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young folks

young folks歌词中文翻译 young folks if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你我从前所做的事 told you how i used to be 告诉你我以前是什么样的 would you go along with someone l

young folks歌词中文翻译

young folks
if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你我从前所做的事
told you how i used to be 告诉你我以前是什么样的
would you go along with someone like me 你还会和我这样的人相处吗
if you knew my story word for word 如果你知道我故事的种种
handled all of my histry 对我所有的故事了如指掌
would you go along with someone like me 你还会和我这样的人相处吗

Forever Young 歌词翻译!!!

Forever Young 歌词翻译如下:Forever Young永远年轻Let's dance in style让我们翩然起舞Let's dance for a while让我们尽情欢笑Heaven can wait天堂也得等著我们We're only watching the skies我们只是仰望凝视著天空Hoping for the best愿望有最好的结果But expecting the worst却作了最坏的打算Are you going to drop the bomb or not你到底是否即将要投下炸弹Let us die young or let us live forever让我们英年早逝,或让我们长生不死We don't have the power的确,我们没有实权But we never say never但我们绝不说:绝不Sitting in a sandpit坐在沙坑里冥想Life is a short trip人生只是一趟短暂的旅行The music's for the sad men这音乐是为了悲伤的人们而写的Can you imagine when this race is won你能想像得出当我们赢得这场战争Turn our golden faces into the sun我们以胜利者光彩荣耀的脸 面向太阳Praising our leaders赞颂我们的领导者We're getting in tune我们随著领导者的音乐起舞The music's played by the madmen当一群疯狂的人在指挥著音乐的演奏Forever young, I want to be forever young永远年轻,我想要永远年轻Do you really want to live forever你真的想活到永远Forever -- and ever永远,永远----Some are like water有人静若流水Some are like the heat有人热情如火Some are a melody and some are the beat有人是奏主旋律,也有人是打节拍伴奏Sooner or later, they all will be gone迟早,他们都终将漂逝而去Why don't they stay young为何他们无法青春永驻It's so hard to get old without a cause徒增岁月而没有奋斗的课题又情何以堪I don't want to perish like a fading horse我不愿像褪了色的马一般灰飞烟灭Youth's like diamonds in the sun青春就像阳光下的钻石And diamonds are forever而钻石是永恒的So many adventures couldn't happen today有太多以往的冒险犯难在今天已无法实现So many songs we forgot to play有太多的歌我们已经忘记怎麼去唱So many dreams swinging out of the blue有太多凭空而生的梦想We'll let them come true我们要使它们美梦成真扩展资料:歌曲故事:永远年轻是由杰里赫斯执导的拿破仑大人物的插曲。主要故事是关于拿破仑,一个生活在爱达荷州普林斯顿的普通高中生,而不是几乎征服整个欧洲的将军。他有蓬松的红头发和笨拙的登山靴。有一些特殊的技能是不被欣赏的,他在这个迷茫的青春期与其他男孩有同样的麻烦。拿破仑是一名住在爱达荷州普林斯顿的普通高中生,在这个混乱的青春期,他和其他男孩一样有麻烦。拿破仑与他的祖母和失业的兄弟开普生活在一起。这位30岁的哥哥仍然闲着,整天都在聊天室里寻找他的爱情。有一天,奶奶在沙丘里伤了自己,然后不知何故从他们的远方叔叔里科出来,他来到这个偏僻的小镇照顾兄弟,但没想到,他差点摧毁了他们的生命。拿破仑和他刚认识的新校友佩德罗看到了同样的事情。当他得知佩德罗竞选学校学生会主席时,他面对的是一个非常强大的对手,惠特利,他讨厌,他决定暂时搁置他的工作,并尽力帮助他他的朋友们。与此同时,拿破仑记得喂羊驼,并试图避免与他的坏叔叔和他推荐挨家挨户推荐的乳房扩大草药建立关系。在这些麻烦下,只有少数美术技能的拿破仑和佩德罗以他们的热情和努力赢得了胜利。乐队资料:Marian Gold、Bernhard Lloyd两位创作核心加上Frank Mertens、Ricky Echolette等团员,造就了Big In Japan、Forvever Young、Dance With Me等人气代表作。89年与Tangerine Dream乐团的电子音乐界先锋Klaus Schulze琢磨音乐理念,并与多位导演将专辑中的歌曲拍成短片集锦取代传统影带概念,其中标题为「Songlines」的短片还一举勇夺奥斯卡奖,Marian和Bernhard也分别发表个人专辑。他们于1984年在欧洲大陆上发行的第一个单曲Big In Japan,还特意请来Tangerinep Dream的Klausp Schulze作为发行人,但是Gold在后来未能扩大影响、发展起来,被当时挪威的A-ha,英国的Pet shop boys给比下去了,但不管还有多少人记得Alphaville,forever young依然被传遍着...参考资料来源:百度百科-Forever Young百度百科----alphaville

