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the black keys

The Black Keys的《Lies》 歌词 歌曲名:Lies歌手:The Black Keys专辑:Attack Geoff Morrow作曲: Micheal Kintish #47;music.baidu.comsong10282168 The Black Keys的《Sister》 歌词 歌曲名:S

The Black Keys的《Lies》 歌词

歌曲名:Lies歌手:The Black Keys专辑:Attack & Release钟萱 - Lies作词: Micheal Kintish & Geoff Morrow作曲: Micheal Kintish & Geoff MorrowShe’s sayingYou’re strayingBetraying me and playing meYou’re mockingAnd knocking meAnd making a laughing stock of meShe’s wrong thoughI’m strong, noShe says I don’t belong, noSo what, I’mNot like themI won’t believe themOn and on, on and on she goesOn and on, on and on, on and on she goesNothing’ll stop herNo it isn’t like that (Lies oh lies)Cos he isn’t like that (Lies oh lies) )No I wouldn’t like that (Lies oh lies)My baby don’t do thatCos he isn’t like that (Lies oh lies)I read it in her eyesNo it isn’t like that, no, no, no, no, noShe’s feudin’Intrudin’Don’t know who she’s deludin’I know herA loaferShe wants to win you overShe’s causin’Me nausin’In trying to get her claws inBut babyDon’t make meYour second ladyShe’s trying to get ya(Baby’s she’s not)http://music.baidu.com/song/10282168

The Black Keys的《Sister》 歌词

歌曲名:Sister歌手:The Black Keys专辑:El CaminoThe Black Keys - SisterWake upI’m gonna wake up to nothingBreak upThe break up is comingWhen your heart is hollowAnother pill to swallowShake upGotta shake up you’re freezin’Make upI’m gonna make up my reasonsI used to say I need youBut now I gotta leave youSister, sister what did they do to youSister, sister what did they do to youDid they take, and try to breakA heart that longIt’s so wrongHung upGot me hung up and dryRung upGot me rung up and baggedYou took advantage ofThe one who showed you loveSister, sister what did they do to youSister, sister what did they do to youDid they take, and try to breakA heart that longIt’s so wrongSo wrongSo longhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14467340

求The Black Keys——Lies

我已经把专辑《Attack & Release》发到你的邮箱里了,一共11首曲子,请你查收。

01 All You Ever Wanted
02 I Got Mine
03 Strange Times
04 Psychotic Girl
05 Lies
06 Remember When (Side A)
07 Remember When (Side B)
08 Same Old Thing
09 So He Won't Break
10 Oceans & Streams
11 Things Ain't Like They Used to Be

{求歌名} 《别对我撒谎》插曲,歌词有lie lie lie

是 'The Black Keys' 演唱的 《Lies》。

Said the moon was ours, yeah
Said the moon was ours, the hell with the day
The sunlight is always gonna take love away
Brings up suspicions and alibies
But I can see blue, tear-blinded eyes
Lies, lies, lies, ohh lies

I got a stone where my heart should be
I got a stone where my heart should be
And nothing I do will make you love me
Id leave this time, break all my ties
Be no more use for any disguise
Lies, lies, lies, ohh lies

I wanna die without pain
I wanna die, oh, without pain
All this desception I just cant maintain
The sun, moon, the stars in the sky
Itd hurt me too bad if you said goodbye
Lies, lies, lies, ohh lies

black keys 的lonely boy歌词,3Q。


The Black Keys - Lonely Boy

Well I'm so above you
and it's plain to see
but I came to love you any way...
So you pulled my heart out and I don't mind leavin'
any old time you keep me waiting, waiting, waiting

oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
Im a lonely boy, I'm a lonely boy
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting

well your mama kept you
but your daddy left you
and I shoulda' done you just the same
but I came to love you am I going to bleed?
any old time you keep me waiting, waiting, waiting

oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
Im a lonely boy, I'm a lonely boy
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting

oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting
Im a lonely boy, I'm a lonely boy
oh oh oh oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting

The Shanes的《Lonely Boy》 歌词

歌名:Lonely - 孤单歌手:bon joviThere' s a whole lotta lonely waiting out thereThere's a whole lot of people that will lead you nowhereSo be safe my lover let me offer my prayerThere's a whole lot of kisses waiting out thereAnd the world you've been missing that don't play fairLet me offer you comfort and show you how much i careThere's a whole lotta lonely waiting out thereWhen love is blind sometimes the lies can get you through the nightI'm holding on to what i need till you're too tired to fightNow there's a line of lone riders so baby bewareAfter the warmth of his whisper in the cool night airIt'll be hard to wake up to that handsome cold blank stareCause there's a hell of a lotta lonely waiting out thereNow there's a whole lotta lonely waiting out thereThere's only so much sorrow that a heart can bearThere's a hell of a lotta lonely waiting out thereThere's a hell of a lotta lonelyBaby I'm scared waiting out therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8108284

My favorite musical instrument 作文怎么写

I love playing the piano because it's beautiful melody that makes my heart intense, relax and melt. Piano has two types of keys, the white keys, and the black keys. The white keys are like the ice cream while the black keys are the cherrys on top. With this perfect combination, the music being played comes alive. The melody calms my nerves and brings me to a whole different world, and that's why piano is my favourite instrument.我最喜欢钢琴的优美旋律,它让我时时感觉紧张(因为旋律),时时放松然后融化我的心。钢琴有两种键, 白键和黑键. 白键就像是冰欺凌而黑键就是上面的樱桃。 有这样的组合才能然弹出来的曲子有生命。这样的曲子让我觉得放松,而且带我到了另外一个世界,这就是为什么钢琴是我最喜欢的乐器。还可以在补充一下其他的原因。

四年级英语作文my favorite musical instrument

everyone has his hobby,so do i.my hobby is playing piano,because i like grace and peaceful music.i would play piano when i feel despress.it alway made me happy.it has 10 years since i began to learn piano.music has become a part of my life.i like western instrument very much.i hope that you can know about it.trust me,it also can let you feel good.


