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to my light

酷我音乐歌词目录在哪? 1,首先打开酷我音乐,然后点击酷我音乐软件界面右上角的到三角符号,如图。2,在弹出的选项中,我们点击“设置”选项,如图。3,打开酷我音乐设置窗口之后,点击窗口


1,首先打开酷我音乐,然后点击酷我音乐软件界面右上角的到三角符号,如图。2,在弹出的选项中,我们点击“设置”选项,如图。3,打开酷我音乐设置窗口之后,点击窗口左边上的“歌词文件” 如图。4,就可以看到歌词文件的存储位置了 ,也可以点击“浏览”来修改歌词的保存位置,如图。5,在第4步知道歌词的存储位置之后,打开那个文件夹,就可以看到所有歌曲的歌词文件了,如图。6,右键想要查看歌词的歌曲文件,然后点击“打开方式”如图。7,在打开方式窗口里,点击选择“记事本”,然后点击底下的“确定”如图。8,完成以上操作步骤之后,就可以查看到歌曲的歌词了,如图。

我们的歌 歌词

歌曲:我们的歌作词:Dick Lee (李迪文)作曲:陈耀川歌手:张杰舞台灯光为谁点亮 祝福歌声唱出谁的感伤这段追求理想的年少时光 执着的我们走过梦的海洋多少次我退缩迷惘 有你一起让我更坚强此刻当我唱着 这首我们的歌你的爱在身旁 哦我的朋友散场的时候 用我们的歌唱出美好时光我不会彷徨 你不要悲伤让我们的爱带着梦去飞翔 舞台灯光依旧闪亮祝福歌声唱出离别和失望 这段追求理想的年少时光执着的我们走过梦的海洋 让时间带我去幻想未来会和今天不一样 当我再次唱着这首我们的歌 你会在我身旁哦我的朋友 别忘记承诺用我们的歌把希望都点亮 我不会彷徨你不要悲伤 让我们的爱带着梦去飞翔相信再见的时候 我们都有真心的笑容那些我们的梦 我们的歌温暖在我的心房 让青春闪亮让梦想发光 让我们的歌唱出美好时光我不会彷徨 你不要悲伤让我们的爱带着梦去飞翔扩展资料:《我们的歌》由张杰演唱,收录于《再爱我一回》中。中国内地新生代歌手的第二张专辑《再爱我一回》里的歌曲,内地选秀节目——“我型我秀”之专用曲,这是一首追梦者自己的歌,包括张杰在内。梦想的舞台,华丽的灯光,坚强的歌者。有欢笑,有泪水,有迷惘,有执着。一首简简单单的歌,也是张杰从选手到歌手一路走来心路历程的真实写照。张杰的声音,一如既往的令人沉醉。歌曲延续了之前的中慢板曲风,充满感情的清澈嗓音,沉静却有着致命的穿透力。他用自己独有的方式,道出了年轻一代追求梦想的心声。橙色温情 感动你我 。张杰,1982年12月20日出生于四川成都,毕业于四川师范大学,内地流行男歌手,音乐厂牌“行星文化”创始人。2004年获我型我秀全国总冠军出道。2007年参加快乐男声;推出EP《最美的太阳》。张杰是一位中、英文歌曲演唱都非常娴熟的歌手。在“我型我秀”和“快乐男声”比赛以及后来的演唱会中,他多次翻唱后街男孩、西城男孩、迈克尔·杰克逊等人的英文歌曲。他所演唱的中文歌曲,曲风变化多样、不拘一格。张杰曲风多变,擅长的不仅仅是情歌,还有英式摇滚、拉丁曲风等等。而且在舞技方面,他快歌热舞气息平稳。(新浪娱乐、伊秀娱乐网评)