young folks 歌词翻译

Young Folks

if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你 我从前的过去
if i told you things i did before 如果我告诉你我从前的过去
told you how i used to be 告诉你 我的习惯就是如此
told you how i used to be 告诉你我的习惯就是如此
would you go along with someone like me 你还会继续像喜欢我的那位 依旧喜欢著我吗?
would you go along with someone like me你还会继续像喜欢我的那位依旧喜欢着我吗?
if you knew my story word for word 如果你知道我故事的一切种种
if you knew my story word for word 如果你知道我故事的一切种种
had all of my history 知道我全部的历史
had all of my history知道我全部的历史
would you go along with someone like me你还会事继续像喜欢我的那位 依旧喜欢著我吗? w
ould you go along with someone like me你还会事继续像喜欢我的那位依旧喜欢着我吗?

i did before and had my share 我以前作过了并且我也有我的
i did before and had my share我以前作过了并且我也有我的
it didn't lead nowhere 但它已经毫无结果
it didn't lead nowhere但它已经毫无结果
i would go along with someone like you 我还继续是那个喜欢你的那一位 i would go along with someone like you我还继续是那个喜欢你的那一位
it doesn't matter what you did 你以前所作的都无关紧要
it doesn't matter what you did你以前所作的都无关紧要
who you were hanging with 你就是我身边的那一位 w
ho you were hanging with你就是我身边的那一位
we could stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚

and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
talkin' bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的
talkin' bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板

talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格
talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格
and we don't care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
and we don't care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们

talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
talking only me and you就只有讨论你和我就好
talking only me and you就只有讨论你和我就好

usually when things has gone this far 通常事情过了一阵时间 usually when things has gone this far通常事情过了一阵时间
people tend to disappear人们也会渐渐忘却的
people tend to disappear人们也会渐渐忘却的
no one would surprise me unless you do没有人会吃惊或讶异 除非我像你那样
no one would surprise me unless you do没有人会吃惊或讶异除非我像你那样

i can tell there's something goin' on 我会说事情已经过去了
i can tell there's something goin' on我会说事情已经过去了
hours seem to disappear 时间会冲刷这一切
hours seem to disappear时间会冲刷这一切
everyone is leaving i'm still with you 就算所有人都远离你 我仍然会跟著你
everyone is leaving i'm still with you就算所有人都远离你我仍然会跟着你

it doesn't matter what we do不管你做了什麼
it doesn't matter what we do不管你做了什么
where we are going to 不论我们要去哪里
where we are going to不论我们要去哪里
we can stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚
we can stick around and see this night through我们可以静静等待并且一起欣赏这夜晚
and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
talkin' bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的
talkin' bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板

talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格阿
talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格阿
and we don't care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
and we don't care about our own folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
talking only me and you现在就只有讨论你和我 talking only me and you现在就只有讨论你和我

and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
and we don't care about the young folks我们才不在乎那不成熟的人们
talkin' bout the young style打量著是年轻人的风格或什麼的
talkin' bout the young style打量着是年轻人的风格或什么的
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板
and we don't care about the old folks我们才不在乎老古板
talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说著旧式的风格阿
talkin' 'bout the old style too也有说着旧式的风格阿
and we don't care about our own folks我们在不在乎年轻人的眼光
and we don't care about our own folks我们在不在乎年轻人的眼光
talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
talkin' 'bout our own stuff说看看我们自己的特质
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题
all we care about is talking我们全部就是在说这话题

