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人物经历 2014年~至今湖南大学化学系主任 2013年3~至今教授,博导湖南大学 2012年12月入选青年 2012年~2013年玛丽居里学者英国曼彻斯特大学,合作导师:K.Novoselov诺贝尔奖获得者 2011年~2012年















Representive Publication?


42. Identifying the Geometric Site Dependence of Spinel Oxides for the Electrooxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2020, Accepted.

41. Activity Origins and Design Principles of Nickel-based Catalysts for Nucleophile Electrooxidation,?CHEM, 2020, ACCEPTED. ?

40. Coupling N2 and CO2 in H2O to synthesize urea under ambient conditions,?Nature Chemistry, 2020, DOI: 10.1038/s41557-020-0481-9 ?

39.? Operando Identification of the Dynamic Behavior of Oxygen Vacancy-rich Co3O4 for Oxygen Evolution Reaction,?J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00257 ?

38. ?Advanced exfoliation strategies for layered double hydroxide s and ?applications in energy conversion and storage, Advanced Functional ?Materials, 2020, 10.1002/adfm.201909832 ?

37. Optimal Geometrical Configuration of Cobalt Cations in Spinel Oxides to Promote Oxygen Evolution Reaction,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2020, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201914245

36.?Defect Engineering on Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries, Advanced Materials, 2019, DOI:?10.1002/adma.201905923 ?

35.?Hierarchically Ordered Porous Carbon with Atomically Dispersed FeN4 for Ultra-efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction in PEMFC,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2019, DOI:?10.1002/anie.201914123 ?

34.?Electron localization of gold in control of nitrogen-to-ammonia fixation,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2019, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201909477 ?

33. ?Electrochemical Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural on Nickel ?Nitride/Carbon Nanosheets: Reaction Pathway Determined by In Situ Sum ?Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2019,?DOI: 10.1002/anie.201908722 ?

32.?Insight into the design of defect electrocatalysts: from electronic structure to adsorption energy,?Materials Today, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2019.05.021 ?

31. Charge transfer modulated activity of carbon-based electrocatalysts, Advanced Energy Materials, 2019, 1901227 ?

30. ?Efficiency and stability of narrow-gap semiconductor-based ?photoelectrodes, Energy Evironmental Science, 2019, DOI: DOI: ?10.1039/C9EE00524B ?

29. Zirconium Regulation Induced Bifunctionality in 3D Cobalt-Iron Oxide Nanosheets for Overall Water Splitting, ?Advanced Materials,?2019, 10.1002/adma.201901439 ?

28. ?Jianyun Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Man Qiao, Ruilun Wang, Yangyang Zhou, Hao ?Li, Chen Chen, Yafei Li,*, Huaijuan Zhou,*, San Ping Jiang,*, Shuangyin ?Wang*, Photoelectrochemical synthesis of ammonia on the ?aerophilic-hydrophilic heterostructure with 37.8% efficiency,?CHEM, 2019,?5, 617-633

27.?Li ?Tao, Man Qiao, Rong Jin, Yan Li, Zhaohui Xiao, Yuqing Wang, Nana Zhang, ?Chao Xie, Qinggang He, Dechen Jiang, Gang Yu,* Yafei Li,* Shuangyin ?Wang*,?"Bridging the Surface Charge and Catalytic Activity of Defective Carbon Electrocatalyst",?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2019,?DOI: 10.1002/anie.201810207

26.?Kun ?Gao, Bin Wang, Tao Li, Benjamin V. Cunning, Zhipan Zhang, Shuangyin ?Wang,* Rodney S. Ruoff,*? and Liangti Qu*, "Efficient Metal-Free ?Electrocatalysts from N-Doped CarbonNanomaterials: Mono-Doping and ?Co-Doping",?Advanced Materials,?2018, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201805121

25.?Jianyun Zheng,?Yanhong Lyu, Ruilun Wang, Chao Xie, Huaijuan Zhou, San Ping Jiang, Shuangyin Wang*,?Crystalline TiO2 protective layer with graded oxygen defects?for efficient and stable silicon-based photocathode",?Nature Communications, ?2018, DOI:s41467-018-05580-z