Faded - Alan Walker这首歌的中文歌词

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NwdqnZSIqVqJbb5dpFM4PQ 提取码:3xv0 You were the shadow to my light 你是我生命中的暗影Did you feel us你感受到我们了吗(我们指信徒)Another star 另一颗行星(没错克苏鲁就是从群星中降临的)You fade away你逐渐消失(然后克苏鲁又沉睡了)Afraid our aim is out of sight 恐惧我们的目标迷失在视野(见到旧日支配者当然会恐惧)Wanna see us AliveWhere are you now 你在哪儿(在拉莱耶,我帮你回答吧)Where are you nowWhere are you nowWas it all in my fantasy 难道这一切都在我的幻想里Where are you nowWere you only imaginary 你只是虚幻的不存在吗(克苏鲁发糖)Where are you now


答:Faded歌手:Alan Walker作曲 : Jesper Borgen/Gunnar Greve Pettersen/Alan Walker/Anders Froen作词 : Jesper Borgen/Gunnar Greve Pettersen/Alan Walker/Anders Froen歌词:You were the shadow to my light你是我生命之光中的一道暗影Did you feel us你能理解我们吗Another Star另一颗行星You fade away你逐渐消失Afraid our aim is out of sight恐惧我们的目标迷失在视野Wanna see us希望我们互相理解Alive活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Was it all in my fantasy难道这一切都在我的幻想里Where are you now你身在何方?Were you only imaginary你只是虚幻的不存在吗?Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster's running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I'm faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪These shallow waters never met那些从未见过的水中之影What i needed我需要的I'm letting go只是顺其自然A deeper dive深沉海底Eternal silence of the sea无尽的沉默于海中I'm breathing我的呼吸声Alive.活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Under the bright but faded lights明亮的灯光却已经黯然失色You set my heart on fire你点燃了我的心火Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?......Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster's running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I'm faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪......《Fade》创作背景:2014年创作的《Fade》是《Faded》的前身,《Fade》推出后受到了Youtube音乐品牌NCS关注,艾兰·沃克随即推出单曲并对《Fade》重新编曲后将曲子改名为《Faded》并邀请挪威女歌手艾斯琳·索尔海姆献唱,电音教父Tiësto为该单曲做混音。《Faded》管弦乐版是艾兰·沃克为了自己的理想而创作的,受电影原声制作人汉斯·季默的启发,艾兰·沃克和团队一起重新调整,不进行典型的混音,通过钢琴的衔接把歌的所有元素相互联系在一起,使它们形成一个连续的故事 。

Faded Alan Walker这首歌歌词想表达什么意义?

1986年,切尔诺贝利让一个小孩失去了记忆,他被人收养。直到长大后他仅凭着一张照片去寻找家,可最终他的记忆乐园只有一片废墟。从狭义而言,《Faded》传达出了某种对事物的怀念感,广义上,有些许对曾今所拥有之遗失的悲凉。 ——14年的回答真是糟糕透顶——2019 04-24 08:34

