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no freedom

NO2是什么 No. 2 2号 双语例句 1 The secretariat also transmitted copies of Procedural Order No. 2 to Iraq andKuwait. 秘书处还将第2号程序令的复制件发送给了伊拉克和科威特。 2 These m


No. 2

The secretariat also transmitted copies of Procedural Order No. 2 to Iraq andKuwait.

These measures include Organization Act No. 2 of 15 September 1992 on freedomof the press and of communication.

2010世界杯主题曲歌词,翻译(要give me freedom开头的)

Wavin' Flag飘扬的旗帜混音版
2010 FIFA World Cup Anthem

Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
Give me freedom, give me fire 给我自由,给我激情
give me reason, take me higher 给我个理由,让我飞得更高
See the champions, take the field now 向着冠军,现在就上场吧
you define us, make us feel proud 你让我明确,让我们自豪
In the streets are, exaliftin 在街道上,普天同庆
as we lose our inhibition 当我们失去了束缚
Celebration its around us 在我们身边庆祝吧
every nations, all around us 每个国家,在我们身边
Singin forever young 歌唱永远的年轻
singin songs underneath that sun 在太阳下歌唱
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game 让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧
And together at the end of the day 相聚在这天的到结束
WE ALL SAY 我们一起说
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
Give me freedom, give me fire 给我自由,给我激情
give me reason, take me higher 给我个理由,让我飞得更高
See the champions, take the field now 向着冠军,现在就上场吧
you define us, make us feel proud 你让我明确,让我们自豪
In the streets are, exaliftin 在街道上,普天同庆
as we lose our inhibition 当我们失去了束缚
Celebration its around us 在我们身边庆祝吧
every nations, all around us 每个国家,在我们身边
Singin forever young 歌唱永远的年轻
singin songs underneath that sun 在太阳下歌唱
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game 让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧
And together at the end of the day 相聚在这天的到结束
WE ALL SAY 我们一起说
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~
WE ALL SAY 我们一起说
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
When I get older I will be stronger 当我长大,我会变得更强
They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag 他们让我们自由,就像那旗帜飘扬
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
And then it goes back 一切都回归
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~ and everybody will be singing it 每个人都为之歌唱
Oh~~~~ Oh~~~~~~~ and we all will be singing it 我们都为之歌唱


This is a fairy tale story written for adults. The little prince comes from a different planet and has only his favorite rose to keep him company. However, the vanity of the rose blessed the little prince’s feelings. The little prince went to many planets and encountered quite a lot of people self-absorbed in their own world, as well as a little fox who is in love with him. The main theme of this book is love. The little prince at last chose to leave the Earth and returned back to the planet where there was this one and only rose. What does it mean to grow up? Simply stated, growing up is to look at fear right in its face and to fully experience it. Only by doing so can we walk through this danger zone and continue onto the next journey to embrace what life has to offer next. The same principle applies to love. Irreplaceable love is the result of one's rational judgment, which becomes clearer over time after two lovers, who have gone through life's ups and downs, still hold firmly onto each other's hands despite all the hardships. Sadly, in our times temptations are everywhere and usually one is not doomed after betrayal, lest paying a small price. Hence, without such a determination in mind one can never find the Mr. Right or Mrs. Right, even with a supply of 5000 roses on hand. In a way, love is a form of courage demonstrated by grown-ups.

A Tale of Two Cities portrays in depth the European aristocracy under the feudal system of the 18th century, exposing vividly to the public the sins of the upper-class members, as how they persecuted and slaughtered the common people without mercy during long periods
of time. Through his pen, Dickens drew up successfully the miserable life of the commoners, who lived under perpetual poverty, sickness and persecution, with no one around to help. Finally, their anger, rage and hatred toward the elites bursted and led them to overturn the regime, which culminated in the French Revolution, a war for freedom. Love can exalt itself by embracing tolerance. According to Derrida, the essence of forgiveness lies in forgiving the unforgivable. Similarly, only by taking in its opposite existence, the hatred, can love recover its full identity and eventually find its way back home. Such is the message conveyed by A
Tale of Two Cities.

