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vanessa carlton

Vanessa Carlton的《Twilight》 歌词 歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Vanessa Carlton专辑:Be Not NobodyVanessa Carlton - TwilightI was stained with a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked in

Vanessa Carlton的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Vanessa Carlton专辑:Be Not NobodyVanessa Carlton - TwilightI was stained with a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownAnd I always knew what was right,I just didn't know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sightAnd I will never see the sky the same wayAnd I will learn to say good-bye to yesterdayAnd I will never cease to fly if held downAnd I will always reach too high'Cause I've seen, 'cause I've seenTwilightNever cared, never wanted,never sought to see what flauntedSo on purpose, so in my face,couldn't see beyond my own placeAnd it was so easy not to behold what I could holdBut you taught me I could changewhatever came within these shallow daysAs the sun shines through itpushes away and pushes aheadIt fills the warmth of blueand leaves a chill insteadAnd I didn't know thatI could be so blind to all that is so realBut as illusion diesI see there is so much to be revealedI was stained by a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownI always knew what was right,just didn't know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2228605

Breaks Co-Op的《Twilight》 歌词

歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Breaks Co-Op专辑:The Sound InsideVanessa Carlton - TwilightI was stained with a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownAnd I always knew what was right,I just didn't know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sightAnd I will never see the sky the same wayAnd I will learn to say good-bye to yesterdayAnd I will never cease to fly if held downAnd I will always reach too high'Cause I've seen, 'cause I've seenTwilightNever cared, never wanted,never sought to see what flauntedSo on purpose, so in my face,couldn't see beyond my own placeAnd it was so easy not to behold what I could holdBut you taught me I could changewhatever came within these shallow daysAs the sun shines through itpushes away and pushes aheadIt fills the warmth of blueand leaves a chill insteadAnd I didn't know thatI could be so blind to all that is so realBut as illusion diesI see there is so much to be revealedI was stained by a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownI always knew what was right,just didn't know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/10449224


1,首先打开酷我音乐,然后点击酷我音乐软件界面右上角的到三角符号,如图。2,在弹出的选项中,我们点击“设置”选项,如图。3,打开酷我音乐设置窗口之后,点击窗口左边上的“歌词文件” 如图。4,就可以看到歌词文件的存储位置了 ,也可以点击“浏览”来修改歌词的保存位置,如图。5,在第4步知道歌词的存储位置之后,打开那个文件夹,就可以看到所有歌曲的歌词文件了,如图。6,右键想要查看歌词的歌曲文件,然后点击“打开方式”如图。7,在打开方式窗口里,点击选择“记事本”,然后点击底下的“确定”如图。8,完成以上操作步骤之后,就可以查看到歌曲的歌词了,如图。


按Ctrl+Alt+D 或者:在桌面右击工具栏的QQ音乐图标,出来菜单勾选点击显示桌面歌词。苹果手机设置在桌面上显示歌词方法;以苹果手机设置酷狗为例:品牌型号:iPhone12系统:IOS14.61、首先打开iPhone手机里下载的酷狗音乐app ,如下图。2、打开进入到酷狗音乐首页,然后点开页面左上角的三横杠,如下图。3、打开之后页面左边会弹出一个设置栏,在页面最下方有个 通知栏歌词,如下图。4、点击打开通知栏歌词,页面弹出一个提示框,先在手机设置里允许酷狗音乐推送通知,点击去设置,如下图。5、点击去设置之后就会自动转到iPhone手机的酷狗音乐设置页面里,然后打开页面里的通知,如下图。6、点击打开通知页面之后,在页面里把允许通知开启,如下图。7、开启允许通知之后,页面下方就会出现提醒风格,有锁定屏幕、通知中心或者是横幅,都可以点击打勾,这样就标示已经开启了,如下图。8、设置好之后回到酷狗音乐播放音乐,然后回到手机桌面就可以看到页面上方通知栏显示歌词啦,如下图。QQ音乐是隶属于腾讯音乐娱乐集团的音乐流媒体平台。自2005年创立,QQ音乐注册用户总量已达8亿。 QQ音乐以优质内容为核心,以大数据与互联网技术为推动力 ,致力于打造“智慧声态”的“立体”泛音乐生态圈,为用户提供多元化的音乐生活体验。