歌词开头you were the shadow to my light(你是我生命之光中的一道暗影) 什么

歌名:Faded歌手:艾斯琳·索尔海姆作曲 : Jesper Borgen/Gunnar Greve Pettersen/Alan Walker/Anders Froen作词 : Jesper Borgen/Gunnar Greve Pettersen/Alan Walker/Anders FroenYou were the shadow to my light你是我生命之光的一道暗影 如影随形Did you feel us你能感受到彼此的存在吗Another Start又是新的开始You fade away你的身影渐行渐远Afraid our aim is out of sight唯恐我们的目标变得迷茫Wanna see us只希望能看到我们Alive活着Where are you now你身在何方Where are you now你身在何方Where are you now你身在何方Was it all in my fantasy难道这一切只是我的幻想吗Where are you now你身在何方Were you only imaginary你真只存于我的幻觉吗Where are you now你身在何方Atlantis如亚特兰蒂斯般Under the sea没于深海Under the sea没于深海Where are you now你身在何方Another dream置于他梦The monster's running wild inside of me我的心中仿佛有野兽驰骋般焦虑不安I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded迷失方向 憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded迷失方向 憔悴不堪These shallow waters never met那些镜花水月 从未目及What i needed我所需的I'm letting go只是顺其自然A deeper dive深沉海底Eternal silence of the sea海底世界永恒的沉寂I'm breathing我在呼吸Alive依然活着Where are you now你身在何方Where are you now你身在何方Under the bright but faded lights明亮的灯光下却已黯然失色You set my heart on fire你让我的心热血沸腾Where are you now你身在何方Where are you now你身在何方Another dream置于他梦Another dream置于他梦Another dream置于他梦Another dream置于他梦Where are you now你身在何方Atlantis如亚特兰蒂斯般Under the sea没于深海Under the sea没于深海Where are you now你身在何方Another dream置于他梦The monster's running wild inside of me我的心中仿佛有野兽驰骋般焦虑不安I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded迷失方向 憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded迷失方向 憔悴不堪扩展资料:《Faded》是由杰斯珀·伯根、Gunnar Greve Pettersen、艾兰·沃克、Anders Froen作词,杰斯珀·伯根、Gunnar Greve Pettersen、艾兰·沃克、Anders Froen作曲,艾斯琳·索尔海姆演唱的歌曲,2016年10月4日,《Faded》MV在Youtube上点阅数突破6亿播放量。2017年1月,该曲获第37届全英音乐奖最佳英国单曲提名。《Faded》收录于艾兰·沃克2015年12月4日发行的专辑《Faded》中。2016年2月11日,艾兰·沃克推出了该曲的管弦乐版本。《Faded》被歌手周一制作成《faded(英雄联盟台词版)》,收纳于专辑《这是个有信仰的专辑》之中,该专辑包含这一首歌曲,专辑于2018年8月21日开始发行。

有一首歌的歌词前面是you are the shadow to my life。一个女生唱的英文

John Mayer - Shadow Days

Did you know that you could be wrong
And swear you're right
Some people been known to do it
All their lives

But you find yourself alone
Just like you found yourself before
Like I found myself in pieces
On my hotel floor

Hard times help me see

I'm a good man with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadows days are over
My shadow days are over now

Well I ain't no trouble maker
And I never meant her harm
But it doesn't mean I didn't make it
Hard to carry on

Well it sucks to be honest (honest)
And it hurts to be real
But it starts to make some love
That I can finally feel

Hard times let me be

I'm a good man with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now

I'm a good man with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I'm right here, and I'm right now
And I'm open, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now

My Shadow
Jessie J

You'll never leave me

I wish we could have another minute to finish this fairy tale.
Hear your voice and get lost in it cause all I got is broken detail.
You were my world and everything in it.
So how did you disappear?
I won't say this is over, you're still here.

You're my shadow, my shadow, I know you're close.
You're my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.
So I, I don't see the need to cry cause you'll never leave my life.
You're my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.

You'll never leave me

I won't forget, I'll just sit and reminise.
Promise I'll keep all your secrets.
To have you back with me, my only wish
cause nobody knew me like you did.
The words will come to life I've written in my diary.
Hide and seek but I know you'll always find me.
Count to ten and I know you will appear,
appear-pear no fear, I'm here, here.

You're my shadow, my shadow, I know you're close.
You're my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.
So I, I don't see the need to cry cause you'll never leave my life.
You're my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.

You'll never leave me

Now your gone I swear you won't be alone
My heart beat tapping like it's made of stone.
I wont let you down, mute the sound but I can still hear. Yeah.
& now I'm breaking, see I'm shaking but I know your waiting.

You'll never leave me

You're my shadow, my shadow, I know you're close.
You're my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.
So I, I don't see the need to cry cause you'll never leave my life.
You're my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.

You're my shadow, my shadow, I know you're close.
You're my shadow, my shadow, everywhere I go.
So I, I don't see the need to cry cause you'll never leave my life.
You're my shadow, my shadow. Oh oh.

