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一般现在时和现在进行时的区别是什么? 一、概念不同: 一般现在时表示主语经常性和习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力及自然现象。而现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作


一、概念不同:  一般现在时表示主语经常性和习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力及自然现象。而现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,也表示目前或现阶段一直进行的动作。如:1、She often does her homework in the evening. 她经常在晚上做作业。2、She is doing her homework now. 现在她正在做作业。  二、在构成方式上的不同:  一般现在时中谓语动词的构成有以下三种情况:  1、be动词的一般现在时形式:am,is,are.  2、动词have的一般现在时形式:have,has.  3、其他行为动词的一般现在时形式有动词原形或第三人称单数形式。而现在进行时中谓语动词的构成是:am/is/are+动词的-ing形式(现在分词)。  三、时间状语不同:  一般现在时的时间状语主要有:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every day,on Sundays,in the morning/afternoon/evening等; 现在进行时的时间状语主要有:now,these days,this week,at the moment等,有时句首有“Look!”、“Listen!”或“It’s+时刻”等词、句存在。如:  1、We play football in the afternoon.我们在下午踢足球。(一般现在时)  2、My mother is reading a newspaper now. 我妈妈正在看报纸。(现在进行时)  四、感情色彩不同:  一般现在时往往不带任何感情色彩,语气比较肯定。现在进行时常带有一定的感情色彩,并多与always, often等副词连用。如:  1、Mr. Li works hard in the factory. 李先生在工厂工作努力。(说明事实,语气比较肯定)  2、Mr. Li is always working hard in the factory.李先生在工厂工作一直很努力。(表示赞扬)  五、用语范围不同:  某种表示情感、意识(如want,like,know等);表示“有”的have等动词,一般不用于现在进行时,但可用于一般现在时。如:我现在就想回家。1、误:I am wanting to go home now.  2、正:I want to go home now.





1. She is _____ (walk, walking) now.

2. Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds.

3. They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair.

4. Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV.

5. Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden.

6. Look, Nick is _____ (coming, come).

7. The cat is _____ (lieing, lying) on the rug.

8. Listen, she is _____ (singing, sing).

9. Look, the girl is _____ (run).

10. The cat is _____ (eat) now.

11. Look, the baby is _____ (smile).

12. My mother and my father are _____ (dance).

13. Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive).

14. The fish is _____ (swim) in the river.

15. She is _____ (shop).


1. 你要去哪儿啊? Where are you _____?

2. Nick 正在爬攀登架. Nick is _____ (climb) the jungle gym.

3. 他们正在读书. They are _____ books.

4. 爷爷正在吸烟. Grandpa is _____.

5. 我在做作业. I am _____ (do) my homework.

6. 我妈妈正在做饭. My mother is _____.

7. Jerry在喝柠檬果汁. Jerry is _____ lemon juice.

8. 他正在写信. He is _____ a letter.

9. 看! Cindy来了. Look, Cindy is ______.

10. 我们在唱歌. We are _____ now.


1. He _____ drinking water.

2. The eagle _____ flying in the sky.

3. Children _____ playing in the playground.

4. They are _____ working now.

5. I _____ going to the supermarket.

6. I _____ coming.

7. He _____ walking in the woods now.


现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing时间状语:now, look, listen,It’s …o’clck,
1. What are you ___doing___(do) now? I _am eating___(eat) bread.
2. It’s nine o’clock. My father___is working____(work) in the office.
3. Look, the boy_____is puting___(put) the rubbish into the bin.
4. _____Does_____he___cleaning_______(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____is playing________(play).
5. Where is Mak? He___is running________(run) on the grass.
6. Listen, who____is singing________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary____is singing_________(sing) there.

1. Tom can speak Chinese.
2. We have four lessons.
3. I watch TV every day.
4. She works in a hospital.
5. Do you like this book?
6. Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve.
7. His father can help them.
8. Danny, open the door.

1. She is _____ (walk, walking) now.
2. Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds.
3. They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair.
4. Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV.
5. Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden.
6. Look, Nick is _____ (coming, come).
7. The cat is _____ (lieing, lying) on the rug.
8. Listen, she is _____ (singing, sing).
9. Look, the girl is _____ (run).
10. The cat is _____ (eat) now.
11. Look, the baby is _____ (smile).
12. My mother and my father are _____ (dance).
13. Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive).
14. The fish is _____ (swim) in the river.
15. She is _____ (shop).

1. 你要去哪儿啊? Where are you _____?
2. Nick 正在爬攀登架. Nick is _____ (climb) the jungle gym.
3. 他们正在读书. They are _____ books.
4. 爷爷正在吸烟. Grandpa is _____.
5. 我在做作业. I am _____ (do) my homework.
6. 我妈妈正在做饭. My mother is _____.
7. Jerry在喝柠檬果汁. Jerry is _____ lemon juice.
8. 他正在写信. He is _____ a letter.
9. 看! Cindy来了. Look, Cindy is ______.
10. 我们在唱歌. We are _____ now.