1、《大时代》(电视剧)香港电视广播有限公司出品的时装商战剧,由韦家辉执导并监制,郑少秋、刘青云、刘松仁主演。该剧以20世纪60年代至90年代的香港金融市场为背景,透过两个家庭,两代情仇,展现名利与人性的纠缠 。2、《坐庄》(电视剧)由戚健执导、李唯编剧,奚美娟、贾一平、王茜等人主演的反黑金融类电视剧,要讲述了刚毕业的研究生当上了操盘手,他渐渐屈服于金钱,出卖色相、陷害同仁,取代经理,然后设计出一个个骗局和赌局,在金融警察的打击下,走向灭亡。3、《绝对打击》(电视剧)陈宝国、宋春丽二巨星再联手,倾心打造年度精彩大戏。错综复杂的生活,变幻莫测的人生,感情、金钱、事业、家庭,使人们迷失在这个变化无穷的世界中。4、《股疯》(电影)香港艺能电影有限公司、潇湘电影制片厂合作拍摄的喜剧影片,由李国立执导,潘虹、刘青云领衔主演,讲述了20世纪90年代全民炒股,公共汽车售票员范莉决心靠股市改变生活,结果令自己和周围的人都陷入疯狂热潮的故事。5、《华尔街之狼》(电影)马丁·斯科塞斯执导的一部喜剧片,讲述了华尔街传奇人物乔丹·贝尔福特的故事,这位股票经纪人曾在三分钟内赚取1200万美元,31岁时就拥有亿万家产。影片根据乔丹的个人回忆录改编,讲述了他游走在法律边缘的发家生涯以及迷失于性和毒品的沉沦生活。6、《夺命金》(电影)由杜琪峰导演,由任贤齐、刘青云及何韵诗主演的一部犯罪题材电影。该片讲述了3名身份地位各不相同的人物,他们的生活原本没有交集,但出于各自原因3人都需要大笔资金,一笔失窃巨款的出现让3人不得不进行艰难抉择。


科比妻子瓦妮莎是墨西哥和爱尔兰的混血儿。也就是黄种人和白种人的混血儿,算是白人。瓦妮莎·布莱恩特(1983年5月5日—),著名球星科比的妻子,在认识科比之前,在洛杉矶的玛利娜高中在读,她在学校的戏剧俱乐部很活跃,学习成绩也非常好。2000年与科比成婚,婚后育有两个女孩,成为科比的贤内助。1999年11月,17岁的瓦妮莎还是一名高二学生,当时正在为Snoop Dogg公司做舞蹈工作,而科比也正好在录音棚里为他自己的饶舌乐[K.O.B.E]录音,两个人就此相遇,用一位目击者的话容,“两个人都收住了脚步,一见钟情。”很快,科比用他的黑色梅赛德斯-奔驰豪华轿车接送瓦妮莎上下学。由于这个女孩子当时与继父住在一起,对她管得很松,所以她与科比的恋情发展得很快。两人随即开始约会,半年后就宣布订婚。扩展资料:根据瓦妮莎堂姐莱拉-兰尼(Laila Laine)的介绍,两个人根本没有婚前契约。但瓦妮莎告诉她科比说过“只爱她一个人”。他们于2001年4月18日在加利福尼亚州的Dana Point(加州南端的一个海滨城市)举行了婚礼。但是科比的父母、两个姐姐,他的经纪人Arn Tellem,还有他的湖人队队友都没有出席婚礼。科比的父母因为一系列的原因反对这门婚事。据报道科比的父母认为科比还太年轻,尤其是和他结婚的女人不是一个非裔美国人。这次矛盾导致了科比与家人长达两年的不和,直到科比有了第一个女儿。科比的第一个女儿,名叫纳塔利亚-戴蒙特-布莱恩特,生于2003年1月19日。纳塔利亚出生的影响化解了科比与父母的隔阂。参考资料来源:人民网-瓦妮莎宣布怀四胎喜讯