Young Folks 歌词

歌曲名:Young Folks歌手:Peter Bjorn And John专辑:Music From The Motion Picture 21Young FolksPeter Bjorn And Johnif i told you things i did beforetold you how i used to bewould you go along with someone like meif you knew my story word for wordhandled all of my historywould you go along with someone like mei did before and had my shareit didn't lead nowherei would go along with someone like youit doesn't matter what you didwho you were hanging withwe could stick around and see this night throughand we don't care about the young folkstalkin' bout the young styleand we don't care about the old folkstalkin' 'bout the old style tooand we don't care about our own folkstalkin' 'bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youusually when things has gone this farpeople tend to disappearno one would surprise me unless you doi can tell there's something goin' onhours seem to disappeareveryone is leaving i'm still with youit doesn't matter what we dowhere we are going towe can stick around and see this night throughand we don't care about the young folkstalkin' bout the young styleand we don't care about the old folkstalkin' 'bout the old style tooand we don't care about our own folkstalkin' 'bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youand we don't care about the young folkstalkin' bout the young styleand we don't care about the old folkstalkin' 'bout the old style tooand we don't care about our own folkstalkin' 'bout our own stuffall we care about is talkingtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and youtalking only me and youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9064953

gossip girl 原版书的结尾是神马样子滴?


  举手表决:对于上周既过瘾,又丑闻不断的'Gossip Girl'大结局,你是不是希望看到更多戏剧性场面?
  如果你看过'Gossip Girl'的原著小说,你一定知道原著的结局和剧集中的大相径庭。Gossip Girl的选角导演Renee Godbout向我们分析了原著和戏剧各自结局的不同之处。
  原著中,Serena (Blake Lively)没有捉到Dan (Penn Badgley) 和Georgina Sparks (Michelle Trachtenberg)的奸情,但是Dan向Serena坦白自己的错误(偷情)这个情节在原著中还是有的。Godbout认为戏剧中的做法更好,因为这样会有更多戏剧性场面,比如S与G的正面冲突(S骂G是“喜欢操控别人的疯婊子”)。我同意,更多的正面对抗意味着更多的矛盾冲突。
  Chuck的部分则干脆完全改写了原著。Blair (Leighton Meester)和Chuck (Ed Westwick)在原著中约定在飞机场见面,而不是直升机停机坪。Chuck在前往飞机场的路上因为遇到车祸而被耽搁,Chuck在途中看到Lily手持百合在车祸现场哭泣,于是跳出他的豪华轿车去一探究竟,结果发现是他的爸爸丧生于车祸。不用说,Chuck没有去成机场。Blair等不到Chuck,以为他又变回了以前花心、浪荡的富家公子Chuck,于是她决定和Carter Baizen一起去欧洲度假,Carter Baizen就是那个在扑克赌局上骗了Nate好几万的男的。
  Godbout不是很清楚为什么Gossip Girl背后的高层要改变原著。可能是他们想留着老Bart Bass好给Rufus和Lily制造更多的冲突。话说回来,我们也不需要Lydia Hearst客串Chuck的装修设计师。我只能说,我很高兴Carter Baizen没有回来,Gossip Girl最好没有他.

gossip girl 所有插曲

Episode 1 - "The Pilot" - September 19, 2007
"Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John
"If It's Lovin That You Want" by Rihanna
"What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake
"Diamond Hipster Boy" by Washington Social Club Diamond
"Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse
"Hang Me Up To Dry" By Cold War Kids
"Photograph" by Air
"Hard To Live In The City" by Albert Hammond Jr.
"The Way I Are" by Timbaland
"Go" By Hanson
"Don't Matter" by Akon
"The Gift" by Angels and Airwaves

Episode 2 - "The Wild Brunch" - September 26, 2007
"Hit Me Up" by Gia Farell
"Shut Up And Drive 1" by Rihanna
"When Did Your Heart Go Missing" by Rooney
"Ballad of Gus and Sam" by Ferraby Lionheart

"Tell Me About It" by Joss Stone
"The Queen And I" by Gym Class Heros
"Shut Up And Drive 2" by Rihanna
"Believe" by The Bravery
Episode 3 - "Poison Ivy" - October 3, 2007
"Glamorous" by Constance Billard Choir
"I Got It From My Momma" by will.I.am
"Can't Be Happening" by The Marlows
"Raise Your Hand" by The Lights
"I feel It All" by Feist
"Dusk Till Dawn" by Ladyhawke

Episode 4 - "Bad News Blair" - October 10, 2007
"Moon River" by Henry Mancini
"Make It Bounce" by Invisible Men
"The Focus" by X5
"Tambourine" by Eve
"Candy Store" by Miss Eighty6
"Till The Sun Comes Up" by Miss Eighty6
"Until You Can't" by Alana D
"Bounce Back" by Miss Eighty 6
"Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston

