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white food是什么意思? white food[wat fud]:狭意上讲它(这个单词)是指白色食品,如:馒头,鸡蛋,米饭等。例句:Theyre quickly broken down into the ultimate white food: sugar. 那就

white food是什么意思?

white food[waɪt fuːd]:狭意上讲它(这个单词)是指白色食品,如:馒头,鸡蛋,米饭等。例句:They're quickly broken down into the ultimate white food: sugar. 那就是糖。糖分在白色食物中会被迅速的分解。The white food can activate body function, guide the basic motive force of a life, and canpromote, keep this kind of energy. 白色食物能够活化身体机能,引导出生命的基本原动力,并且能够将这种能源提升、保持。Represent the white food of carbohydrate, can in no way be in need of for controling all brainfunctions of nerves to saying. 代表碳水化合物的白色食品,对于控制全部神经的大脑机能来说绝不能缺少。For the sake of the rapid combustion fat, doing not eat white food will never go and certainly eatmany also can not, need to control to absorb quantity. 为了快速燃烧脂肪,不食用白色食物绝对不行,当然食用多了也不可以,需要控制摄入量。The white food can help the brain to exercise, the morning should just the right amount take. 白色食物能够促进大脑运动,早晨应适量摄取。


trash[英][træʃ] [美][træʃ] 简明释义n.垃圾,废物;断枝,碎块;废话;社会渣滓vt.废弃;拆毁;搞垮,贬低;从……上除去细枝或枝条复数:trashes第三人称单数:trashes过去式:trashed过去分词:trashed现在分词:trashing柯林斯高阶英汉词典同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT垃圾;废物Trash consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty containers and bottles, and waste food. The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash…院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant.刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是房客该做的事。in BRIT, use 英国英语用 rubbish2.N-UNCOUNT毫无价值的东西;拙劣的作品If you say that something such as a book, painting, or film is trash, you mean that it is of very poor quality. Pop music doesn't have to be trash, it can be art...流行音乐不必非得是垃圾,也可以是艺术。Don't read that awful trash.不要读那本拙劣的垃圾之作。3.VERB(故意)损坏,捣毁,糟蹋If someone trashes a place or vehicle, they deliberately destroy it or make it very dirty. Would they trash the place when the party was over?...聚会结束时他们会把这地方搞得一团糟吗?The building had been trashed and its electricity supply cut.那栋楼遭到打砸,电被切断。4.VERB痛贬;贬损If you trash people or their ideas, you criticize them very strongly and say that they are worthless. People asked why the candidates spent so much time trashing each other.人们问为什么候选人花这么多时间互相贬损。5.See also: white trash;Usage Note: In American English, the words trash and garbage are most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. …the smell of rotting garbage… She threw the bottle into the trash. In British English, rubbish is the usual word. Trash and garbage are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically. I don't have to listen to this garbage… The book was trash. 在美国英语中,trash 与 garbage 最常用于表示被丢弃的废物:the smell of rotting garbage (腐烂垃圾的臭味),She threw the bottle into the trash (她把瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。英国英语中则通常用rubbish。trash 与 garbage 有时亦用于英国英语中,但仅限于非正式语体或比喻用法:I don't have to listen to this garbage (我不需要听这些废话),The book was trash (那本书简直是垃圾)。


praks组成的单词是parks.parks单词发音:英 [pɑːks] 美 [pɑːrks] 。一、单词释义n. 停车场;公园;园区;(球类)运动场v. 停车;停放;置于park的第三人称单数和复数二、词语用法park的基本意思是“公园”,是可数名词,其前的介词习惯用in。park还有“停车场”的意思,是可数名词。park也可指“(公园或统一布局的)专业化地区”。三、短语搭配artificial park 人造公园beautiful park 美丽的公园industrial park 工业区large park 大公园national park 国家公园private park 私人公园四、双语例句The park is open from 1 May to 31 October. 公园从5月1日到10月31日开放。Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park. 狗在公园里必须系着牵狗带。Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance. 切莫把车停在入口处。I'll ask if it's all right to park here. 我会问是否可以在这里停车。It's the biggest theme park outside the United States. 这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园。Let's park that until our next meeting. 咱们把这留到下次开会时再处理吧。I've left my car in the park and ride. 我把汽车停在转乘停车场了。

Beautiful In White歌词翻译成中文是?

Not sure if you knowthis 不确定你是否知道这个
But whenwe first met 但当我们第一次见面的时候
I got so nervous I couldn't speak 我十分紧张我说不出话来
In that very moment 在那个特别的时刻
I found the one and Mylife had found this missing piece
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
What we have is timeless 我们永恒拥有
My love is endless 我的爱没有尽头
And with this dream I Say to the world 我要对这个世界大声说
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in 你是我所有可能的原因你是我信仰的一切
With all my heart I mean every world我说的是全世界
And if our daughter is what our future holds 如果我们的女儿是我们拥有的未来
I hope she has your eyes 我希望她能拥有你的眼睛
Finds love like you and I did找到像你我之间这样的爱
Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go 如果她爱上了某个人我就会放她走
I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她走过那条通道
She looks so beautiful in white穿白色婚纱的她看起来很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
his day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight 今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美




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