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生死一念间,姻缘一线牵的意思 这两句话呢,其实应该要分开理解的。你不要纠结把他们合到一起去解释就好了。 生和死,正常情况下是我们的一念之间,比如一个要自杀的人,他选择了跳楼,而这跳不


生和死,正常情况下是我们的一念之间,比如一个要自杀的人,他选择了跳楼,而这跳不跳,就是个关键, 跳了,就死了, 不跳,就死不了。 所以一念间。
姻缘一线牵,来自神话传说月老的红线。 传说中月老会冥冥之中给两个认识或者不认识的人绑上红线,只要绑上,这两个人最终绝对会在一起,不会因为任何原因而被阻挡。
而这两句话这样合到一起,因为一个“一”而相似, 因为“间”和“牵”的押韵,就让人感觉这两句话非常搭配,但是其实呢,一点也不搭。只是胡乱凑到一起的。 我为你去死,就可以和你在一起了?死了还怎么在一起?狗屁不通- -


爱恨一念间 演唱:刘婕 周强孤孤单单的漂流 在这个茫茫的人海注定今生要和你 相遇在这战乱爱该跟随或放弃 该决裂或依赖使得恩怨多无奈难忘记你容颜 难厮守的誓言有缘无分中错爱难以抉择中 爱恨一念间悲喜相隔有多远我像空气中撕碎的纸屑在劫难逃你的恩怨孤孤单单的漂流 在这个茫茫的人海注定今生要和你 相遇在这战乱爱该跟随或放弃 该决裂或依赖使得恩怨多无奈 难忘记你容颜难厮守的誓言 有缘无分中错爱难以抉择中 爱恨一念间悲喜相隔有多远 我像空气中撕碎的纸屑在劫难逃你的恩怨 难以抉择中爱恨一念间 悲喜相隔有多远我像空气中撕碎的纸屑在劫难逃你的恩怨在劫难逃你的恩怨



求一首歌 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

歌曲名:《Baby I Love You》 Che'nelle 专辑:《Luv Songs》 曲号:1 歌手:Che'Nelle 歌词 Baby I love U I love U I love U I have found the only one Only one That is meant for me U're always on my mind I'll go through whatever Me and U will ride into eternity Baby we can go places Maybe a trip around the world As U and I look up into the clouds I keep tellin' myself I gotta tell him how I feel inside I guess I la-la but I keep holdin' back Cos I don't wanna scare U away Yeah it's just me, so frustrated I wish I'd say it naturally My heart is racing Cos boy I want U constantly Me and U and now chemistry It's so amazing that I want it more But I can't help bout think that U have some1 else Don't wanna pay my mind attention this way I try to block it out All this time with you I can't believe I have a doubt I'm so crazy but U could save me Baby, please let me know U're in love with me (Baby I don’t know why) I'm telling stories in my head Now I can't sleep at night (And baby U donno why Leavin' me tonight It just don't feel right But I can't wait til I'll be seeing U here again I'm tryin to break my insecurities so I can explain Everything I wanna say that I kept inside What's all around me baby I don't care Ur face is all I see when U're not here And I'm so surprised though I get carried away I could lose a day From thinkin U might not feel the same But let me just say I gotta turn it up Cos it don't matter Baby it's time I trust what I feel And I need Ur love to follow me Cos now U know that u're my world My everything, everything Now baby when I sleep at night I close my eyes and smile And when I'm kissing U I feel my body light up inside I hope U never ever think bout lettin me go If I don't have U baby I would rather be on my own What we have is so untouchable Unbreakable and we will go on and on Baby I love U I love U I love U I have found the only one Only one That is meant for me U're always on my mind I'll go through whatever Me and U will ride into eternity Baby I love U I love U I love U I swear U're the only one Only one Nothing's gonna change I'm always by Ur side This is forever Like the stars my love will shine next to Ur heart We will light a fire if we're in the dark And I'll be a fighter if we're apart We can't tell what's comin' but I'm not worried Cos I believe in us in love Baby I love U I love U I love U I have found the only one Only one That is meant for me U're always on my mind I'll go through whatever Me and U will ride into eternity Baby I love U I love U I love U I swear U're the only one Only one Nothing's gonna change I'm always by Ur side This is forever Like the stars my love will shine next to Ur heart 编辑本段毕书尽演唱歌曲 基本信息 歌曲名:《Baby I Love You》 专辑:《Bii Story》 曲号:6 歌手:毕书尽(Bii) 作词:宋世尧 作曲:宋世尧 歌词 Baby I love you Baby I miss you 路上的人满街游荡 我的心却挤满空旷 想把从前当做永恒 想看你美丽的脸 好想再记起你的发香 放在桌上红色相框 是我们关不上的窗 我用受了伤的目光 只能和幸福对望 脆弱的我只有你能解放 Baby I love you Baby I miss you 我的生命里因为有了你而丰富才感到满足 也因为有了你才知道什麼是幸福 Baby I love you Baby I miss you 我会用我所有力气拼命去找到你 我不会再让你离我而去 Baby I love you Baby I miss you Baby I love you Baby I miss you 我会用我所有力气拼命去找到你 我不会再让你离我而去




英文名:Choe won hong    
星座:射手座 可爱的元弘
2006SBS 《爱并恨着》  
2007KBS 《毒爱》   
2008KBS 《风之国》   
2009KBS 《传说中的故乡》   
2009KBS 《公主回来了》   
2009KBS 《妻子回来了》   
2010KBS 《巨商金万德》饰演与金万德一起在养成所长大的孩子   
2010KBS 《富翁的诞生》饰演傅泰熙(李诗英饰)的弟弟傅太京   




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