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my perfect day

Perfect Day 歌词 歌曲名:Perfect Day歌手:hoku专辑:Legally BlondeHoku--Perfect daysuns up, its a little after 12make breakfast for myselfleave the work for someone elsepeople say, t

Perfect Day 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect Day歌手:hoku专辑:Legally BlondeHoku--Perfect daysun's up, it's a little after 12make breakfast for myselfleave the work for someone elsepeople say, they say that it's just a phasethey tell me to act my agewell I amon this perfect daynothing's standing in my wayon this perfect daywhere nothing can go wrongit's the perfect daytommorrow gonna come too soonI could stay forever as I amon this perfect daysun's down, a little after 10I pick up all my friends in my mercedes benzwake up!don't tell me it's just a dream (just a dream)cuz when I've had enoughyou'll hear me say nowdon't you try to rain on myperfect daynothing's standing in my wayon this perfect daywhere nothing can go wrongit's the perfect daytommorrow gonna come too soonI could stay forever as I amon this perfect daywhoo!(instumental)I'm in the race but, I already wonand getting in can't be half the funso don't so stop me till I'm good and donedon't you try to rain on myperfect dayit's the perfect dayit's the perfect daynothing's gonna bring me downI could stay forever as I amon this perfect daynothing's standing in my wayon this perfect daynothing can go wrongI'm in the race but, I've already wonand getting in can't be half the funso don't stop me till I'm good and donedon't you try to rain on my perfect dayon this perfect dayon this perfect dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8586479

my perfect day 歌词翻译



求高一英语作文《My Perfect Day 》

My Perfect Day
Winter came and the first snow began to fall. It was early Saturday morning. When I got up and looked out of the window, I saw trees, roofs and the ground all covered with snow. The world seemed to be a vast expanse of whiteness. How beautiful!“A heavy snow, a rich harvest.”Peasants must be very happy. I was happy, too, because…. Well, let me tell you.In the previous afternoon, when school was over, our teacher came into the classroom. “Shall we go to the hill and have a snow fight?”she asked us with a smile.“Good!”the whole class shouted cheerfully.
That's why I was so happy in the morning.
When we got to the hill, we started making snow balls at once. Suddenly a snow ball hit me in the face. How cold! When I had made enough snow balls, I began to throw them at my“enemies”.
We threw snow balls at each other; we kept laughing and shouting. What great fun! We were children again. We did not stop enjoying ourselves until we could not see each other clearly for the dark.
On our way home, we were still talking about our snow fight. The wind was blowing hard, but we did not feel the cold. What a happy day!

my typical day一篇120字的英语作文

A Typical Day in My Life
  My alarm clock rings at 6 o'clock every morning and I usually get up at once. Exercising for about ten minutes, I comb my hair, wash my face, eat my breakfast, and leave for school.
  Generally, I go to school by bus. The bus is always crowded. In the bus, I look at the signs through the windows, watch the passengers, and even read the newspaper head lines over someone's shoulder. It takes me about half an hour to get to school.
  My first class begins at eight o'clock and my last class ends at five. After school hours, I sometimes go to the Students Center or to the library for an hour or so. Afterwards, I go home.
  As soon as I get home, I sit down, do my homework and study my lessons for the next day. At 7 o'clock, we eat dinner. Then I relax, watch TV, take a walk, or visit a friend.
  At about 10 o'clock I get into bed and fall asleep immediately. I sleep until the alarm clock goes off again the next morning.
  If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

my perfect day歌词

《my perfect day》 歌词
It's a thing you do for me ,It's the way you make me feel,It's everything you want,
you're my shining star,no matter where you are,and now you are in my life,
I feel strange this side,no mountain seems so high,no river seems too wide,now you by my side,
you're the best thing in my life,you're the best thing in my day,
you're the one thing in my life, you make everything OK,you give me my perfect day.

People search their whole life through,he never find someone like you,
Oh... ,The day you walk accross through my door,I find what I was looking for,
now I am not searching anymore,that's whole I can wake up everyday ,
and not chose the first thing that I see,there is no place here I drag me,
I can hold you in my arms and they see,

you're the best thing in my life, the best thing in my day,
you're the one thing in my life, you make everything all right,you give me my perfect day.
you're the one thing in my life, you make everything OK,you give me my perfect day.

求《好想好想谈恋爱》里插曲perfect day的歌词

Perfect Day
歌手:Lou Reed
Just a perfect day
Drink sangria in the park
And then later, when it gets dark, we'll go home
Just a perfect day
Feed animals in the zoo
Then later a movie too, and then home

Oh it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on

Just a perfect day
Problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
It's such fun

Just a perfect day
You make me forget myself
I thought I was someone else
Someone good


You're going to reap just what you sow


  swords in the wind风中之剑
  演唱 manowar
  I surrender my soul 我抛弃我的灵魂
  Odin hear my call 欧丁神听到了我的呼喊
  One day I'll sit beside your throne 总有一天 我会坐在您的王座旁
  In Valhalla's great hall 在那英烈祠的宏伟大殿里
  Like so many before me 就像我之前的众英雄们
  I'll die with honor and pride 我将带着光荣和自豪而死