Episode 5 - "Dare Devil" - October 17, 2007
"There's A Pot Brewin" by Little Ones
"Rockstar LP" by Prima J
"Came To Dance" by Cadence Blaze
"Ringing In My Eyes" by Two Hours Traffic
"Whine Up" by Kat Deluna
"I'm Doing It Again" by All Wrong & The Plans Change
"Mama I'm Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne
"Get Ur Party On" by Zooland

Episode 6 - "The Handmaiden's Tale" - October 24, 2007
"Kiss Kiss" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Guess Who" by Nekta
"Take It To The Top" by 5 Alarm
"The La La Song" by Sofi J
"Nasty Funky Crazy" by Becca Styles
"Ring a Ling" by Miss Eighty 6
"Timebomb" by Beck
"Happy Ending" by Mika

Episode 7 - "Victor, Victrola" - November 7, 2007
"With Me" By Sum 41
"Stripper" By Soho Dolls
"So The Say" By Classic
"Ballad Of An Easy" By David McConnel
"Release" By Miss Eighty 6
"Second Hand Lovers" John Ralston
"Just Love" By Warren
"Photograph" By Air
"Girl I Told Ya" By Valeria Ft. Aria
"Whatever" By Elliot Smith

Episode 8 - "Seventeen Candles" - November 14, 2007
"One Week Of Danger" By The Virgins
"Your Birthday" By The Shapes
"Love Is Colder Than.." By The Virgins
"Rich Girls" By The Virgins
"Feathers" By Two Hours Traffic
"Nice Buddy" By Puffy Ami Yumi
"How We Breathe" By Pinback
"Fernando Pando" By The Virgins
"Freebird" By CAST
"Inside Out" By Miss Eighty 6
"How Does It Feel" By Eskimo Joe
"Kissing Song" By Dawn Landes

"Radio Christine" By The Virgins
Episode 9 - "Blair Waldorf Must Pie" - November 28, 2007
"Promiscuos" By Nelly Furtado
"Recurring" By Bonobo
"Here It Goes Again" By OK GO
"Grand Opening" By Will Dailey
"La Ritounelle (Dan Mix) By Sebastian Tellier
"Today" By Stick Boy
"Nolita Fairytale" By Vanessa Carlton

Episode 10 - "High Society" - December 5, 2007
"Comin' Home Baby" By Mel Torme

"Secret (Piano Version)" By The Pierces
"You're a Wolf" By High Society
"Pretty Please" By Lissa
"What For" By Rooney

"Secret" By The Pierces

"3 wishes" By The Pierces
"Apologize" By Timbaland ft.

Episode 11 - "Roman Holiday" - December 18, 2007
"Santa Baby" By CAST
"O Christmas" By The Plush Interiors
"Making Good Time" By Two Hours Traffic
"Christmas Alphabet" By McGuire Sisters

"Christmaskwanakah" By The Dan Band
"Deck The Halls" By The Republic Tigers
"The General Specific" By Band of Horses

"All That I Want" By The Weepies


第二季第24集毕业舞会《Prom Theme》(Fountains of Wayne,韦恩喷泉的歌);
第24集年轻的Lily去找姐姐时酒吧里女歌手唱的歌《Stand and Deliver》
第25集结局B和C相拥的背景音乐,特别好听,是《Season of Love》(Shiny Toy Gun)
第7集的《Lights Off》(The Dears)

第一季第4集里《Moon River (From Breakfast at Tiffany's)》(Henry Mancini)
第10集名媛舞会练习时的歌《Secret》(The Pierces)也特别好听。
第11集《O Christmas Tree》(The Plush Interiors)《That't not my name》丁丁乐团第一季所有歌曲下载:http://www.everlaugh.com/read-htm-tid-74.html


