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黄金时代的中英歌词 TheBest Years of Our Lives我们生命中最好的时光Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...We had the best years of our lives我们拥有过生命中最好


TheBest Years of Our Lives我们生命中最好的时光Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...We had the best years of our lives我们拥有过生命中最好的时光But you and I would never be the same但是你和我永远也不会相同September turning by surpise九月在惊异中度过And I was left to watch the seasons change我被留在这里看春去冬来Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...It's been so quiet since you've gone自从你走后生活变得太寂静And everyday feels more like a year我感觉度日如年Sometimes I wish I could move on有时我希望我可以继续向前走The memories would all just disappear那些记忆就会消失So many things I should'ah我早该说的事情太多了Said when I had the chance当我有机会的时候So many times we took it all for granted太多次我们理应一起承担I'd never thought this could ever end我从没想过(这样的生活)会结束I'd never thought I'd lose my bestfriend我从没想过我会失去我最好的朋友Everything is different now一切都不同了Can we stop the world from turning我们能阻止世界的改变么I'd never thought I'd have to let you go我从没想过我不得不放你走I'd never thought I'd ever feel this low我从没想过我会如此心情低落I wish I could go back我希望我可以回到从前And we stop the world from turning然后我们阻止世界改变Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Looking back on better days从更好日子里回望过去When we were young当我们年轻时We thought we knew so much我们以为我们懂得很多And now it seems so far away现在那些日子似乎离我们很遥远I'm wondering if I was good enough我在想我是否足够好So many things I should'ah我早该说的事情太多了Said when I had the chance当我有机会的时候So many times we took it all for granted太多次我们理应一起承担I'd never thought this could ever end我从没想过(这样的生活)会结束I'd never thought I'd lose my bestfriend我从没想过我会失去我最好的朋友Everything is different now一切都不同了Can we stop the world from turning我们能阻止世界的改变么I'd never thought I'd have to let you go我从没想过我不得不放你走I'd never thought I'd ever feel this low我从没想过我会如此心情低落I wish I could go back我希望我可以回到从前And we stop the world from turning然后我们阻止世界改变Gone are the days When we swore we'd never break我们发誓我们永远不分开的日子都过去了And now I'm left here alone现在我一个人呆在这里Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh ooo...I'd never thought I'd have to let you go我从没想过我不得不放你走I'd never thought I'd ever feel this low我从没想过我会如此心情低落I wish I could go back我希望我可以回到从前And we stop the world from turning然后我们阻止世界改变(x3)Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh oo Oh Oh oo...Oh Oh ooo...

the golden age歌词中文意思

I wished I lived in the golden age 我希望能活在金色年华里
Giving it up on the broadway stage 离开百老汇的大舞台
Hang with the rats and smoke cigars 和那些等闲之辈抽着烟游荡
Just have a break with Frank and count the stars 只要停下来休息一下数着天空的星星

Dressed to the night, we've had too much 在夜间盛装,我们已经拥有太多!
Shiny jewels, casino cash 闪耀的珠宝啊,赌场里的现金!
Tapping feet, wanna take the lead 跺跺脚,想要成为带领着
A trip back in time is all I need 我唯一想要的只是及时回头
Sing it out loud gonna get back honey 大声唱出来,回来吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud get away with me 大声唱出来,和我一起离开
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey 大声唱出来吧,回头吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud and let yourself free 大声唱出来吧,还你自由

I'm on my way, gonna make it big 我正走在我的路上,并且会走得更好
Gonna make these songs for the chicks to dig 让这些歌吧给胆小的人以勇气
It's really hot and a little bit sour 未来会很火热也会有酸楚
We're getting your strength to the maximum power 但我们会发掘出你最大的力量

Flying away from reality 飞离现实吧
Whatever-ever happened to gravity? 管他什么地心引力
I see it clear, a shooting star 我看的很清楚,那一颗流星
And I'm really gonna sing it like da-da-da 我一定会唱da da da

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey 大声唱出来,回来吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud get away with me 大声唱出来,和我一起离开
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey 大声唱出来吧,回头吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud and let yourself free 大声唱出来吧,还你自由

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey 大声唱出来,回来吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud get away with me 大声唱出来,和我一起离开
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey 大声唱出来吧,回头吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud and let yourself free 大声唱出来吧,还你自由


Ohhh silver screen on a rainy day 噢,雨天里的银帘
Sally balls in a cabaret 像舞蹈般迸发的雨珠
Shaking sticks, oh what a show 摇着手杖,噢,多棒的演出
Fresh and jolly, from tip to toe 从头到脚都新鲜而愉快,

Rambling down the boulevard 在林荫道上漫步
With a fly, a bird, and a wooden heart 有一只苍蝇、一只鸟还有一颗木头的心
My mind is set, I walk the line 我心意已定,走在我的路上
But I never really thought that it would feel this fine 但我从来都为真心快乐过

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey 大声唱出来,回来吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud get away with me 大声唱出来,和我一起离开
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey 大声唱出来吧,回头吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud and let yourself free 大声唱出来吧,还你自由

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey 大声唱出来,回来吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud get away with me 大声唱出来,和我一起离开
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey 大声唱出来吧,回头吧亲爱的
Sing it out loud and let yourself free 大声唱出来吧,还你自由

Hey! Hey!



爱你就像爱生命。我一生的黄金时代细看过沉默的大多数验证本质无能的愤怒行驶特立独行的路途我一生的黄金时代细看过沉默的大多数验证本质无能的愤怒行驶特立独行的路途只等有一天你说出水中有蜃楼我就与你拂袖而奔整个灵魂交付与你想变成天上忽明忽暗的云朵想吃掉世上最美味的一切一想到你呀 我这张脸就泛起微笑爱你就像爱生命爱你就像爱生命当我跨过沉沦的一切向着永恒开战的时候你是我不倒的旗帜爱你就像爱生命爱你就像爱生命流年似水经过阿芙罗蒂从浪花里浮现淡淡地爱着海流山川全心全意爱另一座冰山想变成天上忽明忽暗的云朵想吃掉世上最美味的一切一想到你呀 我这张脸就泛起微笑爱你就像爱生命爱你就像爱生命当我跨过沉沦的一切向着永恒开战的时候你是我不倒的旗帜爱你就像爱生命什么都不是爱的对手与之相配的 只有爱别怕一切美好消失来吧 先让它存在爱你就像爱生命爱你就像爱生命






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