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爱情保卫战2015三个女人爱上一个男人是第几期 《爱情保卫战》是天津卫视2010年推出的情感心理节目,节目现场邀请资深情感专家用专业知识给到场的每对情侣提供客观理性的分析及双方契合程度的科






Could this be love that I feel
Woke up this morning,
Just sat in my bed,
8 a.m first thing in my head,
Is a certain someone,
Who's always on my mind,
He treats me like a lady in everyway,
He smiles and warms me through up the day,
Should I tell him I love you,
Wish I knew what to say!
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
The way he looks,
So deep in my eyes,
Our hearts are so warm,
I just wanna cry,
Then he's so hardworking,
He wants to be someone.
Should I tell him that I love you,
What if he doesn't say it too,
I'm getting so nervous,
What should I do
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
Will it be my turn,
Two hearts beating together as one,
No more loneliness,
Only love, laughter and fun
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you, would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,
Could this be love that I feel?
Could this be love that I feel?


  《爱情保卫战》20160803:“准婆婆”各种挑剔 怀疑她“别有用心”涂磊很生气。




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