a bill of fare          菜单;节目单
a case in point          一个恰当的例子
a couple of          一对,一双;几个
a far cry          遥远的距离
a few          少许,一些
a good deal          许多,大量;…得多
a good few          相当多,不少
a good many          大量的,许多,相当多
a hard nut to crack          棘手的问题
a little          一些,少许;一点儿
a lot of          大量,许多;非常
a number of          一些,许多
a point of view          观点,着眼点
a series of          一系列,一连串
a variety of          种种,各种
abide by          遵守(法律等);信守
abound in          盛产,富于,充满
above all          首先,首要,尤其是
above-mentioned          上述的
abstain from          戒除,弃权,避开
access to          接近;通向…的入口
according as          根据…而…
according to          根据…所说;按照
account for          说明(原因等);解释
account for          占;打死,打落(敌机)
accuse sb. of sth.          控告(某人某事)
act for          代理
act on          按照…而行动
act out          演出
adapt to          适应
add up to          合计达,总计是
add up          加算,合计
adhere to          粘附在…上;坚持
adjacent to          与…毗连的
admire to do sth.          (美口)很想做某事
admit of          容许有,有…余地
admit to          承认
admit to          让…享有
advertise for          登广告征求(寻找)某物
affect to          假装
afford to          (买)得起(某物)
after a little          过了一会儿
after a while          过了一会,不久
after all          毕竟,终究;虽然这样
agree about          对…有相同的看法
agree on          就…达成协议决定
agree on          同意,赞成
agree to          同意,商定
agree with          同意,与…取得一致
agree with          与…相一致;适合
ahead of schedule          提前
ahead of time          提前,在原定时间以前
ahead of          在…前面,先于;胜过
aim for          力争…,针对
all along          始终,一直,一贯
all at once          突然;同时;一起
all but          几乎,差一点
all in all          总的说来;头等重要的
all of a sudden          突然,冷不防
all one's life          一生,一辈子
all out          竭尽全力
all over again          再一次,重新
all over          到处,遍及;全部结束
all right          令人满意的;好,行
all right          行,可以;顺利;确实
all round          (在…)周围,处处
all the same          仍然,照样地
all the time          一直,始终
all the years round          一年到头
all too          太
allow for          考虑到,估计到;体谅
allow of          容许(有…),容得
along with          同…一道(一起)
amount to          总共达到;实际上是
and all that          诸如此类
and all that          诸如此类
and so forth          等等
and so forth          等等,如此等等
and so on          等等
and so          所以,因此;同样
and that          而且
and the like          等等,以及诸如此类
and then          于是,然后
and what not          诸如此类,等等
and yet          而,然而
answer for          对…负责;符合…
answer sb. back          (与某人)顶嘴,回嘴
answer up          应对迅速
any longer          再
any more          再;较多些
any number of          许多
anything but          除…以外任何事(物)
apart from          除…之外(别无)
appeal to          上诉
apply for          提出申请(或要求等)
apply one's mind to          专心于…
apply oneself to          致力于
apply to          向…申请或要求
apply...to          把…应用于
approach to          接近;约等于
approve of          赞成,满意
arm in arm          手挽手地
around the clock          昼夜不断地,全天地
arrive at          到达(某地)
as a matter of fact          事实上,其实
as a matter of fact          事实上;其实
as a result of          由于;作为…的结果
as a result          作为结果
as a rule          通常,一般(说来)
as a rule          通常;一般说来
as a whole          总体上
as best one can          尽最大努力
as concerns          关于
as far as          …那么远,直到;至于
as follows          如下
as for as          就…而论,据…
as for          至于,就…方面说
as good as          和…几乎一样
as good as          几乎(实际)已经
as if          好像,仿佛
as it is          事实上,既然如此
as it were          似乎,可以说是
as long as          达…之外,长达
as long as          只要
as much as          尽…那样多;差不多
as regards          关于,至于
as soon as possible          尽快
as soon as          一…就…
as sure as fate          千真万确
as to          至于,关于
as usual          像往常一样,照例
as well as          (除…之外)也,既…又
as well as          既…又;除…之外
as well          也,同样,不妨
as well          也,又
as yet          到目前为止
as...as...          象,如同,与…一样
aside from          (美)除…以外
ask after          询问,问候
ask for          请求,要求,寻求

求gossip girl里面所有的歌曲


01Pilot - 2007.9.19

99% : The Mooney Suzuki
Back to Black : Amy Winehouse
Bounce With Me : Kreesha Turner
Concerto In G : Antonio Vivaldi
Diamond Hipster Boy : Washington Social Club
Don't Matter : akon
Glamorous : DJ Jun
Go : Hanson
Hang Me Up to Dry : Cold War Kids
Hard to Live In the City : Albert Hammond Jr.
If It's Lovin' That You Want : Rihanna
Joyful Waltz : Zdenek Bartak
Knock Knock : Lyrics Born
Photograph : Air
Send You Back : Matthew Dear
Something to Believe In : Aqualung
Space for Rent : Who Made Who
The Gift : Angels & Airwaves
The Way I Are (feat. Keri Hilson & D.O.E.) : Timbaland
Time Won't Let Me Go : The Bravery
What Goes Around.../...Comes Around Interlude : Justin Timberlake
Young Folks : Peter Bjorn and John

