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i am i

I am what I am是什么意思啊 我就是我。例句:I am what I am , I do what I want. 我就是我,我做我想要做的。what的用法1、释义pron. 什么;多么;多少adj. 什么;多么;何等adv. 到什么程度

I am what I am是什么意思啊

我就是我。例句:I am what I am , I do what I want. 我就是我,我做我想要做的。what的用法1、释义pron. 什么;多么;多少adj. 什么;多么;何等adv. 到什么程度,在哪一方面int. 什么;多么2、例句What? How could you do that? 什么?你怎么可以这样做?3、词组1)but what 而不…;但是…2)what if 假使…将会怎么样3)so what 那又怎样4)what with 因为扩展资料人称代词的用法一、定义:人称代词是用来指代人、动物或事物的代词。它必须在人称(第一人称、第二人称、及第三人称)、数(单数、复数)以及性(阴性、阳性、中性)三方面与被指代的名词一致。如:1、I am a student. 我是学生。2、Tom is a boy, and he is a student.汤姆是一个男孩,他是一个学生。3、Mary is very pretty, and she likes singing.玛丽很漂亮,她喜欢唱歌。4、The boys are students, and they are in the room.这些男孩是学生,他们在房间里。二、人称代词的句法功能1、人称代词有主格和宾语之分:主格用作主语,宾格用作宾语。2、人称代词的主格形式在在句中作主语和表语。如: 1、I like music(主语). 我喜欢音乐。2、She is a teacher.(主语)她是一名教师。3、She and I are good friends(主语).她和我是好朋友。

I am 与 I'm 的区别是什么?

两种意思一样,I'm 是I am的缩写形式。I'm 多用于口语和非正式的书面语,I am用于较为正式的书面语。1、I am:直译即“我是”或“是的”(作为语法而言是一种典型的主动语态,使用非常普遍)如:有人问你是美女(或帅哥)吗?你就可以自信的说:(Yes) I am.2、I am +名词或形容词。(可以表达你的存在状态、情况等,如:I am well.或I am a girl.)如:I am absolutely furious that he divorced me to marry her 他为了娶她而和我离婚,我愤怒至极。扩展资料:相关例句有:1、I can't speak English fluently as I am out of practice. 我不能流利地说英语,因为我已荒疏了。2、I am not having you and him in cahoots against me. 我不会让你和他勾结起来害我的。3、I'm so glad that we've found you at last! 我们终于找到你了,我真是太高兴了!4、I'm sorry I blew up at you 对不起,我对你发脾气了。5、I'm sorry to interrupt your meditation. 很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。参考资料:百度翻译_I'm

我是中国人,用英语说有I am和I'm两种形式,这两种形式有什么区别吗?什么情况下,怎么用?如果我

  I:我(主格,第一人称代词,常做主语,在英语语法上,单独使用没有具体含义,必须与至少一个系动词才能构成语法关系,比如:I am)

  I am:直译即“我是”或“是的”(作为语法而言是一种典型的主动语态,使用非常普遍)

  如:有人问你是美女(或帅哥)吗?你就可以自信的说:(Yes,) I am.或:

  I am +名词或形容词.(可以表达你的存在状态、情况等,如:I am well.或I am a girl.)


  如:I am clear that your question is what.

歌词i am ruck

Rock - I am rock lyrics

I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh)
I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock

This is how I need, before you try to, do me a sally
Take a short walk in my shoes
My boots, my kicks, my flip-flops, whatever
I done seen rain and I ain't just talkin' weather
But I'm a survivor
Shame on you if you thought I would ever leave
I'm a be right there where the legends be
I am unbreakable, I'm Roc, I am never weak now
I feel weak sometimes, but you'll never see
I'm going through one of the roughest times in my entire life right now
Still I got a slice now
I'm knowin' it's gonna be better day, like Tupac said
And we go make it like Eve and them two locks said
Who not better without something
Life's about struggling and overcoming your shortcomings
Not about huffing and puffing and crying without doing nothing
Take them sour lemons, make lemonade, and stop sucking

I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh)
I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock

See, I'm Rock like cold is, old and dusty
But, y'all already know what's underneath
Give me some time, and keep applying pressure
Watch me shine like the ex-bad boy
It'll all be fine (all be fine)
Just dig down deep, search for that energy
I can't lose, get in touch with that inner energy
Game face on, see this mug, you'll remember me
Focus out the pain, ignore any injury
Get a date? I am Roc, can't really injure me
Chip off a piece, all you're gonna get is a little me
Got one from almost every tough town in my history
Hence, the new team rap brothers, are you still with me?
Got a bunch more, they're in my last stage of misery
My little Gs, that's shrimp and me, are you kidding me?
I get stronger every time they try to finish me
We don't die, we multiply, can I get a witness, please?

I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh)
I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock

Sure there've been times I feel I can't go on
But I am so strong, I really can't go wrong
I am stayin' so long, I ain't goin' home
Rock Man goin' hard, 'til I can't no more

Tomorrow is Friday the thirteenth, me and bad luck
Didn't have beef, he can't hurt me, he can't serve me
I win every time I see him, even with all his undermining G-in'
Every time I beat him I think the odds must be his crew (huh?)
Word, they've always been against me, too (huh?)
They can't see me, and any one thing can't keep me out the championship, too

I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh)
I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock

I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, it's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh)
I am Rock, it ain't no breakin' me
I am Rock, it ain't no shakin' me
I am Rock, that ain't no earthquake, ït's me
I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock (ohh) I am Rock





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