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the craft

席勒的有哪些代表作 《强盗》之所以受到如此热烈的欢迎,是因为作品中蕴涵的反专制思想深切的迎合了彼时德国青年的心理。此时德国的“狂飙突进运动”已经发展至高潮,而《强盗》一剧的主人公卡


《强盗》之所以受到如此热烈的欢迎,是因为作品中蕴涵的反专制思想深切的迎合了彼时德国青年的心理。此时德国的“狂飙突进运动”已经发展至高潮,而《强盗》一剧的主人公卡尔就是一个典型的狂飙突进青年形象。他不满于专制与格局并存的社会现状,却由无力改变。他追求自由,对当时的社会提出挑战,是典型的叛逆者,最后却只能悲剧收场。《强盗》取得成功之后,席勒进入了生命中的第一个旺盛的创作期。从1782年至1787年,席勒相继完成了悲剧《阴谋与爱情》(1784年)、《欢乐颂》(1785年)诗剧《唐·卡洛斯》(1787年)等。欢乐颂   《阴谋与爱情》是席勒青年时代创作的高峰,它与歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》同是狂飙突进运动最杰出的成果。此剧揭露上层统治阶级的腐败生活与宫廷中尔虞我诈的行径。《阴谋与爱情》无论在结构上还是题材上都是德国市民悲剧的典范。席勒摒弃了创作《强盗》时惯用的长篇大论,而是改用简洁的语言进行讽刺。来自市民阶层的人物路易丝与宰相的对话:“我可以为你奏一曲柔板,但娼妓买卖我是不做的……如果要我递交一份申请,我一定恭恭敬敬;但是对待无礼的客人,我就会把他撵出大门!”直接质问德国社会严格的等级制度,具有乌托邦色彩。   诗剧《唐·卡洛斯》以16世纪西班牙的宫闱故事为背景,以生动的情节表达作者的理想:通过开明君主施行社会改良。这个剧本是席勒创作风格的转折点,表明他已经由狂飙突进时的激进革命精神转化为温和的改良思想。此后,席勒青年时代的创作宣告结束。   1786年,席勒前往魏玛;次年,在歌德的举荐下任耶拿大学历史教授。从1787年到1796年,席勒几乎没有进行文学创作,而是专事历史和美学的研究,并沉醉于康德哲学之中。法国大革命时期,席勒发表美学论著《论人类的审美教育书简》(1795年),曲折的表达了席勒对暴风骤雨般的资产阶级革命的抵触情绪。他主张只有培养品格完善、境界崇高的人才能够进行彻底的社会变革。这也是在《唐·卡洛斯》中宣扬的开明君主思想的延续。尽管如此,席勒始终没有放弃寻求德国统一和德国人民解放的道路。他的美学研究和社会变革等问题结合得非常密切。   1794年,席勒与歌德结交,并很快成为好友。在歌德的鼓励下,席勒于1796年重新恢复文学创作,进入了一生之中第二个旺盛的创作期,直至去世。这一时期席勒的著名剧作包括《华伦斯坦三部曲》(1799年)、《玛丽亚·斯图亚特》(1801年)、《奥尔良的姑娘》(1802年)、《墨西拿的新娘》(1803年)、《威廉·退尔》、《欢乐颂》等等。这一时期席勒创作的特点是以历史题材为主,善于营造悲壮、雄浑的风格,主题也贴近宏大的社会变革题材。   《威廉·退尔》是这一时期席勒的重要剧作。戏剧取材于14世纪瑞士英雄猎人威廉·退尔的传说。这一题材原本是歌德在瑞士搜集到的,他将其无私赠予席勒。席勒从未去过瑞士,却将这一传说诠释得极为生动。瑞士人为了感激席勒,把退尔传说发生地四林湖沿岸的一块极为壮观的巨岩石命名为“席勒石”。《威廉·退尔》以瑞士独立斗争为背景,在歌颂民族英雄的同时也歌颂努力争取民族解放的壮举,在欧洲范围内引起极大反响。   除戏剧创作外,这一时期席勒还和歌德合作创作了很多诗歌,并创办文学杂志和魏玛歌剧院。歌德的创作风格对席勒产生了很大影响。1796年,两人共写了上千首诗歌,而歌德的名作《威廉·迈斯特》和《浮士德》第一部也是在这一时期成形的。   总体来说,席勒这一时期的创作是古典主义风格的,早年的浪漫激情已经几近消失。席勒和歌德合作的这段时间被称为德国文学史上的“古典主义”时代。