02The Wild Brunch - 2007.9.26

Believe : The Bravery
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 In G Major BWV 1048: Allegro : Bach-Collegium Stuttgart
Hit Me Up : Gia Farrell
Shut Up and Drive : Rihanna
Tell Me 'Bout It : Joss Stone
The Ballad of Gus and Sam : Ferraby Lionheart
The Queen and I : Gym Class Heroes
When Did Your Heart Go Missing? : Rooney

03Poison Ivy - 2007.10.3

Can't Be Happening : The Marlows
Do the Panic : Phantom Planet
Dusk Till Dawn : Ladyhawke
Glamorous : Constance Billard Choir
I Feel It All : Feist
I Got It from My Mama : will.i.am
Raise Your Hand : The Lights
Raise Your Hand (Lifeblood Remix) : The Lights
Something to Believe In : Aqualung
Something to Belive In : Hooverdam

04Bad News Blair - 2007.10.7

Beautiful Girls : Sean Kingston
Bounce Back : Early Earl Ft. Miss Eighty6
Candy Store : Miss Eighty6
Candy Store : Miss Eighty 6
Gimme a Chance : Plain White T's
Habanera (from Carmen) ... Georges Bizet : Erv Monroe/Patty Masri-Fletcher
I Feel It All : Feist
Make It Bounce : Invisible Men
Moon River (From "Breakfast at Tiffany's") : Henry Mancini
Sour Cherry : The Kills
Tambourine : Eve
The Focus : X5 featuring Mr. Tang
Till The Sun Comes Up : Miss Eighty6
Until You Can't : Alana D

05Dare Devil - 2007.10.17

Came to Dance : Cadence Blaze
Get Ur Party On : Zooland
I'm doing it Again : All Wrong and the Plans Change
Jezebel : Two Hours Traffic
Mama, I'm Coming Home : Ozzy Osbourne
Ringing In My Ears : Two Hours Traffic
Rockstar : Prima J
Something Like That : Tim
There's a Pot a Brewin : The Little Ones
Whine Up (feat. Elephant Man) : Kat DeLuna

06The Handmaiden's Tale - 2007.10.24

A Taste (The La La Song) : Sofia J
Guess Who : Nekta
Happy Ending : Mika
Kiss, Kiss : Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Nasty Funky Crazy : Becca Styles
Ring A Ling : Miss Eighty 6
Take It to the Top : 5 Alarm
Timebomb : Beck

07Victor, Victrola - 2007.11.7

Girl I Told Ya : Valeria
Just Love : Harry Warren
Photograph : Air
Second Hand Lovers : John Ralston
Stripper : Soho Dolls
Stripper : Sohodolls
Whatever (Folk Song In C) : Elliott Smith
With Me : Sum 41

08Seventeen Candles - 2007.11.14

Birthday Song : the shapes
Feathers : Two Hours Traffic
Fernando Pando : The Virgins
Free Bird : Lynyrd Skynyrd
How Does It Feel : Eskimo Joe
How We Breathe : Pinback
Inside Out : Miss Eighty 6
Love Is Colder Than Death : The Virgins
Nice Buddy : Puffy Ami Yumi
One Week of Danger : The Virgins
Radio Christiane : The Virgins
Rich Girls : The Virgins
The Kissing Song : Dawn Landes
Whenever We Finish : Two Hours Traffic
With Me : Sum 41

09Blair Waldorf Must Pie! - 2007.11.28

Grand Opening : Will Dailey
Here It Goes Again : Ok Go
La ritournelle : Sebastien Tellier
Nolita Fairytale : Vanessa Carlton
Promiscuous : Nelly Furtado & Timbaland
Recurring : Bonobo
Today : Stickboy (uk)

10Hi Society - 2007.12.5

Apologize : OneRepublic & Timbaland
Apologize (Feat. One Republic) : Timbaland
Comin' Home Baby : Mel Torm
Pretty Please : Lissa
Secret : The Pierces
Song from a Secret Garden : Secret Garden
Three Wishes : The Pierces
What For : Rooney
You're a Wolf : Sea Wolf