You'll never leave me

No, please don't ever leave me. No, no, no.

my shadow
It’s time to make a start是时候开始了
to get to know your heart是时候去了解你自己的内心了
time to show your face是时候崭露头角了
time to take your place是时候寻找属于你的位置了
In every speck of dust在每一粒细小的灰尘
In every universe在每一个宏大的宇宙
When you feel most alone当你感觉孤单
you will not be alone其实你并未孤单·
Just shine a light on me, shine a light只需给我一点光,一点光
I’ll shine a light on you, shine a light我便愿努力照亮你生命
and you will see my shadow on every wall你将会在每面墙上 看到我的影子
and you will see my footprint on every floor你将会在每一个台阶上 发现我的脚步·

It only takes a spark to tear the world apart毁灭这个世界只需一秒种
these tiny little things that make it all begin是那些微不足道的一切塑造整个宇宙
Just shine a light on me, shine a light
I’ll shine a light on you, shine a light
and you will see my shadow on every wall
and you’ll see my reflection in your free fall
Ooh, Oh Ooh, Ooh, Oh Ooh!
Just shine a light on me, shine a light
I’ll shine a light on you, shine a light
’Cause when your back’s against the wall当你转身背对所有阻碍
that’s when you show no fear at all你就再也无所畏惧
and when you’re running out of time当你比时间跑得更快
that’s when your hit tune start to rhyme你就可以奏出生命的乐章
We won’t be leaving by the same road that we came by 我们不会在在同一条路上撤退
We won’t be leaving by the same road that we came by
We won’t be leaving by the same road that we came by
We won’t be leaving by the same road that we came by
Oh Ooh, Oh Ooh, Oh Ooh, Oh Ooh!

歌词开头you are the shadow to my life did you 什么?慢歌

Faded (消逝) - Alan Walker (艾伦·沃克)/Iselin Solheim (艾斯林·索尔海姆)Written by:Alan Walker/Jesper Borgen/Anders Froen/Gunnar Greve PettersenYou were the shadow to my light你是我生命之光中的一道暗影Did you feel us你能理解我们吗Another Star另一颗行星You fade away你逐渐消失Afraid our aim is out of sight恐惧我们的目标迷失在视野Wanna see us希望我们互相理解Alive活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Was it all in my fantasy难道这一切都在我的幻想里Where are you now你身在何方?Were you only imaginary你只是虚幻的不存在吗?Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster's running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I'm faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪These shallow waters never met那些从未见过的水中之影What i needed我需要的I'm letting go只是顺其自然A deeper dive深沉海底Eternal silence of the sea无尽的沉默于海中I'm breathing我的呼吸声Alive.活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Under the bright but faded lights明亮的灯光却已经黯然失色You set my heart on fire你点燃了我的心火Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster's running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I'm faded我憔悴不堪I'm faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I'm faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I'm faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪扩展资料《Faded》是由杰斯珀·伯根、Gunnar Greve Pettersen、艾兰·沃克、Anders Froen作词,杰斯珀·伯根、Gunnar Greve Pettersen、艾兰·沃克、Anders Froen作曲,艾斯琳·索尔海姆演唱的歌曲,收录于艾兰·沃克2015年12月4日发行的专辑《Faded》中。2016年2月11日,艾兰·沃克推出了该曲的管弦乐版本 。2016年10月4日,《Faded》MV在Youtube上点阅数突破6亿播放量。2017年1月,该曲获第37届全英音乐奖最佳英国单曲提名 。

you were the shadow to my light~

《Faded》-Alan WalkerYou were the shadow to my lightDid you feel usAnother startYou fade awayAfraid our aim is out of sightWanna see usAliveWhere are you nowWhere are you nowWhere are you nowWas it all in my fantasyWhere are you nowWere you only imaginaryWhere are you nowAtlantisUnder the seaUnder the seaWhere are you nowAnother dreamThe monsters running wild inside of meI'm fadedI'm fadedSo lost I'm fadedI'm fadedSo lost I'm fadedThese shallow waters never metWhat I neededI'm letting goA deeper diveEternal silence of the seaI'm breathingAliveWhere are you nowWhere are you nowUnder the brightBut faded lightsYou've set my heart on fireWhere are you nowWhere are you nowAnother dreamAnother dreamAnother dreamAnother dreamWhere are you nowAtlantisUnder the seaUnder the seaWhere are you nowAnother dreamThe monster running wild inside of meI'm fadedI'm fadedSo lost I'm fadedI'm fadedSo lost I'm faded