“单纯”用英语说法:pure 读法:英 [pjʊə] 美 [pjʊr] 释义:1、adj. 纯的;单纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的;清白的;纯理论的2、n. (Pure)人名;(俄)普雷Pure silver纯银的 pure science纯科学 Pure Risk纯粹风险 pure iron纯铁例句:1、Pure air is colourless and odourless.纯空气是无色无臭的。2、You get only pure objects, just as you should.您得到的只是纯对象,也应该如此。扩展资料pure的近义词:stainless(字典查询结果)读法:英 ['steɪnlɪs] 美 [ˈsteɪnlɪs] 释义:adj. 不锈的;纯洁的,未被玷污的;无瑕疵的短语:1、Stainless Condensor白铁管冷却器2、stainless wire不锈钢网 3、stainless fisher不锈取样器4、Stainless King帝王系列例句:Ed could buy some stationery, stamps, and stainless steel knife there.他可以在那里买一些文具、邮票和不锈钢刀。


假如爱有天意 韩国 孙艺珍主演
独自等待 夏雨 李冰冰 主演
秋天的通话 周润发 钟楚红主演
甜蜜蜜 黎明 张曼玉 主演
卡萨布兰卡 好莱坞经典爱情片
个人最钟爱的这几部电影 在迅雷里面都能下得到 速度都比较快的 这几部电影都是很经典的哦

假如你能邀她去电影院的话 昨天也就是4.2号刚上映了 张学友 汤唯主演的 月满轩尼诗 很好看的电影 我就打算睡一觉醒来后 就去看的
最后祝你能 心想事成 嘿嘿 ! 抱得美人归!


PMP有两种含义1.PMP认证—项目管理专业人士认证PMP多指美国项目管理协会(PMI)发起的PMP认证。即Project Management Professional项目管理专业人士的英文首字母缩写。PMP认证在全球200多个国家和地区使用,国家外国专家局组织报名和考试。2、材料—工业塑料PMP还指一种塑料制品原料,在工业制造方面有广泛应用。如:光学分析用试管、化妆品类的盖子、软管、实验器具、分析仪、LED模条等。

求一篇英语作文 最难忘的事

参考 得作文 http://www.dezuowen.com/zuowen/20110119_674.html The most unforgettable experience of my lifeAs a student ,I don’t have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination.During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers’ changing , harder and harder texts , terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam .Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day. But I must say that it’s really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people’s true & pure friendship, both teachers ’ and classmates’. In some way, I like that kind of life, as it taught me many things I’d never learned before.Teachers also helped me a lot. I still can’t forget that my history teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003, for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals. Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .The last and greatest challenge was of course the final exam, also my high school entrance exam. I felt very well and comfortable except my chemistry physics exams. The result proved that I couldn’t have done worse in them. But in total, my mark is O.K. So then I became a student in the best high school of Hubei Province.We, teachers and students, got together in East Lake Hotel on June 4th, 2003. At the moment of saying goodbye, I felt that my time of junior had gone ,and my senior time was coming .Today, I looked at my graduate photos again ,and ,I smiled .He once hesitated ,struggled, feared and doubted, like an ordinary man would do. But he just "stays at the door of fate", as the name of his newly-written book says, and waits till the door opens instead of leaving during the half way. Then there comes a wholly new world where the beautiful dream lies . 。


The Most Unforgettable Experience
My summer holiday has been over. During my summer holiday, I did a lot of things. In my eyes, the most unforgettable thing I have done was that I took a boat in a beautiful lake with my senior high school friends and we barbecued on the boat.
On the boat, we ate the delicious food which is cooked by one of my friends. How wonderful it was! Here came some wind, mild and comfortable. Meanwhile, we talked with each other about something interesting that happened in senior high school. As time went by, we ate a large amount of yummy food and talked about plenty of fantastic experiences. That was really satisfying.
Nowadays,the new semester has already started and we have to go to different cities to attend school. We may meet each other in the winter holiday. What a long time! I really miss my true friends. It is the time staying with them that makes me feel delighted and relaxed. Therefore, I hope that we can meet again as soon as possible.




这样看来 two of something 就没有省略什么东西了 这里的something就是单词本意指某事某物
backwards 是副词 表示朝后向后的意思 例如 i moved backwards,我向后挪动(移动)

其中的toss 做动词“使…上下摇动” 例如 toss one's head 把头一扭
做名词“摇晃,扭动 ”例如 with a toss of thehead 摇晃着脑袋

汉译英 请高手帮忙 急!!!

The maintaining of all kinds of facilities and equipments in the factory should satisfy the working request.Quality control document,plans and producing plan should be pigeonholed according to the factory's program documents.Refering to the special technical demands of products,the technical department and the production department of the factory should report to the factory and superior department and take into practise after getting confirmed.Special,key,major spare part,equipments and materials should be stored according to the Management Regulation of Navigating Material.Unqualified products should be distinctly marked and be stored in appropriative unqualified case,which must be signed for recoganition by identifier while pass in and out of the factory.The Ministry of Personnel is responsibility with preparing workers for maintaining engines for long period.The organizition should be sanity and be up to the mustard.




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