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kill your darlings

哪里能找到艾伦金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)的《我的黎明骊歌》英文版,谢谢! 艾伦金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)诗两首 * E7 t6 e K4 ]$ G, iAmerica6 n. u k0 z8 c0 o#39;ve given you all and now Im

哪里能找到艾伦金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)的《我的黎明骊歌》英文版,谢谢!

艾伦金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)诗两首
* E7 t6 e" K4 ]$ G, iAmerica6 n. u& [6 ]5 v* N) B

; k0 z8 c0 o& P

America I've given you all and now I'm nothing. , g& u. S5 O7 b# R) k
America two dollars and twentyseven cents January 0 j1 T! V2 O2 d0 C- y
17, 1956.
0 P( c5 F( {0 o' B$ NI can't stand my own mind. , b" {7 J# a3 w9 n) P/ t
America when will we end the human war?
7 Z% A8 @/ R8 y: `# K+ ~Go fuck yourself with your atom bomb.
* g, m1 w z# s/ Y, `. z8 u& RI don't feel good don't bother me. - Z1 k# U( D8 R; G' c/ |! I! K, h
I won't write my poem till I'm in my right mind.
- j! _) I' L) B7 R1 M7 |, pAmerica when will you be angelic?
! |, v$ v3 w5 z5 X0 wWhen will you take off your clothes?
2 |+ |! [* a# m- w+ J- {% n. @When will you look at yourself through the grave?
0 `) c9 R8 g4 n+ |) J) Y5 @When will you be worthy of your million Trotskyites?
2 Q0 v* g2 D9 F6 @; S9 {: ]America why are your libraries full of tears?
+ E M8 }1 Y7 R, O3 {0 RAmerica when will you send your eggs to India?
6 G* Z( e1 h8 r: a( Q6 OI'm sick of your insane demands. 2 S7 [7 y: W/ A, }) e; g. L ]
When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I
1 m" `( Y, e7 I" qneed with my good looks? - P, G! y) l2 C, p2 ?: P4 R- M
America after all it is you and I who are perfect not
7 [5 n y6 H$ Q+ F# lthe next world. \- k0 P0 J! h" d4 Y \ I+ u
Your machinery is too much for me. # y- A1 X5 s5 s3 P! R7 S
You made me want to be a saint.
) v3 b5 u! c5 h/ G4 ?- FThere must be some other way to settle this argument. . C# p: @5 f4 X
Burroughs is in Tangiers I don't think he'll come back
/ B, T" t% Q! Z, L3 iit's sinister. # A* g5 S1 W3 N# Y- `; Y! m( e$ h
Are you being sinister or is this some form of practical 1 N/ G; L! M8 Y8 S8 r, V9 i
! c8 d# I: b7 D3 X6 }I'm trying to come to the point. " O* v1 X* @& f. g* Y7 L
I refuse to give up my obsession.
, j! J5 s, g: I* R# T6 ?1 ?9 v: kAmerica stop pushing I know what I'm doing.
3 I" ?; A1 b4 B2 T' YAmerica the plum blossoms are falling.
2 H$ `+ Y& \; H' u+ L4 o! @& ?I haven't read the newspapers for months, everyday * S9 ~- t; V- _3 }/ L
somebody goes on trial for murder. ' A! x5 ?/ u9 ^+ W) V
America I feel sentimental about the Wobblies. , R Q. J8 u3 z+ W% g
America I used to be a communist when I was a kid 6 Z/ l0 D, f9 u( \; ^" a1 P
I'm not sorry. 0 Q' X3 q; X6 B% b- K( e% N& j
I smoke marijuana every chance I get.
' m$ A/ V% {2 S2 \2 v: c# GI sit in my house for days on end and stare at the roses
( c) u# T/ p* j+ ]) F& ?7 `0 F: Min the closet. . w% G! P* R( K+ c% e
When I go to Chinatown I get drunk and never get laid. 0 U4 E+ |( c4 l1 d
My mind is made up there's going to be trouble.
6 f9 }- Q! I) l/ B g, w w7 ]You should have seen me reading Marx.
& i/ q) t2 Z. u6 k$ r8 DMy psychoanalyst thinks I'm perfectly right.
; j& L6 }- o8 m9 k8 N( q+ i- s: hI won't say the Lord's Prayer. 2 v5 z% H8 K- b' X# t
I have mystical visions and cosmic vibrations.
% X, x- F" @ Z$ q- c* yAmerica I still haven't told you what you did to Uncle
% G5 ^) j$ _4 w0 F0 h" w& ^Max after he came over from Russia.
' k# G- H4 I O; f; i$ B' T: X' p7 S, A, _4 t! |
I'm addressing you.
?$ \! e1 M6 p6 C" I* d* _Are you going to let your emotional life be run by
. Z% s' Y1 b: G: [Time Magazine? & b+ l8 A" Y# q- F
I'm obsessed by Time Magazine. 9 ^8 c) @( g4 H- T
I read it every week. ! n) p5 x" a/ f) E7 ?9 Z h) l7 i
Its cover stares at me every time I slink past the corner 3 L" n5 V% f8 I9 J! ~; K
/ w: A$ J; I" sI read it in the basement of the Berkeley Public Library.