凡妮莎·哈金斯是美国人。凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens),1988年12月14日出生于美国加利福尼亚州萨利纳市,美国女演员、歌手、模特。2003年首次参演电影《芳龄十三》。2005年参演迪士尼频道的系列电影《歌舞青春》而成名。2006年签约好莱坞唱片公司,并于9月26日发行首张个人音乐专辑《V》。2010年参演音乐剧《出租》。2011年参演电影《给我庇护》。扩展资料凡妮莎·哈金斯主要作品:1、《春假学生》饰演Candy,导演:哈莫尼·科林。2、《弯刀杀戮》饰演Cereza,导演:罗伯特·罗德里格斯。3、《冻结之地》饰演Cindy Paulson,导演:Scott Walker。4、《地心历险记2:神秘岛》饰演Kailani,导演:布拉德·佩顿。5、《给我庇护》饰演Apple Bailey,导演:Ron Krauss。6、《美少女特攻队》饰演Blondie,导演:扎克·施奈德。

关于Vanessa Carlton 的 hands on me的2个问题

1.And if you dont believe me Just put your hands on me 在这句歌词里,put your hands on me应该不是让你来帮助我的意思。。。她是想说,如果你不相信我,就把手放在我的胸口,看看我有没有心跳加速,有没有撒谎。撒谎都会心慌的是吧,测谎仪不也是这么个原理么。。所以,是放在胸口、心上,我觉得这样比较合理。。
2.至于video exchange,应该就是影音店,音像制品店,因为video通常被翻译为录像嘛,video exchange也就翻译成录像店了。。但,还是感觉影音店合理些,更符合大家平时的说法。。。

Watch Me Shine 歌词

歌曲名:Watch Me Shine歌手:Joanna Pacitti专辑:Legally BlondeArtist: Vannessa CarltonTitle: Watch Me ShineOoh..I'm not your average type of girlI'm gonna show the worldThe strength in meThat sometimes they can't seeI'm about toSwitch my styleAnd soon things may get wildBut I will prove thatI can conquer anythingSo from my head to toeI'm taking full controlI'll make it on my ownThis time(Better watch me shine)Better watch out going for the knockoutAnd I won't stop till I'm on top nowNot gonna give upUntil I get what's mineBetter check thatI'm about to upsetAnd I'm hot nowSo you better step backI'm taking overSo watch me shineSoGet ready here I comeUntil the job is doneNo time to wasteThere's nothing stopping meOhBut you don't hear me thoughSo now it's time to showI'll prove I'm gonna beThe best I can beSo from my head to toeMy mind body and soulI'm taking full controlThis timeBetter watch outGoing for the knockoutAnd I won't stopTill I'm on top nowNot gonna give upUntil I get what's mineBetter check thatI'm about to upsetAnd I'm hot nowSo you better step backI'm taking overSo watch me shineBet you don't thinkI can take itBut my mind and bodyAre strongBet you don't thinkI can make itIt won't take longBet you don't thinkI can take itBut my mind and bodyAre strongBet you don't thinkI can make itIt won't take longNow watch me shine...Better watch out going for the knockoutAnd I won't stop till I'm on top nowNot gonna give up until I get what's mineBetter check that I'm about to upsetAnd I'm hot now so you better step backI'm taking over so watch me shineNow watch me shine...Better watch out going for the knockoutAnd I won't stop till I'm on top nowNot gonna give up until I get what's mine(Until I get what's mine...)Better check that I'm about to upsetAnd I'm hot nowSo you better step backI'm taking overSo watch me shineWatch me...Watch me shine...Watch mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8586488

SHE的《Watch me shine》的英文版叫什么名字?