1. He _____ drinking water.
2. The eagle _____ flying in the sky.
3. Children _____ playing in the playground.
4. They are _____ working now.
5. I _____ going to the supermarket.
6. I _____ coming.
7. He _____ walking in the woods now.
9. They watch TV in the evening.


一. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式
work-working sing-singing play--playing study-studying
have- having dance -dancing write-writing take-taking
run-running sit-sitting shop-shopping swim-swimming

1. The boy is playing basketball.
否定句:The boy isn't playing basketball.
一般疑问句:Is the boy playing basketball.
肯定回答:Yes, he is. 否定回答:No, he isn't.
对“is playing basketball”提问:What is the boy doing?
对“The boy”提问:Who is playing the basketball?

2. They are singing in the classroom.
否定句:They are not singing in the classroom.
一般疑问句:Are they singing in the classroom?
肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they are not.
对“are singing”提问:What are they doing in the classroom?
对“in the classroom”提问:Where are they singing?

三. 用现在进行时完成下列句子
1. What (are) you (doing)?
2. I (am singing) an English song.
3. What (is) he (mending)?
4. He (is mending) a car.
5. (Are) you (flying) a kite? Yes,( I am)
6. (Is )she ((sitting) in the boat?
7. (Are) you (asking) questions?
8. We (are playing) games now.
9. What are you (doing) now? I (am eating) bread.
10. It’s nine o’clock. My father(is working) in the office.
11. Look, the boy (is putting ) the rubbish into the bin.
12. (Is ) he(cleaning) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He (is playing).
13. Where is Max? He (is running) on the grass.
14. Listen, who (is singing) in the music room?
Oh, Mary (is singing) there.

1. Who __C___ over there now?
A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing
2. It’s eight o’clock. The students _D____ an English class.
A. have B. having C. is having D. are having
3. Listen! The baby __C___ in the next room.
A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries
4. Look! The twins _A____ new sweaters.
A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing
5. Don’t talk here. Grandparents _B____.
A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep
6. Tom is a worker. He _C___ in a factory. His sisters _____ in a hospital.
A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works
7. Who _B____ English best in your class?
A. speak B. speaks C. speaking
8. Mrs. Read __C___ the windows every day.
A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans
9. We __A___ music and often _____ to music.
A. like/ listen B. likes/ listens C. like/ are listening
10. She _B____ up at six in the morning.
A. get B. gets C. getting
11. On Sundays he sometimes __C___ his clothes
and sometimes _____ some shopping.
A. wash/ do B. is washing/ is doing C. washes/ does
12. The twins usually _B____ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim _____
some coffee for it.
A. have/ have B. have/ has C. has/ have

英语 一般现在时与现在进行时习题。用动词的正确时态填空。急急急急急

答案:1.Do you brush your teeth every morning?
此为一般现在时的一般疑问句。关键词every morning 告诉我们是一般现在时;
you 为第二人称,所以用do填在第一格。
2.Look! The boy over there is playing a model plane.
由look独词成句知道用现在进行时。现在进行时构成为be+doing, the boy 为单数,所以用is playing.


现在进行时的基本结构是:一、陈述句肯定结构:主语+am / are / is +现在分词 + 其他。例如:They are listening to music.二、陈述句否定结构:主语+am / are / is + not + 现在分词 + 其他。例如:I am not writing an email.三、一般疑问句结构:Am/Is/Are + 主语 +现在分词 + 其他。例如:Are they having a meeting now?四、特殊疑问句结构:1. 特殊疑问词+陈述句语序。例如:Who is crying over there?2. 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句语序。例如:What are they doing now?动词现在分词的构成规则:1、一般情况下直接加ingthink---thinking sleep---sleepingstudy---studying speak---speakingsay---sayingcarry---carrying wake---waking2、以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ingcome---coming make---makingleave---leaving have---havingtake---taking


现在进行时的结构是:Be+动词-ing。被动语态是:Be+动词的过去分词。现在进行时是英语的一种时态,表示现在进行的动作或存在的状态。现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”。动作目前的状态是“正在进行中”。在英语时态中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。使用场合:1、当句中出现的表示时间的词是now,at the moment,;(此刻、现在)等时,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。Linda's brother is watching TV in his bedroom now.现在,琳达的哥哥正在他的卧室里看电视。We're far from home. What are our parents doing at the moment.现在,我们远离家了,我们的父母此刻在干什么呢。