2 n* d, b, v' I0 d$ d9 P) {0 sIt's always telling me about responsibility. Business- " o' X2 G7 N) I4 H# }
men are serious. Movie producers are serious.
- _6 m8 U; u4 x! z! k/ B$ BEverybody's serious but me.
9 d# ^, ~. G. _6 t9 g6 q! z& hIt occurs to me that I am America. ! u4 f3 I) N; ]
I am talking to myself again.
! a+ e5 ~# e& r# Y; b5 W ^; \+ P1 w! g1 T& ~( h
Asia is rising against me.
1 q. W3 }7 d1 b% x c& @' i9 WI haven't got a chinaman's chance.
0 O, D6 u) v! g+ u) SI'd better consider my national resources.
( d0 ^# I3 I: L3 D7 ?% tMy national resources consist of two joints of
' F! Y0 e) t/ N6 U3 z3 ?" smarijuana millions of genitals an unpublishable
- t/ |" q* M% g2 Wprivate literature that goes 1400 miles an hour 3 t/ X2 U! b' J% h d9 ~0 V
and twenty-five-thousand mental institutions.
9 x0 G. K9 h C* X, s r6 WI say nothing about my prisons nor the millions of 7 c1 Y; }# y, Y! E. T: S
underprivileged who live in my flowerpots
, P$ P/ s' ]5 w* _under the light of five hundred suns.
2 V% ^. i( i; _5 F; cI have abolished the whorehouses of France, Tangiers 1 d8 i6 l$ L4 s
is the next to go. - {8 [, G( W# ?
My ambition is to be President despite the fact that
& c! A% E- I3 GI'm a Catholic.
/ ~7 ^. p) c$ Z6 y2 e" \( b4 nAmerica how can I write a holy litany in your silly
`9 X. q4 e4 }1 P$ W1 q- Omood? # ]& S. }% E; u, Q1 n" l
I will continue like Henry Ford my strophes are as
. i/ ~2 F8 V- ^+ j# B& cindividual as his automobiles more so they're 5 F3 }. j0 v6 |& U- l/ C
all different sexes. % M$ _$ t0 \9 v1 `- `- Q. U
America I will sell you strophes $2500 apiece $500 ' k5 a0 Z& D9 o" s/ S
down on your old strophe
1 ?8 Y l& G8 R1 d2 x6 VAmerica free Tom Mooney
: {; e1 ^# g! s3 w, ?& g& \; QAmerica save the Spanish Loyalists * @: \2 A" D( c: `3 I! o' a) z
America Sacco & Vanzetti must not die 1 \3 @, a: T# x& A% @
America I am the Scottsboro boys. & T/ c- \0 x' R
America when I was seven momma took me to Com-
0 k5 v& ^# D! [0 G; _( P/ _" ]/ vmunist Cell meetings they sold us garbanzos a ! M) P& J" B( C. L
handful per ticket a ticket costs a nickel and the
+ G) q$ a$ I7 f% H) Nspeeches were free everybody was angelic and ; ?4 @1 O8 N+ G0 w
sentimental about the workers it was all so sin-
4 a0 z- s+ Z5 Y. w# Kcere you have no idea what a good thing the ' a3 _2 Y# |% H3 c, q2 Y
party was in 1835 Scott Nearing was a grand 1 ^* N H- I; m) ?% w: C
old man a real mensch Mother Bloor made me
0 Z# _: X0 m$ H4 K8 Scry I once saw Israel Amter plain. Everybody
' `+ I& i i/ \3 c5 `# p- |must have been a spy. 4 C( \+ K) Y. \0 a4 J/ Y
America you don't really want to go to war.
: o" u. e. f2 f. P5 |. PAmerica it's them bad Russians.
% o5 ~1 U! y/ B! k# n2 J" e/ ^Them Russians them Russians and them Chinamen.
5 A4 s5 q! \4 ?2 g1 ]And them Russians.
8 ]4 X* H9 S$ S1 @/ }, d# l7 ]The Russia wants to eat us alive. The Russia's power ' k. R9 Z7 s& H
mad. She wants to take our cars from out our
9 w* Q8 U9 L7 g2 X5 |1 xgarages. ! b; Q) ~1 s, o
Her wants to grab Chicago. Her needs a Red Readers' 5 i& |" K/ H3 m Y4 R
Digest. Her wants our auto plants in Siberia. ) f5 V D% ~/ }3 ~
Him big bureaucracy running our fillingsta-
! G, Y* c: T& T: g# W! ?* m# Ztions.
3 C3 d/ S. A( R+ S7 WThat no good. Ugh. Him make Indians learn read.
% }* U6 b+ k8 WHim need big black niggers. Hah. Her make us ; o( E) `2 |& o2 Q5 ]/ ?
all work sixteen hours a day. Help. 3 z: }: S+ e; m: `' f
America this is quite serious. ' U1 s7 S7 V, b! p. K
America this is the impression I get from looking in
( Q3 j/ E+ c {' Gthe television set. ) u1 V, ?9 V, Y' Q5 {+ }
America is this correct? 7 H( L! _( ~7 m& o$ J% a
I'd better get right down to the job. ) r& e8 e% J# a4 J
It's true I don't want to join the Army or turn lathes
7 d# c7 ^1 x4 y3 U3 R4 p' bin precision parts factories, I'm nearsighted and ( V& l5 i( Z( F" G- X2 u
psychopathic anyway.
6 w+ T5 V8 l3 I5 H& o! z. AAmerica I'm putting my queer shoulder to the wheel