  The right of the warrior 勇士的义务
  Forever to fight by your side 是永远战斗在你身边
  Send a sign, raise the sail 发送信号 扬起帆
  Wave a last goodbye 挥挥手 做最后的告别
  Destiny is calling 命运在召唤
  Immortality be mine 不朽将属于我

  Call the witch to cast the runes 召唤女巫去撒下符文
  Weave a magic spell 编造成一个魔法咒语
  We who die in battle are born 我们在战斗中重生
  Not for heaven, not for hell 不上天堂 也不下地狱

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯


  Today the blood of battle 今日 血腥的战斗
  Upon my weapons will never dry 此刻 我的武器将沾满鲜血
  Many I'll send into the ground 我将把他们埋在泥土里
  Laughing as they die 带着他们死时的微笑

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  Place my body on a ship 船上放着我的尸体
  And burn it on the sea 把他在海上燃烧
  Let my spirit rise 让我的灵魂升腾
  Valkiries carry me 欧丁神的侍女瓦尔基里带着我
  Take me to Valhalla 把我送进英烈祠
  Where my brothers wait for me 在那儿 我的兄弟们正等着我
  Fires burn into the sky 烈火燃烧在天际
  My spirit will never die 我的灵魂永不逝

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  save me 拯救我
  演唱 jem

  Save me save me save me wooh 拯救我 拯救我 救救我吧

  I've gotta stop my mind 我已停止思考
  Working overtime 额外的工作
  It's driving me insane 它使我疯狂
  It will not let me live 它不会再让我活下去
  Always so negative 总是那么消极
  It's become my enemy 它正成为我的敌人

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我

  Why would I think such things 为何我要想这些事
  Crazy thoughts have quick wings 疯狂的想法有着灵敏的翅膀
  Gaining momentum fast 蓄势待发
  One minute I am fine 一分钟前 我很好
  The next I've lost my mind 下一刻 我迷失了自己
  To a fake fantasy 面对一个虚假的幻想

  And none of these 这些
  thoughts are real 想法没有真实的
  So why is it that I feel 那么为何我感觉
  So cut up and so bad 如此悲痛和糟糕
  I need to take control 我需要控制住
  Coz my mind is on a roll 因为我的思想势如破竹
  And it isn't listening to me 它不再听从我的

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Mirror mirror on the wall 镜子 墙上的镜子
  Who's the dumbest of them all 谁是他们当中最笨的
  Insecurities keep growing 不安在继续
  Wasted energies are flowing 浪费的能力在流动
  Anger, pain and sadness beckon 愤怒 痛苦 和 悲伤 在招手
  Panic sets in in a second 恐慌立刻开始
  Be aware it's just your mind 要小心 他就在你的脑子里
  And you can stop it anytime 你可以在任何时间让它停止

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Ok so here we go 那么 我们开始吧
  If it works I'll let you know 如果这有效 我们将知道
  One two three I say stop 一 二 三 我说 停下来


A little love 冯曦妤 Greatness as you 你是伟大的神 ­ ­  Smallest as me 我是小小凡人 ­ ­  You show me what is deep as sea 你的爱像海一样的温暖深沉­ ­  A little love, little kiss 一点爱,一个吻 ­ ­  A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱,一支向日葵的纯真­ ­  All of little something 所有的点滴小事­ ­  These are our memories 都是只属于我们的温存 ­ ­  You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑­ ­  Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美妙 ­ ­  You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边 ­ ­  I don't want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱­ ­  You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑 ­ ­  Make me feel the joy of love 让我体会爱情的喜悦喧嚣 ­ ­  Oh kissing you 让我温柔地吻你­ ­  Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠­ ­  Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你 ­ ­  Greatness as you 你是伟大的神­ ­  Smallest as me 我是小小凡人­ ­  You show me what is deep as sea 你的爱像海一样的温暖深沉 ­ ­  A little love, little kiss 一点爱,一个吻 ­ ­  A litlle hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱, 一支向日葵的纯真­ ­  All of little something 所有的点滴小事­ ­  These are our memories 都是只属于我们的温存­ ­  You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我微笑 ­ ­  Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美好­ ­  You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边 ­ ­  I don't want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱­ ­  You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑 ­ ­  Make me feel the joy of love 让我体味爱情的喜悦喧嚣 ­ ­  Oh kissing you 让我轻轻的吻你 ­ ­  Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠 ­ ­  Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你 ­ ­  Yes I do 爱你 ­ ­  I always do 至今不已­ ­  You make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑­ ­  Make me feel that love is true 让我感受爱情的真实美好­ ­  You always stand by my side 你总是陪在我身边­ ­  I don't want to say goodbye 让我习惯你的存在和怀抱­ ­  Make me cry make me smile 你让我哭 让我笑­ ­  Make me feel the joy of love 让我体味爱情的喜悦喧嚣­ ­  Oh kissing you 让我轻轻的吻你­ ­  Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给我的耐心和依靠­ ­  Oh I love you 让我轻声说,我爱你­ ­  To be with you 想和你在一起­ ­  Oh I love you 我爱你 ,至今不已­ ­




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