24.Li Tao, Yongliang Shi, Yu-Cheng Huang, Ru Chen, Yiqiong Zhang, Jia Huo, ?Yuqin Zou, Gang Yu,* Jun Luo* Chung-Li Dong,* and Shuangyin Wang*, ?“Interface Engineering of Pt and CeO2 Nanorods with Unique Interaction ?for Methanol Oxidation”,?Nano Energy,?2018, 53,?604-612 23.?Dawei ?Chen, Man Qiao, Ying-Rui Lu, Li Hao, Dongdong Liu, Chung-Li Dong, Yafei ?Li, Shuangyin Wang*, "Preferential Cation Vacancies in Perovskite ?Hydroxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction",?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2018,?57, 8691-8696?

22.?Jianyun ?Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Chao Xie, Ruilun Wang, Li Tao, Haibo Wu, Huaijuan ?Zhou*,?Sanping Jiang, and Shuangyin Wang* “Defect-Enhanced Charge ?Separation and Transfer within Protection Layer/Semiconductor Structure ?of Photoanode”,?Adv. Mater.?2018, 30, 1801773.

21.?Hanwen Liu, Kui Hu, Dafeng Yan, Ru Chen, Yunqin Zou*, Hongbo Liu*?and Shuangyin Wang*, "Recent Advances on Black Phosphorus for Energy Storage, Catalysis, and Sensor Applications,?Advanced?Materials,2018,?30, 1800295. ?

20.?Qichen?Wang,?Yujin Ji,?Yongpeng Lei*,?Yaobing?Wang?,?Yingde?Wang,?Youyong Li*,?Shuangyin?Wang*?“Pyridinic-N-Dominated ?Doped Defective Graphene as a Superior Oxygen Electrocatalyst for ?Ultrahigh-Energy-Density Zn–Air Batteries”?ACS Energy Letters, 2018,?3?(5), pp 1183-1191.

19.?Yuqing Wang,?Li Tao,Zhaohui Xiao, Ru Chen, Zhongqing Jiang, and Shuangyin Wang*, ?Three-dimensional Carbon Electrocatalysts In-situ Constructed by ?Defect-rich Nanosheets and Polyhedrons from NaCl-sealed Zeolitic ?Imidazolate Frameworks",?Adv. Func. Mater., 2018,?28, 1705356.?

18.?Shuo Dou, Li Tao, Ruilun Wang, Samir, ?Ru Chen, Shuangyin Wang*, "Plasma-assisted Synthesis and Surface ?Modification of Electrode Materials for Renewable Energy",?Adv. Mater.?2018,?30, 1705850.

17.?Zhaohui ?Xiao, ?Yu Wang, ?Yu-Cheng Huang, ?zengxi wei, ?Chung-Li Dong*, ?Jianmin ?Ma, ?SHAOHUA SHEN, ?Yafei Li*, and Shuangyin Wang*, "Filling the Oxygen ?Vacancies in Co3O4 with Phosphorus: an Ultra-efficient Electrocatalyst ?for the Overall Water Splitting",?Energy & Environmental Science, 2017,?10, 2563-2569

16.?Yanyong ?Wang, Chao Xie, Zhiyuan Zhang, Dongdong Liu,?Ru Chen, and?Shuangyin ?Wang*,"In Situ Exfoliated, N-doped and Edge-rich Ultrathin Layered ?Double Hydroxides Nanosheets for Oxygen Evolution Reaction",?Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1703363?

15.?Li Tao,Chun-Yu Lin,?Shuo Dou?Shi Feng,?Dawei Chen,?Dongdong Liu,?Jia Huo,?Zhenhai Xia,?and Shuangyin WangCreating ?Coordinatively Unsaturated Metal Sites in Metal-Organic-Frameworks as ?Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Insights ?into the Active Centers",?Nano Energy, 2017,?41, 417-425

14.?Shuo Dou,?Chung-Li Dong,?Zhe Hu,?Yu-Cheng ?Huang,?Jeng-lung Chen,?Li Tao,?Dafeng Yan,?Dawei Chen,?Shaohua Shen,* ?Shulei Chou,* and Shuangyin Wang*, “Atomic-scale CoOx?Species in Metal-Organic-Frameworks for Oxygen Evolution Reaction”,?Advanced Functional Materials,?2017, DOI:10.1002/adfm.201702546.