注意:A Tale of Two Cities (书名) 要在文中加下划线 或用斜体


不是我 (WAS NOT ME) 今天你把我抓起来,可我知道不是我! 你别再看着我, 再看着我你就不是人! 今天终于吃饱了饭, 无聊的走在街上, 一伙流氓在打架, 可我知道不是我! 不是我! Rainbow\'s time Do you wanna go with me Have a drink in this little bar! The best price in the town Got listen music what you want ! Where ‘s the weekend you have sign Here’s the place have to resign! There are many Russian whores Talk to the lybian mafia gang! (Where) Do you wanna have a drink?*3 oh ! in the rainbow\'s time! Let\'s go oh in the rainbow\'s time!*4 So we come in the little pub The most number in side is only ten The maneger never prepare any programe But you can see the Arab dancing every night! M in my pocket. There\'s some pill in my pocket. There\'s some deal gonna be happen In the Rainbow\'s time Let\'s go oh in the rainbow\'s time!*4 So we come in the little pub The most human could be inside is just ten Don’t know what should tell to the stranger man Got a cigarette so he ‘s a new friend! Inside the bar no live band! The boss never got any program! But you can watch the sexy man Arab\'s live dancing every night! You gonna die You gonna die you gonna suicide You rip off money from your friends You rip off money from your friends! Speaking bullshit every sentences! Drink so much beer fight your girl friend I think you gonna die! You gonna die you gonna suicide! You rip off money from your friend! You gonna die you gonna suicide! You gonna pay ‘cos you fuck your friends 一个懦夫 一个懦夫在那看着我 还有一个傻逼在街上等着我 我知道痛苦在前面等着我 我并不介意! FUCKING DISCO 在这个富饶的地方只有唯一的乐园就是向你开放FUCKING DISCO 在这个乐园里面只有唯一的游戏就是你要接受的 FUCKING DISCO 在这个游戏里面只有唯一的节奏就是让变得你压抑FUCKINGDISCO 所以我们是否可以建设一个属于我们的乐园! FUCKING DISCO I GET SMASHING FUCKING DISCO OH OU! WE GET POGO WE GET ROCK! FUCKING DISCO "this is not the generation we want; we gonna smash it down!!!!" 叛逆是为了自由 现在是什么时候, 为什么还没有运动 我们不是在等待, 因为等待是一种龌龊! 这不是我们渴望的时代我们要把他砸烂! 这不是我们渴望的时代我们要把他砸烂! Living in the city Living in the city diving(there\'s no) the fashion Living in the city turn on the electri(city) Living in the city forgot your birthday Living in the city, living in the city Anarchy!!! My simple life! From the morning get wake up,get eat food Get to forget the e trip lastnight! From the bed to the kitchen get big cup of water Make me feel healthy! Turn on the fucking computer,watch the display is my job Check all the sex sites ,my brother wanna sbit again! This is my simple life *4 After a joint I get beer !that’s all day ‘s drink &drug fucking started can not control myself,I’m so exciting Cos ‘tonight we get party My band gonna play the fucking gig Kick ass crazy fucking punk! Get to scream lot!oi!pogo lot! Get to drive out and fuck lot! Never gonna sleep to night!*4 Tuqiang song\'s图 强之歌 I don\'t know when i came back home But she \'s got leave, It\'s nothing but for me just like a love song... i really love her, i really do! It\'s the time (是时候了) It’s the time to catch on the bus Go around all the town Many different stinky breath Drive me mad and make me sick! It’s time to have a drink Even we‘ve been drunk Seven times a week Look my face it’s really shit Got the pimple around the way! We don’t give a fuck anyway we’ve got stinky breath we don’t give a shit anyway drunk in your fucking weekend oh! let\'s go ....punk! Coming down to Beijing( 欢迎来北京) How it\'s funny , how it\'s lovely How it\'s junky , how it\'s pretty All the fucking shits happen in this city How did they build it, all the building Every shit survives , new for a second Leave for a week, can\'t find your home! Welcoming down to the b.e.i.j.i.n.g. What you gonna do, where you gonna go What you gonna watching, what you gonna listen Buy a DVD , back your home drink coke-cola on your bed! Hei, baby you come on in july and december It\'s not the time for real human being Hey baby you can light your Phenix cigerets in the toilet Welcoming down to the b.e.i.j.i.n.g. Sail No freedom , no freedom at all No feeling , no feeling at all Wanna go sailing, Sailing in the Ocean Wanna turn on, turn on the Distrotion! Gat to get a away, From here, from PRC. *2 Hey brother, you know you get no place to go, Away from PRC. Gat to get away, gat to get away! 2008 you have won the Olympic game ‘cos you got lot of money to pay! But how much you gonna pay the Workers and my and everybody now. Every time I out of my practise place, take bus back home so far away. Killing me oh my baby killing me oh my stomach, hope my dream is not so far away. Many time I walking on the street, See the workers hang out on the street. You said you have won the Olympic but how you gonna pay us. Suicide value in 2008. Call the police Neighbour gonna knock my door only on 22:00 a clock, She wants I shut down allmy fucking noise. I said I won shut down all my fucking noise If you hate my , you can go call the police. Never turn the TV so laud, but TV advertising is always so loud Why the TV advertising is always so loud, Hahaha! Go call the police. Gogogo, go call the police, we won’t hidden away, go call the police. Hei you see this bus driver , he doesn’t want to drive bus. Look this condactor doesn’t want to sell ticket. None is satisfied in this Cheminist country. Does your dream’s be a police?