Allen Ginsberg的《Howl》 歌词

歌曲名:Howl歌手:Allen Ginsberg专辑:HowlFlorence And The Machine - HowlIf you could only see the beastyou've made of meI held it in but now it seemsyou've set it running freeScreaming in the dark,I howl when we're apartDrag my teeth across your chestto tast your beating heartMy fingers claw your skin,try to tempt my way inYou are the moon that makes the nightfor which I have to howlMy fingers claw your skin,try to tempt my way inYou are the moon that breaks the nightfor which I have toHowl, howlHowl, howlNow there's no rolling back,I'm aching to attackMy blood is singing with your voice,I want to pour it outThe saints can't help me now,the ropes have been unboundI hunt for you with bloodied feetacross the hallowed groundLike some child possessed,the beast howls in my veinsI want to find youand tear out all of your tendernessAnd howl, howlHowl, howlBe careful of the cursethat falls on young loversStarts so soft and sweetand turns them into huntersHunters, hunters, huntersHunters, hunters, huntersHunters, huntersThe fabric of your flesh,pure as a wedding dressUntil I wrap myself insideyour arms I cannot restThe saints can't help me now,the ropes have been unboundI hunt for you with bloodied feetacross the hallowed groundAnd howlAnd howlBe careful of the cursethat falls on young loversStarts so soft and sweetand turns them into huntersA man who's pure of heartand says his prayers by nightMay still become a wolfwhen the autumn moon is brightIf you could only see the beastyou've made of meI held it in but now it seemsyou've set it running freeThe saints can't help me now,the ropes have been unboundI hunt for you with bloodied feetacross the hallowed groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8511516


