里郎   Everytime we give it all 每次我们的给予   we feel the flame eternally inside us 我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰   lift our hands up to the sky 举起我们的手   the morning calm helps us to live in harmony 早晨的平静使我们变得融洽   For all time 永远   Hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手   all across the land 穿越五大洲   We can make this world a better place in which to live   我们能让这个世界变得更美好   Hand in hand we can 我们心连心   Start to understand 开始懂得了   Breaking down the walls that come between us for all the time   打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙   A li la 阿里郎   Hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手   All across the land 穿越五大洲   We can make this world a better place in which to live   我们可以让这个世界变得更美好   Hand in hand we can 我们心连心   Start to understand 开始懂得了   Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time   打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙   Breaking down the walls between us 打破在我们之间的那道墙   breaking down the walls 打破那道墙

谁知道汉城奥运会主题歌手拉手hand in hand的原版歌词

Hand In Hand(手拉手)
we can see the fire in the sky
we feel the beating of our hearts together
this is our time to rise above
we know the chance is here to live forever
for all time
hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place in which to live
hand in hand we can!
start to undrestand
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time
all the time
everytime we give it all
we feel the flame eternally inside us
lift our hands up to the sky
the morning calm helps us to live in harmony
for all time
hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place in which to live
hand in hand we can!
start to undrestand
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time
all the time
hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place in which to live
hand in hand we can!
start to undrestand
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time
hand in hand
breaking down the walls between us
hand in hand
breaking down the walls




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