take cup crush into the city
meet my lady of life
she's like the hardest mission
I better do it right
ai ,she said
哎 算了
理想 理想 everybody wants everybody changes
理想 理想 everybody wants everybody changes
welcome to the city
Am I the one who's a lost
in this town
welcome to the city
Am I the one who's a lost
in this town
welcome to the city
Am I the one who's a lost
in this town

有一天怎么变了 我没了智商
有一天怎么变了 我没了梦想
有一天怎么变了 我没了思想
everybody wants everybody changes
有一个理想世界 就在我昨天梦里
有一个理想世界 就在我昨天梦里
有一个理想世界 就在我昨天梦里
造一个理想世界 在我每天梦里
everybody wants everybody changes
理想 理想 everybody wants everybody changes
理想 理想 everybody wants everybody changes

求简单的吉他谱无和弦的 要给新手练的那种 越多越好可以追加分

自学吉他:新手必会的20首简单吉他谱  一般自学吉他的谱子不要太难,简单有针对性的练习才能稳步提升,下面整理了20首相当经典的吉他谱,对于刚学的朋友是有一定难度的,所以要学好肯定要花不少时间,包括有些歌曲中用到了扫弦技巧和相信练会了这些吉他谱就差不多入门了。  《丁香花》吉他谱  经典中的经典,也是很多朋友的第一首弹唱歌曲,3/4拍子的歌曲弹与唱很容易配合。  《小星星》吉他谱  一首英国民歌,也非常的经典,相信也是大多数自学朋友的入门歌曲。  《童年》吉他谱  一首非常简单的扫弦歌曲,这首歌曲可以开始大家第一首扫弦伴奏歌曲的弹唱练习。  《那些花儿》吉他谱  那些花儿的原版伴奏,弹奏的主要是低音弦,那种分解和弦的形式对初学者来说是不错的练习。  《外面的世界》吉他谱  适合弹唱的谱,谱子基本上原版伴奏,学习的同学可以在网上试听齐秦的原版对照练习,也是很多入门爱好者学会的第一首歌。  《情非得已》吉他谱  一首扫弦伴奏歌曲,同时还用到了切音技巧,相对而言有一定的难度,想要学习这首歌,就要多加的练习。  《同桌的你》吉他谱  经典校园民谣,当初学习这首歌正是对学生时代的怀念,有同感的朋友可以去学习一下,歌曲中有几个横按和弦但是在实际弹唱中我们可以简化,个人觉得弹唱比较的简单。  《童话》吉他谱  原曲是用钢琴伴奏,这里用吉他伴奏弹唱效果也非常的不错。  《天使的翅膀》吉他谱  扫弦伴奏的歌曲,记得以前有很多童鞋都学习这首歌唱给女朋友听,所以也建议大家学一下,伴奏型比较的简单。  《海阔天空》吉他谱  Beyond经典歌曲不用解释了,相信大部分同学都喜欢,这里分享的是简单版。  《真的爱你》吉他谱  《光阴的故事》吉他谱  扫弦的话,你只要看和弦,运用童年一样的右手就可以  《爱我别走》吉他谱  这首歌很简单很基本,只要你学完和弦分解就完全可以弹下节奏部分。 至于指弹小solo,考验的是节拍的掌握和速度的技巧,没什么问题的话,多弹几遍就可以了。  《爱的代价》吉他谱  扫弦伴奏的歌曲,记得以前有很多童鞋都学习这首歌唱给女朋友听,所以也建议大家学一下,伴奏型比较的简单。  《姑娘》吉他谱  非常适合吉他弹唱,还可以练习打拍子  《狮子座》吉他谱  《蓝莲花》吉他谱  《欢乐颂》吉他谱  这首歌就不用说了,超级简单,和小星星一样,练习手指灵活度。  《天空之城》吉他谱  很美的一首歌,网上有各个版本的,这里分享的是简单版的独奏。  Romance 吉他谱  指弹入门必回的歌曲,从低把位到高把位的切换,非常适合练习手指灵活度。  以上排名不分前后,都是适合入门练习的一些歌。新手可以边看吉他视频教学边练习。

如何赏析When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home

When a Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home

When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home,
Let him combat for that of his neighbours;
Let him think of the glories of Greece and of Rome,
And get knocked on the head for his labours.

