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用英语说一下接受大学教育的好处 如下参考:To me, a college education is a great shipbuilder. My far-sighted college education first equipped me with a powerful propeller -- kn


如下参考:To me, a college education is a great shipbuilder. My far-sighted college education first equipped me with a powerful propeller -- knowledge of one field and extensive exposure to other subjects.He concentrated on his studies during the day and immersed himself in world literature at night, accumulating motivation for the future and enriching his mind.In addition, college education also provides me with a precise compass -- social responsibility.How to better serve the citizens while realizing self-worth? One year's Experience as an English tutor proves that in order to have social value and find my own position, I must have certain strength and the ability to play a role in the most challenging situations.In my busy schedule of club activities, sports, and academic classes, I felt the rhythm and beauty of life and knew I was on the right path.写作技巧:1、首先复习题目,前后连贯。确保你没有跳过第一个写作任务。第二项重要任务是组织。对于议论文,正反两方面应该清楚;对于说明文,组织要清晰;对于描述性文章,谁和什么应该清楚。2、 写一个主题句。主题句是保证你不偏离主题的前提。只有紧扣主题,你才能及格。写主题句的一个安全方法是将中文大纲的句子翻译成英文。3、问题细化。用被动语态代替主动语态来更客观地反映事实。4、一个句子要用不同的句型表达,以加强学生在写作中灵活运用语法知识。


go to college,上大学

1. My mum would've loved one of us to go to college.

2. Henry's father poured cold water on his plans to go to college.

3. Her parents were united in their insistence that she go to college.




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