因为卡伦一家都是吸血鬼嘛,拥有超乎常人的速度和力量,所以他们所谓的“游戏”在常人看来就是惊天动地的碰撞咯。只是一场棒球赛,他们也能搞出相当大的动静,一些击球声和身体的碰撞声都是十分响的,所以需要雷雨声的掩护,因为他们力量太大了嘛~ 电影中也许有点看不懂,所以引用下小说中的原话:贾斯帕用力把球扔回爱丽丝正等着的手里。她容许自己简短地一笑,然后她的手再次旋转起来。 这一次,那根球棒挥动起来,以某种方式及时击中了那个根本看不见的球。撞击的声音有如山崩,隆隆作响。这声音回荡在山峦之间——我立刻明白了雷雨天的必要性。 ……(省略一大段)当贾斯帕试图躲开爱德华滴水不漏的外野守卫,把一只地滚球击向卡莱尔的时候,我了解到了他们需要等到雷雨天才能玩球的另一个理由。卡莱尔冲过去截住那只球,然后把贾斯帕送上了一垒。他们相撞的声音,听起来像是两块飞速落下的巨石撞击的声音。我担心地跳了起来,但他们不知怎的都毫发无损。 ……卡莱尔击出一记长球,飞得几乎和场地一样远——那轰隆声震得我的耳朵生疼——然后他和爱德华双双上垒。 至于啥不能在阳光下出现,那对卡伦一家根本不是问题,因为他们所在的福克斯本就是成年被乌云笼罩,所以无需等到夸张的暴雨天再出门。不知楼主是否看完了暮光的小说或是电影,其中有提到他们一家吸血鬼在白天也时常出门的,因为当地几乎没有晴天,虽然没有经常下雨,但也天气阴沉。(原创滴答案哦)


I love you,2. Serenade 【绝对熟悉。而你叫不出名字】

1. Valentine's Day 【温馨的钢琴曲】3. 倾斜 【舒服】

4. 天际 【和狮子座很像】

5. 夏日香气 【有些伤感,和离别有关】

6. Love Story meets Viva La Vida 【泰勒·斯威夫特的love story钢琴曲】

7. Take A Bow 【节奏感,同名歌曲rihanna的take a bow很棒】

8. 天之痕 【为何把我一个人留在这里】

9. River flows in you 【曲如其名】

10. November 【11月的肖邦】

11. Daylight of the evening 【阳光的味道】

12. 在记忆里 【我永远活在你视野的角落】

13. dance to the death 【与你忧伤地舞蹈】

14. あの日の川 【此时只有音乐能代替我】

15. 等风的日子 【未来会怎样我已不怕,有这样美丽的过程已足够】

16. remember 【你还记得,我们一起走过的雨街】

17. Juste un Petit Coeur Qui Bat 【可惜太晚了,这个结局,我们谁都没想到,如果在前一刻,那不就好了吗?】

18. raindrops 【我以为呵出一口气,能化作晴天的云,没想到竟在眼角凝结成雨滴】

19. Kimi Wo Omou Melodi 【爱情一开始就是场做得迷离而完美的梦,失落在爱情落幕的季节,沉默瞬间发现自己曾经那样用心付出过】

20. 忧伤还是快乐 忧伤还是快乐系列篇 忧伤还是快乐姐妹篇 【记住这里是三首一样风格。但不一样的曲子】

21. 回忆如梦 【我相信了你编写的童话,自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花】

22. 千与千寻 【如果我们各奔东西,请记得彼此】

23. 静静聆听 【原来纯音乐也可以很pop】

24. Waltz For Julia 【不曾和你在一座城市,但是,为了你,我愿意等下去】

25. the truth that you leave 【爱情不是存在于我住的地方,而是存在于我爱的地方。】


音乐是艺术的一个品种 ,它带给人们的是美感和幸福。音乐是表达或寄托人们感情的 艺术语言, 它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感 , 并且 , 它始终与美感结合在一起。音乐是人们抒发感情、表现感 情、寄托感情的艺术 , 不论是唱或奏或听 , 都内涵着及关联着人们千丝万缕的情感因素。听音乐不仅是一种娱乐活动,更是一种有效的保健养生方法,具有生理、心理和社会适应等多方面的作用。在生理方面,音乐可以调整睡眠、缓解疼痛、协调神经生理功能、提高全身生理运动机能等作用。音乐可以用乐谱描述,依据乐谱演奏,但也有不少音乐类型如民歌或爵士乐是由演奏者即兴创作的。乐谱作为一种符号的语言,只能描述声音的属性或指示演奏所需的技巧,却无法记录声音本身。因此在录音技术出现之前,欣赏音乐必需现场聆听,或自己亲身参与演奏。扩展资料:印象主义音乐印象主义音乐时期大约在19世纪末20世纪初期之间,是与印象主义运动同时期的音乐风格。表现主义音乐表现主义音乐是否划分到古典音乐尚未定论。这种盛行于20世纪初期的音乐形式与传统的音乐完全相反,表现主义音乐忽视音乐创作总的各种调性规律。新古典音乐新古典主义音乐盛行于20世纪20年代末,这种音乐形式主张音乐的创作应该保持客观性和严肃性,主张以浪漫主义的手法集成古典音乐的形态。参考资料:百度百科-音乐




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