比赛计划 试想,突然有天一个抱着洋娃娃的陌生小女孩出现在你家门口说:“我是你的女儿!”你会不会崩溃?在《比赛计划》中,巨石强森扮演的橄榄球明星就这样多了一个8岁的女儿,把他的生活和即将到来的超级杯比赛搅成一团乱麻。这部影片曾在今年10月拿下北美票房月度冠军,剧情温馨而有趣,不失为一部适宜全家人共同观看的好片。 橄榄球明星变身奶爸 橄榄球是美国人最热爱的运动,而巨石强森在《比赛计划》中扮演的乔·金曼是美国国家职业橄榄球联盟超级强队波士顿队的四分卫,这位享誉盛名的钻石王老五有着参加不完的派对和狂欢,而且是个眼中只有自己的超级自恋狂,让他选择从火里救出一样东西时,他的选择是乔·金曼的限量版运动鞋。 在他的豪宅里只有一条名叫斯派克的狗与他相伴,但突然有一天,一个拖着行李箱、手抱洋娃娃的小女孩出现在他门口,告诉他是他的女儿,还拿出了出生证明和妈妈的亲笔信。于是这个名叫佩顿·凯莉的女儿把他的生活搅得一团糟,她霸占了他专门从瑞士定做的天鹅绒大床,让他睡硬梆梆的沙发;她把一整瓶沐浴液都倒在了浴池里,让整个房间成了一个“泡泡工厂”……巨石强森还不得不为把女儿遗忘在酒吧里面对舆论的压力,不得不陪女儿一起接受芭蕾舞训练、演出,这一切还不是最糟的,因为这个女儿的出现,他开始无法全力应对即将到来的超级杯决赛。当然,影片依然遵从了典型的美式剧情,在最后的时刻,强森终于感觉到女儿的重要性,并在关键时刻扳回比分赢得了比赛。 硬汉天使相得益彰 前世界摔跤冠军出身的巨石强森身高1.96米,体重超过100公斤,当这样一个大块头与一个8岁的可爱小女孩站在一起时,喜剧效果就呼之欲出了。这部影片是巨石强森的转型之作,他彻底抛弃了以往在动作片中硬朗、火爆的风格,虽然被女儿搞得手忙脚乱,但依然能难得的保持不大吼大叫的绅士风度。女儿佩顿·凯莉的扮演者麦迪逊·皮特斯虽然仅是一个9岁的小姑娘,可“著作等身”已出演了9部影视剧,其中包括经典科幻类美剧《4400》,可爱的面孔和活泼调皮的性格讨人喜欢,演起戏来也是特别自然,不论是做鬼脸、犯错后的忐忑还是伤心时的落寞表情都十分到位


王辉,男,1966年2月28日出生,北京人民艺术剧院的青年演员,18岁时考进人艺。学生时代《榆树下的恋情》话剧《皇权血路》上海戏剧学院表演系87级毕业公演。1991年5月《宋庆龄和她的姊妹们》-王辉饰某副官1990年(第六集)毕业后《李白》人艺话剧-屈大1991(最初公映版本,无录像资料)《五彩贝》—角色未知(第一部电视作品,男二号)《京都纪事》—陈家明《反贪局长》—秦方晓 1995《长河入海》—段铸成 1995《欲望别墅》—严君立《敌后武工队》—辛凤鸣《人鬼情缘》—燕赤霞《雍正王朝》—爱新觉罗·胤祥(1997) 合作演员:焦晃 唐国强《人虫儿之小人物的故事》—伊达(雍正王朝之后拍摄)《拯救行动》—何大伟《李卫当官I》—爱新觉罗·胤祥(2002) 合作演员:徐峥 唐国强《问问你的心》—纪凡《与羊共舞》—罗奇(2001)MTV《见字如面》—父亲《红丝带》—钱伟豪2002《李卫当官II》—爱新觉罗·胤祥《少年天子之顺治篇》—安亲王岳乐2002.10《沧海百年》—林文察2002.10《少年天子之康熙篇》—鳌拜2003《青天衙门》—邱志达2003《无字碑歌》—薛怀义2004《国家使命》—伍岩松2004《风暴潮》—赵振涛2004《泪痕剑》-朱猛2005《乔家大院》-府台2005 合作演员:陈建斌 蒋勤勤 雷恪生  23集客串《草原春来早》-云泽(乌兰夫)2006《大秦帝国》-公子昂2006 合作演员:侯勇 高圆圆 王志飞《女县委书记》又名《左伟与杜叶的婚姻生活》-乔县长2006《赤壁》-曹洪2008《鏖兵天府》—宋希濂2008拍摄 影片前半段出场《半路兄弟》—包局长 2009年拍摄 67两集客串《我在胡同当片警》—李国平2010年拍摄 男一号 李国平《南岳奇人王船山》(暂名)—吴三桂2010年拍摄《第四片甲骨》----何光汉 2010年拍摄《生死正名》---马国义 2010年拍摄《铁血男儿夏明翰》——赵恒惕2011年拍摄《国家记忆》(暂名)——廖耀湘2011年11月《武间道》——韩司令2012年中拍摄《残团》——朱参谋长2012年中拍摄《刀之队》——角色未知2013年初拍摄《东山学堂》——张慕云