13.?Rong Liu,?Yanyong Wang,?Dongdong ?Liu, Yuqin Zou,* and Shuangyin Wang*,?“Water-plasma-enabled Exfoliation ?of Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxides?Nanosheets with Multi-vacancies ?for Water Oxidation",?Advanced Materials,?2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201701546

12.?Yanyong ?Wang, Yiqiong Zhang, Zhijuan Liu, Shi Feng, Dongdong Liu,?Mingfei ?Shao,?and Shuangyin Wang*, "Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets with ?Multiple Vacancies Obtained by Dry Exfoliation as Highly Efficient ?Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts",?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2017, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201701477.

11.Dafeng Yan,?Yunxiao?Li, Jia Huo, Ru Chen,?Liming Dai, Shuangyin Wang*,?Defect Chemistry of Non-precious Metal Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reactions",?Advanced Materials,?2017,?DOI?:10.1002/adma.201606459

10.?Zhijuan Liu,?Zhenghang Zhao,?Yanyong Wang,Shuo Dou,?Dafeng Yan,?Dongdong Liu,?Zhenhai Xia,*?and Shuangyin Wang*,?"In Situ Exfoliated, Edge-rich, Oxygen-functionalized Graphene from Carbon Fibers for Oxygen Electrocatalysis",Advanced Materials,?2017,?DOI:?10.1002/adma.201606207

9.?Qianqian Jiang, Lei Xu, Ning Chen, Han Zhang*, Liming Dai*?and Shuangyin Wang*Facile Synthesis of Black Phosphorus: an Efficient Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Evolving Reaction",?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2016, 55, 13849-13853

8.?Lei Xu, Qianqian Jiang, Zhaohui Xiao, Xingyue Li, Jia Huo, Shuangyin Wang*,?and?Liming Dai,"Plasma-Engraved Co3O4 Nanosheets with Oxygen Vacancies and High Surface Area for Oxygen Evolution Reaction",Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2016,?55, 5277-5281

7.?Zhaoling ?Ma, Shuo Dou, Anli Shen, Li Tao, Liming Dai,* and Shuangyin Wang* ?,?"Sulfur Doped Graphene Derived from Cycled Lithium-Sulfur Batteries as ?Metal-free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction"?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2015. 54, 1888-1892

6.?Anli ?Shen, Yuqin Zou, Qiang Wang, Robert. Dryfe, Xiaobing Huang, Liming ?Dai*, and Shuangyin Wang*,?Oxygen Reduction Reaction in a Droplet on ?Graphite: Direct Evidence that the Edge Is More Active than the Basal ?Plane,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2014, 53, 10804

5.?Shuo ?Dou, Li Tao, Jia Huo, ?Shuangyin Wang* and Liming Dai, "Etched and ?Doped Co9S8/Graphene Hybrid for Oxygen Electrocatalysis",Energy & Environmental Science,?2016,?9,1320-1326

4.?Shuangyin ?Wang, ?Lipeng Zhang, Zhenhai Xia, Ajit Roy, Liming Dai*, “BCN Graphene ?as Efficient Metal-free Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2012, 51, 4209-4212

3.Shuangyin ?Wang, Dingshan Yu, Liming Dai*, “Polyelectrolyte-functionalized Carbon ?Nanotubes as Efficient Metal-free Electrocatalysts for Oxygen ?Reduction”,?Journal of the American Chemical Society,?2011, 133, 5182-5185.?

2.?Shuangyin ?Wang, Eswaramoorthi Iyyamperumal, Ajit Roy, Yuhua Xue, Dingshan Yu, ?Liming Dai*, “Vertically Aligned BCN Nanotubes as Efficient ?Metal-free?Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: A Synergetic ?Effect via Co-doping with Boron and Nitrogen”,?Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,?2011, 50,?11756-11760

1.?Shuangyin ?Wang, Dingshan Yu, Liming Dai*, Dong Wook Chang, Jong-Beom Baek, ?“Polyelectrolyte-Functionalized Graphene as Metal-free Electrocatalysts ?for?Oxygen?Reduction”,?ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 6202[6]





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