I am the wind that wavers,
You are the certain land;
I am the shadow that passes
Over the sand.
I am the leaf that quivers,
You--the unshaken tree;
You are the stars that are steadfast,
I am the sea.
You are the light eternal,
Like a torch I shall die...
You are the surge of deep music,
I--but a cry!
Mistress mine, where are you roaming?
stay and hear! your true-love's coming
That can sing both high and low;
Trip no further, pretty sweeting,
Journeys end in lovers' meeting--
Every wise man's son doth know.
What is love? 'tis not herafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies no plenty,--
Then come kiss me, Sweet--and--twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure

I travelled among unknown men,
In lands beyond the sea;
Nor, England! did I know till then
What love I bore to thee.
'Tis past, that melancholy dream!
Nor will I quit thy shore
A second time; for still I seem
To love thee more and more

Among thy mountains did I feel
The joy of my desire;
And she I cherished turned her wheel
Beside an English fire.
Thy mornings showed, thy nights concealed
The bowers where Lucy played;

And thine too is the last green field
That Lucy's eyes surveyed.

Sweet groves to you;
You hills, that highest dwell,
And all you humble vales, adieu.
You wanton brooks and solitary rocks,
My dear companions all, and you, my tender flocks!
Farewell, my pipe, and all those pleasing songs, whose moving strains
再见吧,我的笛子和所有快乐的歌声, 以及那些移动着的紧张
Delighted once the fairest nymphs that dance upon the plains;
You discontents, whose deep and over- deadly smart,
Have, without pity, broke the truest heart;
Sighs, tears, and every sad annoy,
That erst did with me dwell,
And all other's joy

The Poem, “A Red, Red Rose”
by Robert Burns

O my luve's like a red, red rose.
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like a melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till a'the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my Dear,
While the sands o'life shall run.

And fare thee weel my only Luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!

One of the most famous songs that Robert Burns wrote for this project and first published in 1794 was “A Red, Red Rose.” Burns wrote it as a traditional ballad, four verses of four lines each.

“A Red, Red Rose” begins with a quatrain containing two similes. Burns compares his love with a springtime blooming rose and then with a sweet melody. These are popular poetic images and this is the stanza most commonly quoted from the poem.

The second and third stanzas become increasingly complex, ending with the metaphor of the “sands of life,” or hourglass. One the one hand we are given the image of his love lasting until the seas run dry and the rocks melt with the sun, wonderfully poetic images. On the other hand Burns reminds us of the passage of time and the changes that result. That recalls the first stanza and its image of a red rose, newly sprung in June, which we know from experience will change and decay with time. These are complex and competing images, typical of the more mature Robert Burns.

The final stanza wraps up the poem’s complexity with a farewell and a promise of return.

“A Red, Red Rose” is written as a ballad with four stanzas of four lines each. Each stanza has alternating lines of four beats, or iambs, and three beats. The first and third lines have four iambs, consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, as in da-dah, da-dah, da-dah, da-dah. The second and fourth lines consist of three iambs. This form of verse is well adapted for singing or recitation and originated in the days when poetry existed in verbal rather than written form.

求一首英文歌女生唱的开头是you are my。。。中间还有哦哦哦是什么歌曲

Silhouettes - AviciiPress play, fast forwardNon stop we have the beaten path before usIt was all there, in plain sightCome on people, we have all seen the sunshineWe will never get back toTo the old schoolTo the old rounds, it's all about the newfoundWe are the newborn, the world know all about(We are the future and we're here to stay)We've come a long way since that dayAnd we will never look back,at the faded silhouetteWe've come a long way since that dayAnd when you never look backLook back, at the faded silhouetteStraight ahead on the path we have before usDay by day, soon the change will comeDon't you know we took a big step forwardJust lead the way and we pull the triggerNow, we will never get back toTo the old schoolTo the old rounds,it's all about the newfoundWe are the newborn, the world know all about(We are the future and we're here to stay)We've come a long way since that dayAnd we will never look back,at the faded silhouetteWe've come a long way since that dayWe've come a long way since that dayAnd we will never look backat the faded silhouetteWe've come a long way since that dayAnd we will never look backLook back, at the faded silhouette




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