22. B。 die这个词不可持续,只能用be dead表延续的完成时。结合主句,只能是过去完成时。

23. A. must have done。推测的标准说法
24. B. 排除法即可,只有这个选项是两个都是被动态
25. D. 同22题的解释相同
26. B. do you think是个插入语,可以不看,因此只有sent才可以作谓语. send不可能用原型,即使是现在时的话,也得是sends。
27. C. 虚拟语气的说法,用过去时以反衬现在。我倒希望你没做这事(事实上做了)
28. B。 一直在等,所以用现在完成进行时。
29. C. 她一天完成的任务,她弟弟三天可完成的工作量还多。
30. B。 虚拟语气提示词but for.
31. B. need作情态动词用时否定和can一样,直接加not即可
32. D. 下次要再见又得两年时间。since的话从句的时态应该是过去时,
33. B. 现在进行时最合适,一直都在思考
34. D. 条件从句中,用一般现在时表将来
35. A. 表时间的话it is就够了。而this morning,而且是since暗示的到现在为止所花的时间,所以最好是it is
36. C。 被动态
37. C. 解释同22.
38. B. 解释同34.


1、Someone ________(cry), let's go and see who it is 。 2、Look! They ________(shop) over there.
3、Tom _______(have) a big family. 4、Can you ______ (send) the postcard for me?
5、They often ______ (do) their homework on Saturday afternoon.
他们经常在校园拍照。 大明和玲玲正在那边等车。 很多外国人想参观中国的长城。
大明正躺在阳光下吃午饭。 在课堂上,你必须认真听老师讲课。
1Mary is watching TV.(对划线部分进行提问) 2They are playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)
3The boys are making lanterns.(改为否定句) 4Is your aunt learning English?(作否定回答)
5His father works in a factory.(改为现在进行时) 6The teacher is helping Tom now.(对划线部分进行提问)
一、1.is crying2.are syhopping3.has4.send5do
二、1.They often take photos at school.2.DaMing and LingLing are waiting for the bus over there3.Many foreigners want to visit Great Wall in China4.DaMing is lying in the sun and having lunch5.You must listen to the teacher in class
三、1What is Marry doing2.Are they playing basketball3. The boys are not making lanterns4.No,she isn’t5. His father is
working in a factory6.Who is the teacher helping now.
一. 选择填空。
1. Some are ____ in the river and some are _____ games.
A. swiming, skating B. swimming, skatingC. swimming, skateing
2. Look! The boy students are ___ football while the girls are ________.
A. playing, dance B. playing, dancing C. play, dancing D. play, dance
3. ________ he ______ on well with his friends this term? A. Dose, gets B. Dose, get C. is, getting D. Is, geting
4. Mr. Smith ______ short stories, but he ______ a TV play these days.
A. is writing, is writing B. is writing, writes C. writes, is writing D. writes, writes
5 I ____ to the cinema. I _____ there every Sunday. A. go. go B. am going, go C. go. am going D. am going, am going
6. Look. they ______ a good time, _____ they? A. have, do B. have, don't C. are having, are D. are having, aren't
7. You ________about the future (将来) now, _____you?
A. don't think, don't B. aren't thinking, aren't C. don't think, do D. aren't thinking, are
7.Mr Zheng _______(read) a book now.8. The rabbits_______(jump) now. 9.. Look ! Tom and John _________(swim).
10. My brother_________________(make) a kite in his room now. 11. Look! The bus ________________(stop).
12. We _________________ (have) an English class now. 13. Listen! Someone is ______________ (come).
14. They _________________ (catch) butterflies now. 15. He______________(do) an experiment now.
16. They_______________ (collect) stamps now. 17. Look! He____________________(dive) now.
18. Tom_______________( watch ) TV in the dining room. 19. The doctors________________(get ) off the bus.
20. Come on. They_____________________ ( leave ) now. 21. It______________________ (eat) fish now.
22. My father _________ (work) in the office now. 23. She__________(answer) the phone.
24. The teachers _______________________(run) now.
1. Tom can speak Chinese. 2. We have four lessons. 3. I watch TV every day. 4. She works in a hospital.
5. Do you like this book? 6. Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve. 7. His father can help them.
8. Danny, open the door. 9. They watch TV in the evening.
1)Li Ping;learn;to;speak;English; 2)it;rain;now 3)they;watch;a football match;on TV
4)he;look;out of the window; 5)look;the dog;sleep; 6)listen;the baby;cry;
7)they;have a meeting;at seven o'clock 8)the students;prepare for;an English test;now;
1)Mike is climbing the hill。 2)We are having an English lesson now。
3)Li Ping is jumping like a monkey。 4)The students are reading the text now。
5)I am studying English。 6)He is closing the window。
1)I________(talk).You________(listen)to me now. 2)Look,the boy__________(run)fast.
3)----What are you doing? ----I_________(do) my homework. 4)----_______the students_______(read) English. 5)Tom_______(not study)English.He is studying Chinese. 6)----Who_______(sing)a song? ----Li Ying is. 7)The girl_______(not eat)bananas now. 8)----Where____they____(stand)?
9)Look! The boy over there_______(ply) a model plane. 10)----What is Meimei doing now? ----She______(watch)TV with her parents 11)He____(study) English very hard.
12)We often____(buy)books and things like that in the shop. 13)Polly____(not eat) a banana now.
一、 BBCCBDD二、7.is reading8are jumping9.are swimming10is making11is stopping12are having13coming14are
catching15is doing16are collecting17is driving18is watching 19are getting 20are leaving 21is eating22is working 23is answering24are running
三、1 Tom is speaking Chinese.2 We are having four lessons 3 I am watching TV4 She is working in a hospital5 Are you liking this book?6 Kitty and Ben are having lunch at about twelve7 His father is helping them.8 Danny is opening the door.9 They are watching TV in the evening.
四、1 Li Ping is learning to speak English2 It is raining now 3 They are watching a football match on TV4 He is looking out of the window5 Look!The dog is sleeping6 Listen!The baby is crying7 They are having a meeting at seven o’clock8 The students are preparing for English test now五、1 Is Mike climbing the hill?2 Are you having an English lesson now3 Is Li Ping jumping like a monkey4 Are the students reading the text now5 Are you studying English6 Is he closing the window?六、1、am;talking;are listening;2、are running;3、am doing;4、Are;reading;5、is not studying;6、is singing;7、isn„t eating;8、Are standing;9、is plying;10、is watching;11、studies;12、buy;13、is not eating。