[00:00.00]Artist: Vannessa Carlton
[00:03.59]Title: Watch Me Shine
[00:18.54]I'm not your average type of girl
[00:22.20]I'm gonna show the world
[00:24.48]The strength in me
[00:25.34]That sometimes they can't see
[00:28.02]I'm about to
[00:29.41]Switch my style
[00:31.20]And soon things may get wild
[00:33.51]But I will prove that
[00:34.16]I can conquer anything
[00:37.18]So from my head to toe
[00:39.59]I'm taking full control
[00:41.02]I'll make it on my own
[00:43.35]This time
[00:45.35](Better watch me shine)
[00:46.98]Better watch out going for the knockout
[00:49.17]And I won't stop till I'm on top now
[00:51.76]Not gonna give up
[00:53.22]Until I get what's mine
[00:55.56]Better check that
[00:57.22]I'm about to upset
[00:58.58]And I'm hot now
[00:59.65]So you better step back
[01:00.74]I'm taking over
[01:01.82]So watch me shine
[01:14.60]Get ready here I come
[01:17.31]Until the job is done
[01:19.50]No time to waste
[01:20.84]There's nothing stopping me
[01:23.81]But you don't hear me though
[01:26.52]So now it's time to show
[01:28.58]I'll prove I'm gonna be
[01:29.97]The best I can be
[01:31.85]So from my head to toe
[01:33.80]My mind body and soul
[01:36.30]I'm taking full control
[01:38.86]This time
[01:41.54]Better watch out
[01:42.43]Going for the knockout
[01:43.65]And I won't stop
[01:44.93]Till I'm on top now
[01:46.21]Not gonna give up
[01:47.99]Until I get what's mine
[01:50.30]Better check that
[01:51.69]I'm about to upset
[01:53.20]And I'm hot now
[01:54.10]So you better step back
[01:55.26]I'm taking over
[01:56.66]So watch me shine
[02:08.43]Bet you don't think
[02:10.17]I can take it
[02:11.13]But my mind and body
[02:12.66]Are strong
[02:13.36]Bet you don't think
[02:14.60]I can make it
[02:15.52]It won't take long
[02:17.52]Bet you don't think
[02:19.44]I can take it
[02:20.23]But my mind and body
[02:21.17]Are strong
[02:22.44]Bet you don't think
[02:23.23]I can make it
[02:24.62]It won't take long
[02:27.89]Now watch me shine...
[02:30.29]Better watch out going for the knockout
[02:32.11]And I won't stop till I'm on top now
[02:34.66]Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
[02:38.91]Better check that I'm about to upset
[02:41.44]And I'm hot now so you better step back
[02:44.25]I'm taking over so watch me shine
[02:47.17]Now watch me shine...
[02:48.96]Better watch out going for the knockout
[02:50.67]And I won't stop till I'm on top now
[02:53.24]Not gonna give up until I get what's mine
[02:56.25](Until I get what's mine...)
[02:57.52]Better check that I'm about to upset
[02:59.59]And I'm hot now
[03:01.02]So you better step back
[03:02.46]I'm taking over
[03:03.64]So watch me shine
[03:07.46]Watch me...
[03:12.38]Watch me shine...
[03:14.84]Watch me 【S.H.E三叶草】团队真心为您回答,希望能帮助到您哦!~~~

求助—vanessa carlton的《paradise》歌词怎么翻译?


Vanessa Carlton的《Paradise》 歌词

歌曲名:Paradise歌手:Vanessa Carlton专辑:Be Not Nobody Tour EditionVanessa Carlton - ParadiseOnce upon a year gone byShe saw herself give inEvery time she closed her eyesShe saw what could have beenWell nothing hurts and nothing bleedsWhen covers tucked in tightFunny when the bottom dropsHow she forgets to fight... to fightAnd it's one more day in paradiseOne more day in paradiseAs darkness quickly steals the lightThat shined within her eyesShe slowly swallows all her fearAnd soothes her mind with liesWell all she wants and all she needsAre reasons to surviveA day in which the sun will takeHer artificial light... her lightAnd it's one more day in paradiseOne more day in paradiseIt's one more day in paradiseOne last chance to feel alright... alrightDon't pretend to hold it in just let it outDon't pretend to hold it in just push it outDon't you try to hold it in just let it out andDon't you try to hold it in you hold it inOnce upon a year gone byShe saw herself give inEvery time she closed her eyesShe saw what could have beenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10306993




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