个人档案 :
2002年中央电视台“万家乐”杯我最喜爱的电视剧十佳男演员称号 (2003年)


《宋江》(《水浒》)宋江 (1987年)
《双凤奇案》(《拾玉镯》)杜翰章 (1998年)
《女囚》梁老师 (2000年)
《德润江南》 (2003年)
《大明天子》朱元璋 (2003年)
《江山风雨情》洪承畴 (2003年)
《如此多娇》林然 (2004年)
《新铡美案》包拯 (2004年)
《无间光影》许诺 (2004年)
《大汉悲歌》萧何 (2004年)
《国家机密》肖厅长 (2005年)
《开创盛世》隋炀帝 (2005年)
《拒绝成熟》书记 (2005年)

《山下是故乡》常茂 (1983年)
《决策》 (1986年)
《零点行动》 (1999年)
《警之恋》 (2004年)
《核电铁军》李子华 (2004年)
《被剪的男人》梁老师 (2004年)(即《女囚》第一个案例)

《天国春秋》 洪秀全
《麦克白斯》 麦克白斯(1981年)





全名:Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgard 亚历山大·斯卡加德 生日:1976年8月25日(处女座) 出生地:瑞典斯德哥尔摩 身高:194cm 发色:金发 眼睛颜色:蓝绿色亚历山大·斯卡斯加德是曾出演过《破浪而出》、《黑暗中的舞者》、《心灵捕手》和《妈妈咪呀!》等片的瑞典著名演员斯特兰·斯卡斯加德的长子。他曾于1999年被票选为瑞典最性感的男子,并在后面的5年中保持了这一头衔。在HBO当家剧《真爱如血》的拍摄中,凭借着与角色高度吻合的自身条件,变身为Eric Northman,一个高大邪恶而又沉稳优雅的古老维京海盗吸血鬼,赢得了众多观众的青睐。基于原著小说《南方吸血鬼谜案》的庞大粉丝群体,以及《真爱如血》日益增长的受欢迎程度,亚历山大的事业正在攀上一个新的高度。


全名:Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgard

  亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 杂志(11张)亚历山大·斯卡斯加德

  在瑞典国内,亚历山大接拍了《Hundtricket》、《Om Sara》、《Never Be Mine》、《Kill Your Darlings》等多部电影,并从事过3年的舞台表演工作。出众的外形条件加上沉稳的演技让他顺利摆脱了曾经的童星身份。2003年,他还和Bjorne Larson共同编剧和导演了短片《杀掉一个小孩》,并获得了丹麦国际电影节的奖项肯定。
  在好莱坞,亚历山大参与过《超级名模》、《启示录》以及《最后死战》等英文电影的拍摄。不过他在美国的主要突破却是首先来自于HBO的7集迷你电影《伊拉克战争亲历记Generation Kill》,在此剧中,他扮演了人称“冰人”的军士Brad Colbert,其睿智冷静而内里暗涌的演技令人印象深刻。该剧在非洲拍摄了7个月,成为亚历山大从影以来最为难忘的拍摄经历,而它也成为了他迄今为止最引以为傲的作品。
  在完成《Generation Kill》之后,亚历山大又马上投入到HBO当家剧《真爱如血》的拍摄中。凭借着与角色高度吻合的自身条件,他变身为Eric Northman,一个高大邪恶而又沉稳优雅的古老维京海盗吸血鬼,赢得了众多观众的青睐。基于原著小说《南方吸血鬼谜案》的庞大粉丝群体,以及《真爱如血》日益增长的受欢迎程度,亚历山大的事业正在攀上一个新的高度。

  真爱如血 第四季 (2011)饰 Eric
  真爱如血 第三季(2010)饰 Eric

  亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 剧照(1张)
  真爱如血 第二季(2009) 饰 Eric
  伊拉克战争亲历记 (Generation Kill )(2008)
  真爱如血 第一季(2007) 饰 Eric
  启示录 (2005)
  稻草狗(2011) 《真爱如血》相信我(2010)
  超越北极 (2009)
  地下理想国 (2009)
  杀了你的宝贝 (2006)
  人性的弱点 (2006)
  最后死战 (2005)
  Om Sara (2005)
  遛狗情缘 (2002)
  超级名模 (2001)
  抢劫日 (2000)
  快乐结局 (1999)
  会笑的狗 (1989)
  今日红 (1987)
  奥凯和他的世界 (1984)
  出演lady gaga 的paparazzi中mv的男主角(2009.5)




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