最佳答案检举 一,现在进行时的构成

They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。
(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:
Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。
(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:
We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。
Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。

肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.
否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.
一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?
特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?
Please don't make so much noise. I'm writing a composition. 不要吵闹。我正在写作文。
Let's set off. It isn’t raining now. 咱们出发吧。现在不下雨了。
这类情况常与now现在,at the present现在,at the moment现在,today今天,this week这个星期,this year今年等时间状语连用。有时通过上下文可以判断出应采用何种时态,如:
It's four o'clock in the afternoon. The children are playing football on the sports ground. 现在是下午四点。孩子们在操场上踢足球。
Hurry up! We are all waiting for you. 快点!我们大家都等着你。
Look! They are reading over there under the tree. 看!他们在那边的树底下看书。
Listen! She is singing in the room. 听!她在房间里唱歌。
Where is Kate? She is reading in the room. 凯特在哪里?她在房间里看书。
Why are you crying? Is something wrong?
We are working in a factory these days. 这几天我们在一家工厂工作。
They are compiling a dictionary. 他们在编一本词典。
这类情况常与today今天,this week这个星期,this evening今天晚上,these days现在、目前等时间状语连用。3,在口语中表示主语计划将要作的动作。
They are leaving for New York tomorrow. 明天他们将要动身前往纽约。
Is your brother departing soon? 你的兄弟很快就要启程吗?
这类情况常与come来,go去, leave离开,depart离开,arrive到达,stay逗留,start开始等动词连用。所用的动词必须是动作而不是状态,主语必须是人。4,现在进行时与always等副词连用时带有感情色彩。
He's always quarrelling with others. 他老喜欢跟别人吵架。
She is constantly worrying about her son's health. 她不停地为她儿子的健康担心着。
The boy is forever asking questions. 那个男孩老是问问题。
How are you feeling today? (How do you feel today?)你今天感觉如何?
I am looking (look)forward to your next visit. 我盼望你下次再来。
Why are you looking(do you look)so sad? 为什么你看起来这么愁眉苦脸的样子呢?6,有的动词用于现在进行时表示“逐渐”的含义。此种用法除了偶尔和now连用外,一般不和其他时间副词连用的。
Our study is becoming more interesting. 我们的学习变得越来越有趣了。
The leaves are turning red. 树叶渐渐地变红了。
The war is ending. 战争接近尾声了。
Wait a moment; I am finishing my supper. 等一会儿,我的晚饭就要吃完了。
He is being foolish. 他在装傻。
He is being honest. 他表现得特别老实。
She is being rude. 她故意表现粗鲁。
I can't understand why he is being so selfish.我不明白此时他为何如此自私。
I am happy.(表语是纯粹的心理状态,不可用am being) 我很快乐。
He's tired.(表语是纯粹的生理状态,不可用is being) 他很疲倦。
It's hot today.(主语不是人,不可用is being) 今天很热。 常和现在进行时连用的时间状语




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