11Roman Holiday - 2007.12.19

All That I Want : The Weepies
Christmakwanzakah : The Dan Band
Christmas Alphabet : The McGuire Sisters
Deck The Halls : The Republic Tigers
O Christmas Tree : The Plush Interiors
Santa Baby : Constance Billard Choir
Stuck for the Summer : Two Hours Traffic
The General Specific : Band of Horses

12School Lies - 2008.1.2

Autumn Pink : Harry Warren
Breakfast In NYC : Oppenheimer
Come Flash All Your Ladies : The Filthy Youth
Come Home : OneRepublic
Cross The River : La Rocca
Four Romantic Pieces, Opus 75 : Antonín Dvorák
Last Night (Oh Yeah) : Moby
Ooh Yeah : Moby
Orange : The Filthy Youth
Someone Great : LCD Soundsystem

13A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate - 2008.1.9

Cold (feat. Miss Eighty 6) [DeeTown Remix] : Crossfade
Come Home : OneRepublic
Dan Cray Trio : Goodbye
Glamorous : Fergie
Got Ur Number : Nadia Oh
Happily Never After : Nicole Scherzinger
The Air We Breathe : Figurines
The Dark Side Of Indoor Track Meets : Falling Up
Where There's Gold : Dashboard Confessional
You'll Change : Machine Translations

14The Blair Bitch Project - 2008.4.21

Eucalyptus : The Deadly Syndrome
Feeling Better : The Teenagers
I Fell In Love With the DJ : Che'Nelle
Moon River (From "Breakfast at Tiffany's") : Audrey Hepburn & HENRY MANCINI
Rippin' Up The Disco : Kylie Minogue
Sour Cherry : The Kills

15Deperately Seeking Serena - 2008.4.28

Campus : Vampire Weekend
Crimewave : Crystal Castles vs. Health
Do the Panic : Phantom Planet
Elevator (feat. Timbaland) : Flo Rida
Nice Sweet Sexy : Difx Ft. Imperio & Cru
We Started Nothing : The Ting Tings

16All About My Brother - 2008.5.5

Cheap and Cheerful : The Kills
Paralyzer : Finger Eleven
Say (All I Need) : OneRepublic
Shut Up and Let Me Go : The Ting Tings
U.R.A. Fever : The Kills

17Woman on the Verge - 2008.5.12

Cities In Dust (feat. Lauren Rocket) : Junkie XL
Come Back to Me : Vanessa Hudgens
Die Everyday : Lincoln Hawk
Every Time You Go Away : Clay Aiken
Everytime : Lincoln Hawk
Fight Song (New Mix) : The Republic Tigers
Hook and Line : The Kills
Rich Girls : The Virgins
Stay (I Missed You) [Acoustic Version] : Lisa Loeb
True Love : Angels & Airwaves

18Much 'I Do' About Nothing - 2008.5.19

Beautiful World : Carolina Liar
Do You Wanna : The Kooks
everytime : Lincoln Hawk
Everytime : Lincoln Hawk
Glamorous (Clean) [Dance Remix] {Instrumental Track - Karaoke in the Style of Fergie feat. Ludacris} : BP Studio Musicians
Inside Out : Miss Eighty 6
Inside Outside : Concrete Blonde
Something to Believe In : Poison
The Ice Is Getting Thinner : Death Cab for Cutie
time to pretend : MGMT
When I Grow Up : The Pussycat Dolls
With Me : Sum 41

gossip girl好听的歌曲

1、《Got Your Number》是一首由Various Artists谱曲,Various Artists填词,Various Artists演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Gossip Girl》中,2007-09-19发行,该张专辑包含了6首歌曲。2、《Happily Never After》是一首由Various Artists谱曲,Various Artists填词,Nicole Scherzinger演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Gossip Girl》中,2007-09-19发行,该张专辑包含了6首歌曲。3、《You’ll Change》是一首由Various Artists谱曲,Various Artists填词,Various Artists演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Gossip Girl》中,2007-09-19发行,该张专辑包含了6首歌曲。4、《The Air We Breathe》是一首由Various Artists谱曲,Various Artists填词,Various Artists演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Gossip Girl》中,2007-09-19发行,该张专辑包含了6首歌曲。5、《The Dark Side Of Indoor Track Meets》是一首由Various Artists谱曲,Various Artists填词,Falling Up演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Gossip Girl》中,2007-09-19发行,该张专辑包含了6首歌曲。




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