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英文翻译1句 不论自己的孩子做错多大的错失 妈妈永远都会在家的门前等待着 Mom would wait eternally by the front door no matter how serious mistakes made by her own kid(s). 或可加....


妈妈永远都会在家的门前等待着" Mom would wait eternally by the front door
no matter how serious mistakes made by her own kid(s). 或可加....令句子更完美 Mom would wait eternally & patiently by the front door
no matter how serious mistakes made by her own kid(s)
参考: self
No matter what big mistake the child has made
mama will wait at the doorway as ever.
参考: self
妈妈永远都会在家的门前等待着"翻译成英文仲要岩文法应该系 Regardless of their children do wrong much mistakes
mother forever waiting at home monzen
妈妈永远都会在家的门前等待着: No matter own child make the wrong big error
mother forever can wait for in front of home's gate. I hope I can help you.
" Noes matter how own child make mistake many big miss
Mother forever all will be at home wait front door "
参考: hostranbar
No matter how big the problem one's child has made
one will always wait in front of the doorway.
参考: myself
No matter their child make the mistake the big error
妈妈永远都会在家的门前等待着。 mother forever can wait for before home's gate.
参考: me
It doesn't matter how big the mistake you make my child
mom will always be in the doorway waiting for you.
No matter their child make the mistake the big error
mother forever can wait for before home's gate 希望可以帮到你!
参考: Dictionary
No matter their child make the mistake the big error
mother forever can wait for before home's gate


i just want to stay with you i just want to stay by your side i just want you to stay by my side
1. I only/just want to be with you. 2. I only/just want to stay at your side. 3. I only/just want you to be at me side Wish this could help
参考: ME~
1.我只想跟你一起. I only think of with you. 2.我只想在你身边. I only think at your side. 3.我只想你在我身边. I only think you are at my side. OR~ 1.我只想跟你一起. I only think with you together. 2.我只想在你身边. I only think at you nearby. 3.我只想你在我身边. I only miss you at me nearby.
i just want to be with you i just want to stay by your side i just want you to stay by my side hope that it can help you!!!
1.我只想跟你一起 You are the one that I want to be with me. 2.我只想在你身边 I hope I can always be with you 3.我只想你在我身边 I hope you can always be with me.
参考: sweetie
I just want to be with you I just want to be by your side I just want you to be with me
参考: me.
1. I only want to be with you. 2. I only want to be by your side.. 3. I only want you to be by my side.


1)当我失去一些东西,但我亦得到了一些东西 Though I have lost something
I have also gained something. 2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情 Though I have lost something
I have learnt the real faces of man. 3)得到的比失去的多 What I get is more than what I lose.
(1) 当我失去一些东西,但我亦得到了一些东西: As I lose some things
but I get some things too. (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people's real disposition too. (3)得到的比失去的多 : Get than the ones that lose more. 2008-04-14 18:49:19 补充: (2)当我失去一些东西,但我亦知道了人们的真性情: As I lose some things
but I know people`s real disposition too. (第2段不小心打错ㄌ)
参考: 电子辞典
1. when I lose something
but I to receive something. 2.when I lose something
but I know some people true feeling. 3.receive to contrast lose many.
1) When I lose something
but I also have something 2) When I lose something
but I also know that people's true nature 3) The loss of more than
1)When I lose some things
but I also obtained some things 2)When I lose some things
but I have also known people's real personality 3)Obtains pared to many which loses


求几句英语翻译。拜托。急、 1. Summer holiday is for us to play and have fun, the hell are these trainings for? 或者:Summer holiday is just holiday, why the *** we have these trainings? 2. Just let him cover that for a sec(second), it's so annoying. 3. Don't argue, one person at a time! 还望对您有帮助! 感谢您对我们的支持! 几句英语翻译。拜托啦 8 to be honest, I am not pretty confident in sueeding this time. 9 If you think your opinion is right, then you should stick to it 10 Judged from his aent, he came from the north part of China 11 Among all those sports programs I like basketball most 12 I hope I could be a famous clothes designer in the future 13 There are only 3 years before our math teacher's retirement 14 As a shop clerk, we need be polite to every customer 15 He seems to be interested in every new things. 如果对你有帮助的话,就采纳我吧!(楼上的答案其实有不少语法错误……) 求翻译这几句英语,拜托,拜托! 有时你甚至可以找到几个孩子,由好奇的天性的驱使,争着文件并从手牵手走过了。 它真的对我们社会有害。 求几句英语翻译(急~) 1. I am surprised that they had pleted ahead of schedule 2. Depart before ensure that all things are ready to 3. He likes to use e-mail contact with American friends to improve his English 4.convince a bad habit It is very easy to 5. As a high school student, we must learn how to better use their time 急求几句英语翻译! it is my honor to be here giving my speech to all of you, the main ic of my speech is 'what is a dream'. 1。这外圆周子流域包括六英亩大的房屋建在垃圾系统大量使用宽绕组死路集回来开流。 2。雨水流迅速从过度的平整地面到上游的一个开放的流网络,雕饰的溪流和出口氮浸出从的排污系统。 3。公共领域陷入大幅下降和那些买得起或退出郊区飞地在百度在一个支离破碎的大都市的城市少数民族聚集区。 4。这个大都会地区城市被翻拍的空间动力学的bos洗大都市二战后,作为内陆城市巴尔的摩,清空,新的访问 便宜的土地,《退伍军人法》,廉价抵押贷款和诱惑的独栋的郊区生活。 5。这本书的使用技术如派生和路创建新的事件在这个城市 6。这个虚拟境界只有成倍成倍的有线metacity 21世纪的情景。 7。推特、博客、社区传感和测绘项目,游戏的变化,聪明的暴徒,节日,人群源解决方案和flash事件都指向一个增加 世界各地公民的需求有一个更大的股权参与未来城市转型。 1, we must properly prepare the English final exam next week. 2, he is trying to think of a better way to solve this problem. 3, who had been to go abroad, he was able to skillfully use their mother tongue. 4,男人通常喜欢谈论的东西在一个非常直接的,事实的方式,而女性,另一方面,像谈,探索一个给定的主题. 5,这个新的实验手术仍然是比较危险的,但在医疗领域的惊人一步。医生现在能够拯救生命的机会,它甚至出生前! 几句英语翻译,急求 1 你要从内心去感受它。 2 他伤心地离开了去思考如何跟他妈妈说。 3 但是他也清楚地知道她没什么钱。 4 因为他看起来很伤心。 5 比尔仔细地观察着她然后很惊讶地发现那个女孩没有脚。 6 对我来说感到这么遗憾和难过是不对的。/我不应该感到遗憾和伤心。 1.他想订购一套与房间颜色相配的家具(match) He would like to order a set of furniture which match the color of the room. 2.有一些业余爱好可以使你生活更充实(develop) Developing some hobbies will make your life more fulfilled. 3.开车时,一时的疏忽可能会引起重大事故(bring about) Carelessness for a moment at driving can bring about a big aident. 4.应该鼓励大学毕业生到贫穷的地区工作一段时间(ought to) Graduates ought to be encouraged to work in roral areas for some time.




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