To do good to Mankind is the chivalrous plan,
And is always as nobly requited;
Then battle for Freedom wherever you can,
And, if not shot or hanged, you’ll get knighted.

《当男人没有在家战斗的自由时》:这首诗短短几行,活灵活现地表现了“拜伦式英雄”(Byronic hero)不安于庸俗生活现状的理想,既有男人当自强、好男儿志在四方的浩然之气,又有不成功、便成仁的坚定决心,读起来令人感到荡气回肠。

如何理解when a man hath no freedom to fight for at home诗中的英雄是怎样的?



人文,是人类文化的简称,是人站在自身或者其它的角度,用自己或别人提出的方法对世界中已知或未知存在的客观事物或现象进行理性的思考而总结出来的符合世界发展规律的又能被大众接受的属于个人主观的知识点。  2008年北京奥运会要提出"科技奥运,人文奥运,绿色奥运"的口号。科技奥运是说:08年奥运会有含有高科技含量的建筑。人文奥运是说:中国有五千年的历史文化遗产。绿色奥运是说:中国将走环保路线在奥运期间和未来。扩展资料:人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。人文,是一个动态的概念。《辞海》中这样写道:“人文指人类社会的各种文化现象”。我们知道,文化是人类或者一个民族、一个人群共同具有的符号、价值观及其规范。符号是文化的基础,价值观是文化的核心,而规范,包括习惯规范、道德规范和法律规范则是文化的主要内容。人文是指人类文化中的先进的、科学的、优秀的、健康的部分。广义讲,泛指文化;狭义讲,专指哲学,特别是美学范畴。人文分类:文化、艺术、美学、教育、哲学、国学、历史、法律(俗称规矩)。20世纪,又发生一场新的革命:信息化、知识化、民主化、全球化。人在社会中的地位以及社会本身都在发生根本的改变。人从过去的工具人,经济人,发展到现代的社会人,文化人。人的价值得到充分承认,人与人的相互交流与认同得到更好的实现,自信、平等和价值感等现代国民素质得到更广泛的提升。参考资料来源:百度百科-人文


人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是:重视人,尊重人,关心人,爱护人,即重视人的文化。人文,是一个动态的概念。《辞海》中这样写道:“人文指人类社会的各种文化现象”。我们知道,文化是人类或者一个民族、一个人群共同具有的符号、价值观及其规范。符号是文化的基础,价值观是文化的核心,而规范,包括习惯规范、道德规范和法律规范则是文化的主要内容。人文是指人类文化中的先进的、科学的、优秀的、健康的部分。广义讲,泛指文化;狭义讲,专指哲学,特别是美学范畴。人文分类:文化、艺术、美学、教育、哲学、国学、历史、法律(俗称规矩)。引证解释1、指礼乐教化。《易·贲》:“观乎天文以察时变,观乎人文以化成天下。” 孔颖达疏:“言圣人观察人文,则诗书礼乐之谓,当法此教而化成天下也。”《北齐书·文苑传序》:“圣达立言,化成天下,人文也。”唐·皎然 《读张曲江集》诗:“相公乃天盖,人文佐生成。”2、泛指各种文化现象。孙中山《民权初步自序》:“会此世运进化之时,人文发达之际,犹未能先我东邻而改造一富强之国家者,其故何也?”3、人事。指人世间事。《后汉书·公孙瓒传论》:“舍诸天运,徵乎人文,则古之休烈,何远之有!” 李贤注:“人文犹人事也。”4、习俗,人情。郭沫若《我的童年》第一篇:“大约就是因为山水比较清秀的原故罢,一般的人文风尚比起邻近的村镇也觉稍有不同。

neither nor与neither or怎么造句

neither nor
Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.

He has devised a process for making gold wires which neither corrode nor oxidise

Whether or not he realised the fact was neither here nor there.

neither or
Neither he or I like a dog.

If neither foes or loving friends can hurt you;

Neither toko or likola will be returning to the zoo.




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